122mph not dangerous...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Remal, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    from another forum

    BBC News - Abernethy biker caught at 122mph denies dangerous driving

    I have to agree that I also do not feel Speeding will always result in Dangerous driving. Not saying this chap in the link is big or cleaver or saying what he did was right

    BUT I cannot believe that for example doing 140 on a Motorway at 4AM on a deserted road would be dangerous.

    Just intrested to find out what others think about this
  2. Stimo

    Stimo Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    140 on deserted motorway is still dangerous just a lot less risk to involving others
    as for doing 120 in a 40 i think that's out of order as anything or anyone can be around regardless of time
  3. Carl

    Carl Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    It very subjective, I can be safely driving on a motorway at 140 in my BMW 330 M Sport with the breaking system and saftety features built in for speed, however my sons 1.4 206 would be unsafe at 90 mph. If a bike is built for speed it will be designed to stop safely from speed and is not therefore unsafe, however, it is noteworthy that our roads are not designed for those speeds and it could therefore be deemed as unsafe. If I was to do 120, and I say if because naturally it would be against the law And I wouldn't do that, I would feel safe but one has to say you get less time to avoid road imperfections and those in front would not see you coming. In my view it is unsafe in most circumstances as are many things we chose to do in life, if its not safe then it has to carry some danger which would deem it to be dangerous!
  4. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    depends on the road,I know part of the antrim coast is now reduced from 60 to 30,
    no house's no junctions no real reason for it to be a 30 but you would still be up for dangerous
    driving if you were caught doing sixty odd mph.I was up for dangerous driving for a wheelie
    but I fought it on the count that I was on my own and the road conditions were perfect with
    no other traffic.I won and was reduced to careless so I kept my licence.but like I say I couldnt
    really comment unless I was to see the road. is there house's,schools, junctions on it?
  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Agree on the 120 in a 40, rather stupid.

    As for speeding = Dangerous driving all the time. if we look at when the 70 Motorway limit came into force and the type of car's and bikes that were out in the 60's compared to today

    is it just me that feels going fast does not always = Dangerous driving?

    Doing 70 and hitting a lamp post could be fatal and dangerous, doing 120 on say a Autoban more or less dangerous.

    hope some of that makes sense
  6. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    The "dangerous" part comes down to perception and when the fact states he's doing 140 in a 40 which is deemed as the safe speed for the road I'd like to see him argue he wasn't riding dangerously? Pretty sure he's f()cked!

    He might not have been out of control, but can't see how you can say he isn't riding dangerously? What if a kid stepped out or car pulled out on him - game over.

    Not saying the guy is a tw@t or anything , I'd be a fine one to pass judgment, but I really think he needs to take his medicine and swallow the punishment. No way he's getting off that one
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Any speed is dangerous when other people or animals are nearby that could be affected by the speed of your vehicle.122mph on a motorway that is clear and not a danger to other road users on the same stretch should not be classed as dangerous.You are only putting yourself at risk.If it were windy or raining which affects the road surface then yes it would be dangerous.2 way road and its a different story altogether.I think the Germans have got the speed system about right.
  8. Stimo

    Stimo Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    it's still dangerous to you and i think that's what they are getting at it's to protect yourself as well .same as driving without a seat belt it's only me that's going to get hurt yet i'm still in trouble if i get caught
  9. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Personally, I do not think 'speed' on it's own is necessarily dangerous and it is of course very subjective and it depends in what context. Some accidents are caused because other road users are travelling too slowly. I think incompetence and stupidity and lack of regard for other road users are huge contributors in danger.

    Yesterday for example, whilst travelling at 60 mph in a 60 mph limit a car pulled out from a side turning on the left and turned right, just before I was 20 m from him. I could see he had seen me, he just decided he wanted to go there and then and the fact I was approaching was of no consequence to him. My speed was almost irrelevant to his actions as far as his decisions were made.

    I used to drive Fire Appliances and cars under blue light conditions and like to think I have good road awareness and reasonable driving skills. Having been trained to do this and having had experience of travelling at speeds in excess of the law I would like to think I can drive quite fast without being an actual danger to myself or other road users.

    Of course the reality is, none of us ever know for sure what 'may' happen. The old 'Road Craft' book used to say about basing your driving on the following :

    What can be seen, what can't be seen and what may reasonably be expected to develop. I added a fourth for my own use.............what may unreasonably be likely to occur.

    A case could be made for saying that doing anything can be dangerous, because a person is never totally safe from what 'could' happen to them.

