Stoner, Rossi & The Ducati.

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by CastrolCraig, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. CastrolCraig

    CastrolCraig Active Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    2010, Phillip Island, Stoner wins, Hayden on the 2nd duke in 4th, 18 seconds back.

    2012, on the Rossidici, Rossi & Hayden P7 & P8 37 & 38 seconds back.

    The pattern continues the further you delve into the results, on avrage the Ducati is now 15 seconds further from the front than it was with the stoner spec ducati, this includes results for the sattelite bikes also.

    So, my question is, what does this do to the rossi development myth?

    Busts it wide open if you ask me, as it was already a myth!

    The NSR500 was Mick Doohans bike, needed no development, the RCV212V5 was developed and ready to go when rossi got on it, and his biggest 'triumph' the yamaha, was 85% there after Barros had done all the development, all rossi did was polish a rough diamond.

    Then we come to the Ducati.

    Stoner had 2 chassis and 2 swingarms.

    Rossi has had 9 different chassis and 4 swingarms, a different engine layout and different electronics.

    Stoner had next to no development budget.

    Rossi has had 175m euros.

    And still the rossi fans slate Stoner.
  2. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Rossi is a great rider just as Stoner is. I was amazed seeing Stoner ride with my own eyes just how good he is. I know stoner is a racer and thats all that counts BUT I love Rossi.

    So as a Rossi fan I don't slate Stoner. Why would anyone slate Stoner when he's a million times better rider then u or me

    As a all round racer and a person I would want to chat to in the pub or go out and have a drink with, Rossi would get my vote every time

    Honda has done well since Rossi helped make the Honda a great bike, same wit the Yam. Ducati and rossi did not mix which was a shame

    Everyone in Moto GP are great riders as they should be. But I'm not a fan or Stoner George or Dani. non of them seem to have a sense of humor or seem give me that good feeling seeing them in the paddock or when they are not racing. Again it's only the racing which is important to them when it comes to racing. But to fan's it's the Who racing experance on and off the track which we love

    Just my experance mind u
  3. Dark46

    Dark46 Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    I said before Stoner can ride there's no denying it but he's a dire looser like most Ozzies. I've never seen anyone moan so much because someone was so say following him in practice and qualifing ! But surely if you in front everyone is following ?

    In the paddock in Donny 06 I asked CS for his autograph he said No! Maybe Cus I had my Rossi shirt and hat on? But as I turned and started to walk away he shouted and I got it! Fair play I say but just shut the moaning! Almost got Rossi's this year ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351778527.786332.jpg

    But as Matt says Rossi is a character and Stoner just isint. But I would love to be able to ride like anyone in Moto GP
    #3 Dark46, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  4. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    In my opinion, the 2 of em them are GODS!
    they both have shit loads of riding talent in different forms. Stoner = it like you stole it, Rossi = ride it by the book.
    The difference in my opinion is that Rossi's quirky nature and Humour helped hi light the sport even more and got him fans of all ages for his goofin around as well as riding. Casey is not this way, he is a race monster.
    Lets not criticise or compare, just be thankfull that every now and again we get both sorts.
    Rossi/Biaggi (Stoner)
    I love them all and thank them for making me scream at my tv on race day
    • Like Like x 1
  5. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I think that sometimes people are in danger of forgetting just how fast Rossi is. You don't get to be champ as many times as him without being a bloody quick rider.

    Having said that I do think that Stoner can't really be touched when it comes to wringing every last bit of performance out of a bike. When he's properly on it, nobody can get near.

    I think where Rossi wins is racecraft. Something Stoner lacks. I never understood why Stoner would, time-and-again, utterly shag his tyres within 75% of race distance leaving himself defenceless against those behind him who've not gone off like a banshee. Rossi seemed to be the master of going just fast enough to keep himself in touch and then, being a real late brake specialist, mug someone half a lap from the end.

    Also....I don't know if it's just me.....but Rossi seemed to do this thing of getting into the apex of the corner and then slowing to upset the guy behind's line while he accelerated away. Very very difficult guy to follow.

    Add that to the fact that Rossi is the king of mind games and universally adored and you have the reason why he's been so successful.
  6. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Here we go again....

    both awesome, stoner is something else, rossi a great racer and champion. interesting when you look at the stats though...

