Have you ever heard of miles per litre? That is a figure to 2012 blade gives on its new dash. There is no such unit of measure. Miles per litre is no good, am sure it wouldn't be difficult for them to have had it work out MPG.
Welcome to Brussels Most fuel consumption in the EU is given now by the litre! Of you want to know the conversion. Have a look at this. Convert MPG to Litre (Miles Per Gallon to Liter Converter)
That's Honda for you....lol They have also invented how to weld aluminium to steel this month too! That will give the body shop boys something to work on...lol
Should be either metric or imperial, not a mixture :roll eyes: Km/litre Miles/Gallon Why would someone do that
Can you not change this? I thought you could hold down the button for a few seconds to toggle MPH/KPH etc?
Hey bud, you can change it to litres per 100km, mine was set to km per litre, and i changed in on the dash.