One day in London

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stu, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. Stu

    Stu Active Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Shame about the leg Lambeth, I hope that the healing process is quick and uneventful.

    Only a week away now, and I'm looking forward to it even more now as Mrs Stu booked the hotel last night. I can't wait to get away from work for a day as it's really pi$$ing me off at the moment.

    I don't watch movie trailers (bare with me - it'll make sense in a mo') for films that I really want to watch. I find that they give away too much and tend only to show the best bits of the film. I was like this as a kid too - I'd never know what I was getting for Christmas or my birthday and I'd not search for presents as I love nice suprises. Following on from this I've not logged onto the science museum website as I don't want to see what's there before I enter the building - but from what you guys and my friends have told me I think I may be spending the whole day with a big grin on my face. I'm such a geek - SCIENCE RULES!!! :D
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  2. Stu

    Stu Active Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Isn't London expensive. I had a rubbish night's sleep last night, it may have been the fact that it was really noisy outside, or the fact that the room was like a furnace, or the fact that I was trying to justify that I'd just spent £26 on a fish cake and chips.
    Anyway, I'm here and looking forward to my continental breakfast then jumping on the tube for a couple of stops and going to the science museum.
    It should be a good, and hopefully cheaper day.
    If you happen to see a 6'4" bloke in a knee length dark blue coat carrying a brown leather man bag, come and say hello :)
  3. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    If I saw a 6' 4" bloke in knee length blue coat, carrying a brown leather man bag on the mean streets of London, I'd be suspicious he had some puppies in there that he'd like me to play with somewhere in the shadows.
  4. Stu

    Stu Active Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Before this goes too far, let me set the record straight: the coat is black. :)

    Ok, now that ie sorted, this place is looking awesome, apart from all the bored kids being dragged around by parents who'd rather be in work.
  5. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Stu, Mate. This is London. You don’t look at anyone, let alone talk to them to fcuk's sake
  6. Stu

    Stu Active Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    The Science museum was great, and if you've not been I would recomend it. Steer clear of the 'Apollo Experience' though as at £6 it was a total rip off. I was there from 10am to 4:30 and didn't get to see it all - but I am a geek and did spend a lot of time reading and not just looking at the exhibits.

    The Google Chrome lab was great. It's aimed at kids I suppose, but I enjoyed it - it's not everyone that can say that they've had their face drawn in sand by a robot :).

    Back in the real world now and sitting at my desk in the office wishing I was finding out what was on the top 2 floors.
  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Don't the place just bleed time Stu. Gutted to hear about the Apollo experience though. When I was there I had to be dragged away from the Apollo 10 capsule.
  8. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Phew, glad you enjoyed it.
  9. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Forgot about this, Stu. Tell us about the rest of the day. £26 for that scoff is over the odds even by London standards! Ouch.
  10. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I remember, several years ago, going to that London to see the Eagles at the O2 white elephant. You know the one, the place before the Olympic complex that we were constantly reassured was going to continue creating revenue after the event despite the cost.

    Anyway, once we got inside and found a table at one of the charming little indoor cafes we ordered four burgers, two bottles of Pironi and two glasses of white wine. When the bill came and Jeanette asked me for some cash, I thought that we were picking up the tab, which is fair enough, I didn't mind. I was surprised she needed £35 to cover it though.

    However, that was the when I noticed my boss taking the same amount out of his wallet and realised we were splitting it down the middle after all.
  11. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I am more shocked that you socialised with your boss !
  12. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Good point. Maybe I've got Stockholm Syndrome.
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  13. Stu

    Stu Active Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    I think I essentially said it all in my posts. We spent a night in a hotel (opposite New Scotland Yard) and then I spent the whole of the next day at the museum on my own, and then went home. We go onto what we thought was going to be a quiet train but ended up having to sit on the extra special seats on opposite the toilet. On more than one occasion on that 2 hour journey we got to see people with their pants around their ankles as they had forgotten to lock the door from the inside.

    All in all I'd love to go back to spend some more time in the other museums and I'd really love to go and see the Shard (or whatever it's called) but that would mean spending more money that I don't have. I'm sure we'll get back but it won't be soon. Maybe next time someone will come and say 'Hello' ;).
  14. alexg56

    alexg56 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    have to say i just love london! always have. 56 now and been going there since i was 20. spent many a trip in the 70s/80s either going to stamford bridge or to some club nights. wasted many an afternoon hunting for rare vinyl and vintage clothes, before getting sunday night train home. much older now and enjoy the finer things so weekends tend to be expensive treats now. i,m in the lucky position of working down there for now so make the best of every second weekend off by getting round museums and galleries(and borough market). some great photography stuff on soon for being expensive, my missus got me an amazing birthday gift. dinner at micheal roux jrs le gavroche, restuarant. were serious foodies so cant wait for this! got 2 nights booked at the park lane hilton which is a great treat when you have to spend most of your life in a f****n travelodge:mad:
  15. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I hear what you are saying Alex. Having spent most of my working life, apart from a couple of year’s sabbatical in the sunshine, working to improve one of London’s finest public services, not working for it but with it. I love the City. Although my old man was born within the sound of Bow Bells I have never lived there and don’t ever intent to. I have travelled the world and still believe there is not a City on the planet to match it, although NY and to some extent KL comes close. Its great to get the train in the morning, but equally as nice to get the train back out at the end of the day. With regard to the Hilton on Park Lane, try and get a room (ask) as high up as you can the views are fantastic. It’s also worth paying for the over priced drinks/food in the ‘Windows on World’ on the top floor. Stunning simply stunning. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback afterwards.
  16. alexg56

    alexg56 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    sadly wont get a chance to eat there, but hope to have a few cocktails. the restuarant does look spectacular. stayed recently in the st martins lane, great hotel, very quirky and too trendy for me. great food there too (asia de cuba) we left the bar just minutes before girls aloud all came in. when i think back to my trips in the 70s/80s i would stay as cheaply as possible as it was only a place to leave my luggage, now as i get older i much prefer luxury (well as luxurious as i can afford). i,ve seen london change so much over the years. can remember being down in 77 and covent garden was derelict. think they were going to pull it all down. same with docklands. greatest city in the world! although new york is a very close second.
  17. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I have heard St Martins Lane is very nice but expensive. L 's office is just off Covent Garden so I am a regular visitor to the area but cant comment on what it was like in 77 as I was only 15 at the time. I used to stay regularly at the hotel next to Chelsea football club, I think it was called the Millennium but can’t be sure now and one night Girls a Aloud were in the bar. I also meet that tart that was screwing the ex Blue Peter presenter, what a load mouth she was but I have to give it to her; she had a great pair of puppies on show.
    Give me a shout when you are there if you have time maybe we can grab a quick beer if I am around.
  18. alexg56

    alexg56 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Last year around now my missus stayed 4 nights in the mayfair while going to a business do at the olympia. A celeb hangout. She kept texting me when anyone famous came in. She was talking to michele keegan in the bar. Although i,d never heard of her. Place was a bit pretentious but great restuarant. Be out and about in central london next weekend as we can only work 12 days max. Its working out great in feb as will make the excel bike show. Earlier finish at weekebd so hope to catch some sale bargains.
  19. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    When I'm fit and free I shall certainly meet up with you, Stu.

    We're not all unfriendly gits in London!
  20. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Stu, that’s not a hotel mate, that’s St James Park tube station, although having said that I have seen folk sleeping in there on many occasions.

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