Oooow my back

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freedom of choice, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Yes I know I am not getting any younger but….. I got out the car on Monday and thought woow my back hurts, and its been getting worse each day, this morning I am not sure if I want to stand up or sit down, either are not pleasant and I am not looking forward to a long car journey to the office today.
    The pain is just above my left butt cheek and a slight tingle down the left leg, the only way to alleviate it is to stand with most of the weight on my right leg and keep popping the old pain killers. It’s wearing me out.
    All I did was get out off the bloody car!
    Anyone got/had the same thing and if so what did you do to make it go away. Please.
  2. Gums

    Gums Active Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    osteopath as soon as you can and make sure it's a recommended one too
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  3. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Sounds like a pinched sciatic nerve David. It's the main thing that stops me touring on the bike. Gums is right. Osteopath or chiropractor will be a lot more pro active than your GP in sorting it.

    With me it's posture aggravated. Stretching and certain rest positions ease it, but by the same token can also cause a period of it too. Funny though, your car seat is one of the most ergonomically correct seats in your possession. I know you do a lot of miles though and if it's not quite right, the pressure points will start to complain. I'm sure my chair at work is the culprit in my case as mine back plays up in sequence with periods where I'm working at the computers a lot. With you that could relate directly to your mileage.
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  4. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    David GP now, might be able to give u something and point u in the right direction
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  5. AshBlade

    AshBlade Riding Goddess

    Mar 14, 2012
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    I had a prolapsed disk aka, the true meaning of pain.10 months of shear agony,when to see a chiropractor and i was fixed within a week.Id sold my sports bike and bought a street Triple because i couldn't cope with the ridding position.Fooking nightmare.:(
    Avoid sitting down for long lengths at a time.Good luck with ya back......dont leave it,it will not fix on its own.:)
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  6. Swiss T

    Swiss T Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I bet lots of us have been there with backs; once injured they are never 100% again.

    I had lots of self abuse with sports, bike crashes & kinky sex catch up with me a few years ago & had a prolaspsed disc too.

    I was very lucky to find an excellent bone cruncher locally & he fixed me up. I now see him for preventative maintenance every 3-months; I skip out of his place & feel years younger.

    Back problems are usually the result of cumlative stresses; thats why its often simple things which act as the final straw; things like sneezing, putting a sock on or getting out of the car. You need to get fixed up & then work on regular fixes to ease the cumlative effect. Learn simple stretches & hyper extend your back after sitting for long periods.

    Take care of you back kids; you only get the one.

    GWS dude. :)
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  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    I do creak a bit when I get up to go home at the end of the day or when I climb off the bike. But then I look at Dan's xrays and shut the fcuk up.
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  8. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    This is not going to help you directly, sorry, but just some things I have noticed over time...

    My wife is a personal trainer with ALOT of interest in the ways of the human body. She can't fix your pain without seeing you, but one thing I learned is that when she or I have a pain somewhere, it can be traced to other linked areas, and as said above, stretching is key!!

    Sometimes she has back pains and she shows me where it hurts, and I massage that area and eventually trace it to a large very stiff knot of a muscle... tracing that up and down the length almost always helps. Putting pressure on the muscle, without it slipping back and forth, keeping the pressure on the top of the knot... (cuz it hurts alot if you "twang" the muscle)

    Sometimes she rolls that knot on a tennis ball by lying on the ball on the floor - hurts like hell, but always helps her... Through massaging the knot, sometimes we hear a click and it is better immediately... Tendons and ligaments and muscles sometimes get on the wrong side of each other and that causes alot of pain and tension.

    I am not a pro, but when she works on someone, she looks at their movements, twisting right then left and she can see immediately which side is restricted, so she can focus on that restriction which points out where the musles etc are not working correctly.

    It's pretty amazing to watch her do her magic!!!

    When she does her stretching they are all dynamic movements, not just touching your toes for 30 seconds, but reaching left hand up and behind to the right, then right hand down to left toes, while twisting your torso as much as is comfortable, if you can picture that... MOVEMENT is the key, and although focusing on one area for massage is helpful, when you stretch you want to use all the connected muscles, not just pick on the weak kid in the playground...

    For example, I have very bad posture, from sitting at a computer, riding sportsbikes, and being a generally lazy bastard... When I get a specific recurring pain up by my shoulder blades on my back, alot of the times, she gets me to stretch my chest... Because when my chest is tight, it pulls everything, and results in a pain in my back...

    Disclaimer - This is not specific to you, I don't know if you have any injuries, etc... She is the pro, not me, and before she does anything she gets information like previous injuries etc, as she understands the body very well... I just massage where she says to, usually where she has pain, IF it is a muscle pain, and not because of a specific injury...