    My brain hurts now :rolleyes:
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  10. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    load of balls . loads of people die each year from falling over whist putting their socks on. shouldnt that be classed as dangerous.. tell you what ,lets all just not bother getting up each morning , then we can all die of boredom.
    • Like Like x 6
  11. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Here's an interesting story for you.......While on holiday in Africa I had a very heated discussion with a magistrate. After telling him of my passion for bikes he asked me what's the fastest I'd ridden on English roads. I told him it was quite a long time ago when I was much younger and owned the first model Fireblade. It was 11 o'clock at night on a completely deserted A road, very long and straight and no junctions on that particular stretch. I saw 177mph on the clock, one of perhaps half a dozen times I've ever been up at those speeds in my life. In my opinion, although it was highly illegal and still had an element of danger it was very controlled and quite safe unless I was to have a tyre blow on me, which to be honest could happen at any speed.
    Anyway after he'd finished ranting about how he'd have me locked up if I had been caught I asked him if he had ever speeded. In fact he had, it was in his Jag and the speed was 120 mph. When asked what time of the day he replied that it was in the afternoon............WHAAAAAATTTTT! He then couldn't grasp how I could possibly think that was more dangerous than the speed I had done.
    BIKES ARE DANGEROUS !! Isn't that part of the reason we ride them? I'll bet there isn't a rider on this site who hasn't been over the speed limit and not been thrilled by it! But to ride at say 90 in a 40 well you're just asking for trouble......don't care what the conditions are. Most of my riding is done out on the moors where there's much less chance of an accident. Every time I throw my leg over my bike I know there's a chance I might fall off but that doesn't stop me getting on it. I'm not ready for pipe and slippers just yet!
    At the end of the day it's all about riding at a speed suitable for the conditions, I've been followed up to Hawes at around 90mph by a copper and because I rode safely and confidently he had no issue with it.
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  12. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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  13. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    No seriously. Surely We ride to what we believe we can handle at any given time and circumstances, what the law says is a different thing. We all have our own thoughts on our skills and abilities, just get out and enjoy what you have, from what I understand no one goes out with the intention of crashing and burning. If you think that every time you go out sell your bike and take up knitting.
    One thing I've learned with the guys and girls on here general rule of thumb keep to the city limits your 20's 30's 40's 50's
    Once you get the white circle with the black stripe, then go for it, your unlucky if you get caught out on the (open) roads. Get caught in the city limits? Well you know the price of 10 seconds of fame.
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  14. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    I agree mate - which is why we all ride totally unnecessary for the road 1000cc sportsbikes - because we WANT too and we know the risks and consequences of doing so.

    But doing 122 in a 40 which is no doubt a built up area is out of order whatever way you carve it up. Personally I couldn't give a fcuk if he did it on the back wheel in mankini but you do have to show some consideration for others. Is it because he's on a bike it's ok?

    If halfords own trevved up saxo boy done 120 in a 40 we'd call him a twat, if he done it and hurt someone (specially if it was friend or family) you'd want his head and rightly so.
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  15. bardo 1962

    bardo 1962 Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Its got to be dangerous driving, if he killed someone surely he would be charged with death by dangerous driving? There isn't a charge of death by speeding.
  16. MrB

    MrB God Like

    Mar 17, 2012
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    30, 40 and 50's I tend to stick to ish. (just don't mention 45 in a 30 on the IOM :rolleyes:)
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  17. callumw

    callumw Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    It's only speeding because the governmnet has declared it to be.

    On the Autobahn, motorists will only get stopped by the police if you're driving dangerously.
    The Isle of Man police are (so I'm told) sh*t hot on stopping speeders in the towns, but once you're out then you can pretty much go do what you want.

    If we were left to our own devices then it'd balance out so that riders would match their skill with an appropriate speed to their environment and have fun without feeling that they have to look at their clocks every 10s for fear of getting nicked.

    There would be a certain amount of attrition for sure, but the sensible would provail :)
  18. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    This summer a biker died on a road near me doing about 130, ok his tyre blew out so it wasn't due to him driving dangerously as such so you would probably say noone else was effected.
    However he bounce on and of the centre barrier and basicaly got torn to pieces, some poor b@stard had to lit pick up the pieces! Then someone had to break the news to loved ones and so on right to the point where someone was probably late for work. So effects more people than we realise.
    So I suppose it depends the way you look at it.
    Not that it stops me doing it I just know its wrong
  19. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Did his tyre really blow out or is that just a ficticious report put out by the police? I have never had or heard of it happening to anyone I know. I once tried to cut a tyre off a wheel in desperation and blunted numerous blades in the process. Gave up in the end, just couldn't get through it as it was so tough!
  20. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I was giving this as more of a " is speeding dangerous driving/riding" more than was this guy in the link a twat or not

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