    Rossi Starts 215 Wins 79 = 37% Podiums 141 = 66% poles 29 = 23%
    Stoner Starts 114 wins 38 = 33% Podiums 68 = 60% poles 39 = 34%

    Assuming Wiki race records are up to date that is :) but to me confirms what i've always thought, NOBODY can ride a bike faster than Stoner when in the mood, but Rossi is an amazing racer with a will to win like no other which is reflected in his record and why he has been involved in all the best battles in motogp in the last ten years.

    Now the Stoner fans can tell me his record is largely on the duke - fair point, but Stoner clicked with it and spanked people on it, so could argue he had the best bike for him at the time??
  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    It's like comparing Chuck Norris and Mike Tyson. Who's the best. You just can't say. Lets just bloody agree they could both kick the shit out of you if they wanted to.
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  8. Getafix

    Getafix New Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    Like you said it yourself Stoner had a completely different bike to Rossi's, which shows in the differences in Hayden's performance on the previous gen vs the latest ducati.

    Having said that, you can't deny Stoner's talent. When he's on, it's really hard to beat him & as Rossi has admitted himself that the Stoner of 2007 is still the fastest he's ever had to race against. Just sucks that he has a really shitty personality off the track which hasn't won him many fans & might explain why he's quitting at the height of his career. It's a shame as it would've been awesome to see him battle Rossi again on the Yamaha.
  9. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Iron Mike would kick his ar$e!!
  10. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    too true! you'd think he would have stayed to have a scrap and prove himself v rossi on equal machinery... not that i'm suggesting he is running scared! lol ;)
  11. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I'd like to see Stoner Jump on the Ducati at the next test just to see how well he goes on it compared to the Honda and Rossi.
  12. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    not that simple as some riders like Rossi don't really change their riding style but more so the bike to suit them. where as Stoner is the other way around.
  13. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Rossi is a legend, would love to see him on a Honda again but anything better than the duc!
    Great rider and a great personality too, brings real character to the sport and makes more fun
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  14. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Thats exactly my point, I'd like to see if he can make that bike go faster than Rossi from the off……...
  15. CastrolCraig

    CastrolCraig Active Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Wrong. The bike Rossi rode for the first six races was the very bike Stoner won 4 of the last 6 races in 2010.
  16. fez.57

    fez.57 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    so using that info we can compare the 1 thing that didnt change over that time NICKY HAYDEN

    these are nicky's times behind the winner for the last 6 races of 2010

    round 13. +9.496
    round 14. +50.703
    round 15. +18.826
    round 16. +18.035
    round 17. +27.154
    round 18. crashed

    average time behind winner = 24.8428

    and these are nicky's times behind the winner from the first 6 races of 2011

    round 1. +27.416 ( +1.876)
    round 2. +29.085 ( +9.015)
    round 3. +54.887 ( +9.436)
    round 4. +35.566 ( crash )
    round 5. +33.243 ( +7.314)
    round 6. +26.984 ( +25.867)

    average time behind leader +34.530

    so that shows the ducati was 10 seconds slower in a race pace in 2011 than it was in 2010 and this was before any updates rossi wanted were available

    the numbers in brackets show how far nicky was off the lead in the first 6 races of 2010

    what more proof is need that the ducati seriously went backwards in 2010 compared to the other bikes, so if anything rossi stopped the ducati slipping even further back and the gap to the front guys stayed about constant
  17. Getafix

    Getafix New Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    Exactly my point, at the end of the day you can't polish a turd. It took Stoner 13 races in 2010 to win a race & at the end he finished 4th a massive 158 points behind the championship leader.

    The very next year when he went on a competitive bike, he literally wiped the floor with everyone, winning 10 races. Proving that no matter how good a rider you are, the bike still plays a very important part.

    I guess time will tell, we'll see in 2013 if the Ducati really was holding back Rossi these two years.
    #17 Getafix, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  18. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    and as i said Rossi likes the bike his way were as Stoner adapts to his bikes. And I think Stoner is the only guy to manage the Ducati. as already said by almost everyone one on here, Stoners a great rider, but not a personality I want at the bar for a drink with

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    I put money on it that Stoner will come out of retirement within 3 yrs.It's in his blood and he will still be young compared to the grid in 3yrs time.What's he going to do with all that time on his hands? boredom will get the better of him.If Rossi is back to winning ways It will spur Stoner on to settle the score and prove who's the daddy.Whether he beats Rossi on better machinery I'm not sure.
  20. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    thing is if he stays awy for 3 years he's going to find it hard to win the amount of races Rossi has at the moment. So how can he show Rossi who's the daddy.

    i think he's going racing in oz to live my his new family and put his feet up

    Or in another works the wife has put her finger down

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