Announce yourselves here. Where are you from, tell us about you.
Forum news from the Admin
Anything and everything about the CBR1000RR
Get modding! Discuss any aftermarket parts and accessories for the CBR1000RR
Anything relating to maintenance of the CBR1000RR. Oil changes, chain adjusting, suspension settings etc
Post anything about other makes & models in here.
Bike sport news and discussions. BSB, WSBK, Road Racing, MotoGP etc
Off topic and general banter goes in here.
Post pictures and videos of your bike in here.
Let us know of any bike meets, events, track days and ride outs
Seen more CBR1000RR's on your travels? Was it you?! Post them here.
Ride your bike like it is meant to be ridden.
Touring tips, questions, recommended places, Euro road trips etc
Have a bike for sale? Advertise it here.
List all the bits & pieces you have hanging around.
Need something? Post it here to see if another member can sort you out!
Don't pay nasty eBay fees! What do you have to offer?
Let us know what you think about the site. What can we add, improve or remove to make it a better place.
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