    Just thought I'd share my experience of fixing pains...
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  9. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Theres your problem, you were using the car instead of the bike.
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  10. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I've been very lucky with my back. I put it down to it being very short :D

    The only time I've ever suffered was for a couple of months a few years back. I was waking up every morning in quite a lot of pain and then realised that it was because my mattress was knackered. I replaced it with several hundred quids' worth of pocket-sprung goodness and the pain was gone the very next morning. Ever since this I've been preaching the importance of having a mattress that supports your back properly while you sleep.
  11. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Makes sense Rich, you spend around about a third of your life in bed so having a good one is common sense.
  12. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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  13. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    It was explained to me as follows :D

    The pocket springs allow the mattress to compress in the areas of most pressure (shoulders and hips) whilst providing support for the middle of your back like in the pic below


    If the mattress is the frame-type springing and it's foiked then you end up with the middle-type scenario. If it's too hard then you end up with the bottom scenario.

    Apparently the muscles in your back spend half the night trying to relieve the stress on your back by pulling your spine straight and that's where a lot of the pain comes from.
  14. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Can you get them with snore baffles?
  15. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Yeah. I believe the technical name for such a thing is a wall. You put one pocket sprung mattress in one room and a second mattress in another room. You sleep on one, your partner sleeps on the other.
  16. Carl

    Carl Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Sounds like you have pulled a muscle and it's inflamed and is pressing on a sciatic nerve, hence the feelings in your leg and buttock, take anti inflammatory not pain killers and if the pain persists take anti inflammatory's every 4 hours and paracetamol alternate 4 hours, not together! After that it's Tramidol (not sure on the spelling) but that will need to be prescribed. Angie can prescribe but you would need to be pregnant.
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  17. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    bad back!! wrote the book mate.....
    they told me i had sciatica after 2 years moaning to my GP he eventually sent for a myelogram scan and i had prolapsed disc,was in fucking agony absolutely classic case said bloke who took it cos you get result straight away.......was fucking fuming over 2 years being told its just sciatica,cant tellyou how painfull it foot was numb constantly!
    so 2 MRI scans and 1 CT scan later i had my operation they shaved the vertabrae and fused the bottom 2 and what a relief just av to be careful now still get the odd twinge

    #17 dave d, Aug 23, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  18. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Ah the old 'moaning at the doctor for two years' ploy, eh.

    My GP has never, never actually treated me for any of the symptoms I've ever spoken to him about. Migraines, tinnitus even elevated blood pressure, which he diagnosed himself, he just told me to try and relax more and if I was uncomfortable with it to come back and see him. In fact, 'go away and if it feels no better in two weeks, come back and see me' could be his catch phrase.

    A couple of weeks ago, Jeanette noticed a lump on the side of my navel and kicked off when I said it had been there for a month or so, then made an appointment to see him without me knowing, just sending me a text to turn up at the surgery on the way home from work. So in I go, knowing full well what's wrong with me. He sits me down and I show him and wait for his SOP remark, and sure enough he says 'so what do you think it is?'. But this time, I've had time to prepare so I say, 'you're the one with the medical degree. You tell me.'

    Fucking muppet. Hard job, stressful calling, unacceptable expectations of them, I totally agree, but I want somebody to say 'I've had a look and in my considered opinion you're suffering from...' and then either treat it or tell me to fuck off and stop wasting their time. I don't want any new age touchy feely, help me to help you help yourself crap. Just put on your stethoscope and go back to fucking work.
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  19. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Thanks fella's and the lovely Ash. Fcuk me this is not funny but the combination of shit loads of Ibuprofen and this evenings red wine is helping. I was in a meeting today and had to stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down and it was not until a bead of sweat ran down the side of my face that anyone asked if I had a problem. It’s a good job I have an automatic gearbox in my car or I would have had to stop and walk/hobble home.
    Carl, note your advise, maybe your misses can have a feel of my tummy on Saturday, I am sure she will decide that I must be pregnant and get her scribble pad out, if she waits till after we have eaten she will have the rubber gloves on ready for my waters to burst !
    Matrix, when I meet you at the Ace Cafe I thought you are a really nice guy, now I know you are both a nice guy and a very lucky one to boot.
    Ken, I have auto seats with micro adjustment in every direction and I have been buggering around with it every five minutes I don’t think it the seat.

    If it won’t clear up in the next few days I will seek expert advice.
  20. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I feel your pain mate , had major back problems since childhood .,

    They used to tell me that keeping it moving is good for back ache and stuff.

    It's the thing I'd feel like doing for pain relief but
    I used go go swimming so I could getting moving with no body weigh on it and an hour in the pool would do wonders for me

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