bad day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bladebhoy, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. bladebhoy

    bladebhoy Active Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    i had a bad day yesterday, should have been a great day. i booked my bike in for a service as i had a track night booked the same day, i dropped the bike off the previous night as i wanted it back early.

    i got the phone call to pick up the bike at 1130 am all good so far. paid my £124 and went to the bike. it had been jet washed and was dirtier than when i had dropped it off.

    so went to start the bike, alarm wont disarm bugger, got the mechanic out , wasnt us he says ( acumen alarm no trouble for 2 years ) after three hours manage to disable the alarm.

    get stuck behind a truck on the way back home which appears to be carrying animal waste or by products the stench is unbelievable, i pull back from the truck due to the liquid pouring from under the tailgate but its too late, by the time i get home the bike all my clothes and helmet are absolutely stinking.

    after we get our briefing its out on track going well passing a few bikes having great fun the blade is singing. after about ten laps a marshall at the hairpin is frantically waving at me, get to the the start finish line and the black flag is out for me. i am thinking it was due to riding standards but i couldnt remember any dodgy overtakes.

    get back to the pits and stop at the flag marshall expecting a bollocking, but he points down to the bike, oil everywhere, all over my boot, the exhaust is smoking good style, the back tyre has a fair coating ( dont know how i stayed on ). the reason oil filler plug is missing... angry does not even cover it. i was blazing mad. £124 for the service. £85for the trackday. so game over cant get back out tyre is ruined, low on oil.

    i have contacted the honda dealer who carried out the service they will recover the bike from the track clean it up and replace the oil, but made no promises about replacing the tyre and rear pads.

    sorry for the rant but i feel better having typed it all out. what a day still cant believe it.
  2. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    You must have been a very bad boy in a previous life ...
  3. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    I've had that happen to me before at a Suzuki dealership. Left the cap slack and oil all over the side of the bike

    All they offered me was replacement oil at cost price!

  4. Jamiestrada

    Jamiestrada JamieMultiTraitor

    May 12, 2011
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    So sorry to hear about you misfortune, I cannot believe that a dealership with (trained technicians ?) could make such a simple mistake.
    I hope you get it all sorted out soon and they have the decency to pay for the track session you missed due to their obvious mistake.
    At least the guys on the track noticed the leak and saved you and the bike from being damaged.
  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I would also be bloody annoyed at that. Not good news and I would be going to Honda HQ if you don't get it sorted ASAP
  6. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Aw man... that is shit. I feel your pain. Thank gods you stayed upright at track speed. What a nightmare.

    I'm in the lucky situation that the Honda mechanic at my dealers is an old riding buddy from back in the day and tends to keep an eye on things for me but from now on I think I'll still do a walk around when I pick it up.
  7. masher66

    masher66 Active Member

    May 15, 2011
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    Nightmare - on a side note, happened with a car I had once (BMW) - BMW main dealer serviced, picked up and proceeded on a business trip down to the midlands. Got about an hour down the A1 when the oil light came on, swiftly followed by the engine management light...pulled over, car stunk of oil and grey smoke pouring out from under the bonnet.
    AA man attended who promptly said the oil drain plug was missing...I was recovered to BMW dealer who clarified this.
    Result for me was a wrecked engine, which BMW paid for after some haggling and legal advice - saying that I did have the car back within 2 weeks...
    Everyone can screw up - just some are more expensive than others, take your claim to the dealer principal and if they don't cough up go straight to Honda UK with all of your evidence...You have an extremely strong safety case and they should buckle easily - if they initially argue, tell them politely you are taking legal advice, leave them your contact detail and close off the call politely.
  8. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    Just gt them to sort it and never go back. Slag them off on the internet so no-one else suffers and move on. I've been in disputes before and its more of a nightmare..
  9. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I had a similar stunt pulled when i had a new set of rubber fitted from a well know outfit in Warrington.I had a GSXR1000 k2 and if i remember when the rear wheel is removed there is a alloy brace from the brake to a lug under the swing arm any way they had not bolted the brace back to the swingarm proper so when it dropped down the brace being longer then the drop to the floor acted like a vertical lever throwing the bike up on a corner but somehow managed to save it .Only damage done was gravel rash to the brace end and the brake hose may have been stretched so i rang this clown to explain what had got wrong and he says what do you want me to do so after some words he reluctantly offered to replace the items but still no apology.So now when i get new fitted by others i always watch and recheck once home.
  10. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    What a joke. Get them to pay for damage and warn others away from them
  11. bladebhoy

    bladebhoy Active Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    thanks for your replies and sympathy, they should have picked up the bike this morning but no phone call yet, i think their idea of cleaning it up will be ten minutes in front of the jet washer and some fresh oil. grrrrrr.
  12. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    A**Holes mate
  13. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I had my car in the main Peugeot dealers once for five separate times to have an anti roll bar bush changed. I told them that was the problem but they insisted that with such low mileage it wasn't possible to wear one out. Anyway on the fifth occasion they phoned to tell me they'd found the problem. It was an anti roll bar bush and I could pick up the car. From the other side of the car park I could see the dent in the door and not being in the best of moods to start with, when the service manager greeted me with "How are we today Mr Pearson?" I decided it was his turn for some. When I showed him the dent he actually said "Yeah that's a car park dent. Could have happened anytime over the last five days"

    Yes. In his f*****G car park!
  14. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    I wouldn't let a jet wash near my bike.

    Get them told you won't accept it if they clean I using one. They wreck road bikes.
  15. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    What garage was it ...............sorry to hear about your problems
  16. bladebhoy

    bladebhoy Active Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    ( phoenix honda grangemouth )

    got the bike back, all cleaned up, washed polished oil topped up, brakes stripped and cleaned. they have offered 50% off the next service but not sure i would let them near the bike again.

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