should i move for better job prospects

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by coz, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. coz

    coz New Member

    May 16, 2012
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    Hi all, I'm in a pickle! Over the past year I've been looking for work in a bike shop, sending letters to over 50 workshops in and around Hampshire, e-mails and applying online. With no luck or even replys from most, bournemuth Honda & P.S.I motorcycles being kind enough to reply, as I've been looking there seems to be more bike jobs up north and have been considering up rooting the family and moving in hope of getting work, but this does mean leaving friends and family,taking my daughter put of school and my other half leaving her job. any thoughts or should i stick it out Finnish my lvl 2 mechanic course at college and wait.
  2. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    have you tried offering to work saturdays for free to get a foot in the door ,and let them see you working?
  3. MrB

    MrB God Like

    Mar 17, 2012
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    The motorcycle industry is in decline. The good old days of a few years ago where credit was cheap and bike sales were going well meaning bike shops and dealers were busy are long gone.

    Biking has also moved over to a more luxury market, look at the prices and the demographic of the people who can afford to buy new. Not many people these days see it as a form of commuting plus not much young blood is being seen coming into biking due to the ever increasing difficulties of obtaining a license due to the EU and the increasing costs of learner legal machines. All this also has an impact on the used market which also hits the dealers and bike shops drying up stock at the cheaper end of the market.

    It's difficult at the moment and I can't see it improving just yet. The EU and UK government need to change their anti biking attitudes, bikes need to be more affordable and people need more disposable income to return to the good times.

    I would finish the course and see what the future brings. I have always said I would never move for work unless I had a job to go to.
  4. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    A difficult one to call for anyone, I think MrB sums the current climate up, you only have to read the threads/post on here to realise a lot of folk save the money for running the bike comes from servicing an doing most of the work themselves, I guess it all depends on what you have to lose by not staying where you are what you have to gain?
    the first think to consider, how much you will be working for, its a well documneted fact wages here up north are lower than our southern cousins,

    without trying to sounding condescending, its no good moving/living up north with a southern lifestyle, if you get me?
    Now don't get me wrong, i know quite a few people that have sold their house, made enough money from its sale and to buy something similar here and are quite happy to work for the lower end of the wage scale with no mortgage etc, Oh and another thing apparentlly we die sooner up north too? :D

    Seriously though Best of luck with what ever you decide, its a tough one when you have family to consider.
  5. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Fookin ell Gaz, you and firebloke are right harbingers of doom! He said it won't be long before one if us has a severe accident on a rideout, and looked at me.....

    im getting a Honda c90 and moving to Truro.
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  6. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    we have much better riding roads up here , and we are closer to the isle of man, maybe that is why our life expectancy is lower
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  7. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Au contraire Si, in actual fact you very much impressed me with your riding. On a couple of occasions during our rideouts I've seen a couple of dodgy moves made and I've been on enough rides to know when an accident is waiting to happen. As for me and Gaz being harbingers of doom, according to the Mayan calender aren't we all going to die on December anyway!
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  8. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    I don't know about what firebloke said mate, sure he didn't mean anything by it? I didn't mean motorcycle related,it's just the northerners have a high mortality rate in general, its the life style we lead apparently Manchester is 32% higher than the national average.
    I'm not helping am i

    I'll get my coat ;)
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  9. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    i wouldnt move up north hoping to get a job.unless youve summat concrete stay put and just keep applying maybe further afield.good luck!
  10. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Im sure he never meant anything too…. i just can't sleep at night now, even with valium!. :D

    We die artier, because we live life to the full… unlike the southern fairies LOL.
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  11. rocket

    rocket Active Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    yes second that and if otherhalf has to give up her job you could end up both stuck for work in an area you don,t know and no friends to fall back on.
  12. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The Divide of north and south, living expenses wise, is not that great anymore imo. House prices are static, and dear any which way you look at it these days, as is the cost of living. Petrol prices and day to day groceries is not much different, neither is council tax etc… you will pay a premium for housing near commuter belts North or south.
    My advice is get a job you are happy with and pays amply, but these days, it's few and far between as employers are tightening their belts across the Country. If you are working now, i would stick with it, and see what happens when the current finical climate gets better. I would wait mate.
  13. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Yeah, 'til after December at least :rolleyes:
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  14. coz

    coz New Member

    May 16, 2012
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    Thanks for your comments, and you guys make me laugh with your life expctancy comments.
  15. stone-islandv8

    stone-islandv8 New Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    Coz, I might have a bit of a silver lining for you.....I work at a dealership in the South West and while demographics etc are changing credit can still be cheap...look at the amount of 0% finance deals out there...we are still selling both new and used bikes across all price ranges and engine sizes (touch wood, wouldn't want to curse it!!). Also, our workshop is still manic. However the only way to sort a new job is to go to the shop/workshop and try and speak to someone remotely connected to hiring...any job advertised these days get so many CVs sent in it's ridiculous.
  16. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    well im about to take another year or two off mine mate, bring on the kebab and bottle of merlot ;)
  17. fez.57

    fez.57 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    if you move up north then you will be forced to hang out with us lot,

    that should have made your mind up
  18. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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  19. BlackDevil

    BlackDevil God Like

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Have done this a couple of times in my working life.
    It's difficult to say or give some advice because I did move to another
    country and that was much more difficult than staying in your own country.
    There are positive and negative things about moving away from "friends"
    and and all of the known things around you.
    One of the positive things are, to get a fresh start and you might have some opportunities
    which wouldn't come again. Also you will find out soon who the real friends are.
    Your daughter will be fine at school, children are less complicated than adults, depends on their age of course.
    If I would be you, I only would move to another place if everything is sorted out before, like your work, your daughters school and work for you wife as well. No risk no fun, that's what it is and at least you gave it a try.
  20. coz

    coz New Member

    May 16, 2012
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    things like this are prommising to me but, the whole cv thing for me is a kick in the teeth bcoz i have no workshop experiance so i just get overlooked straight away, i need just 1 person to to take a risk, but thats the kicker!,
    i might just stick it out down here as my other half isnt too keen on the idea, and she bitches at me for being on my bike all the time anyway. also it seems you lot would get me in trouble with silly riding and drinking games!

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