Euro Trip 2013

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Bobmg, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Bobmg

    Bobmg Active Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Just started to plan trip for 2013 , looking at going at the end of July , any advice or pitfalls to look out for on the provisional route I have planned so far

    Portugal & Spain Trip 2013

    Day 1
    Set off to Portsmouth at aproxx 0500hrs
    Arrive at Portsmouth for about 1000hrs to board ship sales at 1200hrs

    Day 2
    Arrive at Bilbow at 1245hrs , Ride down to first stop 296 miles

    Day 3
    Ride down to Loule’s 369 miles , approx. 15 miles from Portimao

    Day 4
    Ride down to Gibralta 279 miles ,

    Day 5
    Ride up to Almeria Area 221 miles

    Day 6
    Ride up to Valencia Area 267 miles

    Day 7
    Ride up to Santa Olivia 180 miles

    Day 8
    Ride across pyrennes to San Sebastian 309 miles

    Day 9
    Ride back to Bilbow 123 miles , Get on ferry for 1330 hrs

    Day 10 Arrive back at Portsmouth at 1400hrs , ride home

    Seems a good route up the coast of Spain from Gibralta then across Pyrennes to finish with ?????

  2. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sounds good to me!
  3. AshBlade

    AshBlade Riding Goddess

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Bob, it seems to me that you have been bitten by the touring Bug....:D
  4. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Hi Bob, I've been to the Pyrennes at least half a dozen times and although it's only my opinion I think you're trying to fit too much in. That's some big mileage you're looking at doing every day without any rest days or rideouts without luggage. I rode down to Marbella one time and came home feeling like I was always trying to get somewhere instead of seeing a few places and soaking it all up. Each time I went I tried to perfect the trip and believe me you need some time off.
    Another good tip Bob, when you sail to Northern Spain there's two ferries, one from Plymouth and one from Portsmouth, can't quite remember which is which but one takes two nights to get there and the other just one. The quicker one is more expensive but you actually save money because you don't spend as much money onboard ie. prices are the equivilant of motorway services!
    Finally, make sure you spend you're last night in San Sebastien, it has the most bars per square foot in the whole of Europe and it's only about an hour away from the ferries next morning.
    Oh and by the way, you'll have an absolute ball the roads over there are blinding!!
  5. Bobmg

    Bobmg Active Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Hi mate , some one else has said that to me about milage , I will look at revising it with a couple of nights at two places , as for the crossings going from Portsmouth , sails at midday takes just over 24 hrs , same coming back , Really could do with 2 weeks to do it in , couple of the lads can only manage the ten days so will have to work round it

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