Received my Harris levers. Ordered them from SP Engineering on Friday and were on the doorstep Monday morning. They also txt'ed with shipping updates so Kudos to them. I know its a straight swap but anything I should look out for or any pointers?
i've had them on mine mate for the last couple of years,look as new as the day i put them on no probs with them at all
Sorry to sound a twat mate but for some reason it won't accept my pics, I'm still trying to get some pics of my bike on here
hi mate, would you say these are small or like for like vs. pazzo etc. I'd prefer standard length but the harris ones look tasty! do you have a pic with them on now? cheers
i had these levers on an rr5 and think they are more normal length,would use these over pazzoo's all day long they feel superb to use