Conspiracy or truth… you decide for yourself

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freedom of choice, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Off sick and bored with daytime TV I decided to go on line and read about stuff I don’t know much about and try and expand the old grey matter. I happened to stumble on some stuff about 9/11 being an inside job. Now before you start shaking your heads, yes I know there’s porn to be had, but I told you I am not feeling well. Anyway, the more I was reading the more interesting it got which then ended up being directed with a link to a UT video. I have also Google’d Susan Lindauer the CIA informer and she seems credible enough. Either that or she has huge premenstrual issues that she hides really well.
    If have time give it go. Believe it or not, you decide. But if nothing else it will make you wonder what a sick tyrannous world we live in:

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  2. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Very interesting Freedom. Thank you for sharing.
  3. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I have watched the 9/11 conspiracy documentary that featured Charlie Sheen, yes he was having some serious personal problems but the video shown a lot of things that allowed the planes to get near the towers in the first place.

    A long standing rule the air force had dating back to the early days of the air force where any airplane that deviates from its set course should be contacted and if no response is returned by the airliner planes get sent up to shoot it down! Especially when the planes are heading into populated areas. This rule was suspended at the start of the month and the air force then had to contact the chief of security at the Whitehouse to get an order to carry out what the air force always done on its own! So 11 days after the way hijacked planes are treated by the military, multiple planes were involved in a hijacking and the guy that now needs to give the order to send up planes could not be contacted.

    The other things that get brought up are the way the buildings came down i.e. more like a building coming down using demo explosives. The WTC 7 building is another suspect building as the only damage it showed from the twin towers falling was a couple of bits of debris and a couple of small fires on the roof. Then think it was four hours after the twin towers came down WTC7 came down in a similar demo manner. (this building also housed the FBI CIA and various other lettered agencies).

    The movie also brings up documents given to the US government with regards to expanding military funding and allowing fundamental rights to be taken away by congress all in the good of fighting terrorists and keeping tabs on the public in general. The documents refer to another US attack similar to that of pearl harbour. as with pearl the public once again rallied around the USA in order to fight what is in effect ghosts! these ghosts allow governments to dictate who these ghosts are and label them terrorist's and now lock them up indefinitely for interrogation, once again similar to the aftermath of pearl where US citizens (even 2nd and third generation) that were from Japan were detained n thrown into camps.

    Anyway the docu is quite an eye opener if you keep an open mind while viewing.

    Anyway I will go back over here to the corner and replace my tin foil hat so they can’t track me! :D
  4. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have my own views on this, and after speaking to people at the memorial site in NYC a few weeks ago, quite a few people will tend to agree with you Shiny, along with the people who's videos of the planes (or lack of) where confiscated by the CIA.

    George Bush's face on being told of the situation said it all imo.
  5. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Since posting above video I read a lot more reports and online articles and I have to say it all very damning. Like I said to Ken this afternoon, don’t think we Brits are any different. Just think, MI6 and poor old David Kelly. Some of the worlds Governments must have bumps in their carpets you would need a proper 4x4 to get over and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the 'Wests' lumps and bumps are the biggest. At least the so called developing nations have the decency to do their dirty work in the open.

    Shiny. Would you mind lending me some of that tin foil mate. I just remembered I live within a few minutes missile strike distance of half a dozen USAF bases. Gulp.
  6. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    well I seen a few de-bunking videos on the thermite myth,
    some points being the amount of thermite required would
    mean they would have to seal off multiple offices and areas
    for the tonnage needed which workers at the building didnt see
    happening.the dripping metal is molten aluminium as molten steel
    wouldnt drip the same way according to a metals expert.the fire
    spread was due to the planes carrying full tanks of aviation fuel,
    thats near 17,000 gallons of fuel that burns at 1800 degree's
    thats enough to melt alloy as seen but not steel but it is enough
    to strip about 70-80% of the strength out of the steel which caused
    the floors to pancake down one after another.the explosions in lobbys
    were caused by a number of things.the fires in the elevator shafts causing
    multiple backdraft effects and lots of the elevators(as reported by firemen)
    came crashing down to the ground floors along with other pieces from the
    plane impact.

    p.s we faked the moon landings,ufo's are at area 51 and elvis shot kennedy :D
  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    There was an urban myth doing the rounds a few years ago now that after Britain acquired an enigma coder during the Second World War, sorry Hollywood, but it was us. Ultra was able to decode and interpret most of ze jairman messages, most of which were passed onto the cousins. Much of American politics swayed towards isolationism at the time and many simply did not believe the dispatches from Britain were to be taken seriously. Roosevelt, however did not agree and had his own reasons for embroiling the States in the conflict. The conspiracy implied that knowledge of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour was passed to a select few in power across the pond and they elected to let it happen in order to force the issue. To this end the Pacific carrier fleet was sent on maneuvers long before the Imperial Japanese Navy arrived at Pearl, leaving only an ageing line of obsolete dreadnoughts moored at Battleship Row.

    All conjecture, of course. It does sound familiar though, eh?

    The truth is probably stranger yet. We want conspiracies because we want to distrust those in power over us to salve our conciounces over the bad decisions they make considering we voted them to power in the first place.

    We did go to the moon, a weather balloon did crash in Roswell and Megs did once buy a round.
    #7 kpone, Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
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  8. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    what a load of bollox........
  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    No Dave, you're wrong. Somebody told me they were there and saw him go up to the bar.
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  10. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Yeah, but that was only to pick up his pint but he didn't pay!:D
  11. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    That's what I thought Shiny, I was going to say something earlier but didn’t want to start another conspiracy theory
  12. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Freedom of Choice caught on camera, prepping for armegeddon at Costco...


    ...and with just cause. As an agent of the Babylonian Brotherhood stalks him through the aisles...

  13. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Bloody hell, Ken I know I have gained a few pounds sat on my arse since this back problem started but I didn’t realise I had gained that much weight. As for the aliens, puuuh. I am not even worried about Nibiru coming; I am sure my Anunnaki ancestors will be knocking the door to take me home long before that. I am not even bothered about 21/22 December. I will probably have spent all evening in the ‘wine o’clock’ bar with you lot and not even notice the sun coming up from the west.
  14. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I know you prefer to be called David than Dave...your surname's not it?

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