Any E Smokers on the Forum ??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dan.1moore1, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Iv been on and of smoking for the last 2 years , I give up for months at a time but always fall back into it ( when down the pub ) and iv gotta go throu the first 2 weeks of hell all over again .

    that is untill now , A mate of mine suggested an electronic cigarette so i picked a 5 quid jobby from the petrol station and found it absolute shite ! lol

    Then i found this


    Iv been a full time smoker for about 17 years and as i said i found the cheap disposable e cigs a load of rubbish but iv been smoking this rebuildable one for 8 weeks now and i would not touch a real cigarette now

    these e cigs let out steam basically . it has a battery that heats a coil submerged in e liquid which gives of a vapour . Surprising how much of a kick , gives a real hit on the back of your throat which you can customise via liquid strength lol )


    The liquid contains nicotine and is flavoured so you can choose tobacco , fruit , sweets , wood etc flavours to suit your fancy . Im smoking butterscotch at the moment and its bloody nice to ! ha ha


    I smoke this all day long , its not bad for your health , it does not smell , you can choose how much nicotine is in it, legal to smoke indoors etc etc .

    There is a huge online community and following of these , you can even mod and upgrade your e cig

    These bad boys are 200 quid lol


    To give you an idea of how well they smoke have a look here

    If you serious about giving up then but all your mates are in the smoking shelter then give it a go, you can go out and smoke with them with out slowly killing your self , It does look a bit like your smoking a bong in the street but it is working for me .
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Morning Dan, only just seen this.
    I've been on an E cig now since The 1st of October or *stoptober*
    A lad at work was the pioneer for the folk around these parts, I thought I'd give them a try, and to my surprise, I enjoy the taste very much and it satisfies the Nicotine hit very well
    Now Gills son has the very same one as you are showing, I tried it last week, and was quite impressed, not enough for me to change my brand so to speak but pleasant all the same.
    Enough drivel im guessing this is what you need to know to help your choice?
    I get mine from here, you can only order online, the delivers take around 1-3 days after cleared payment
    Electronic Cigarette | E Cigarettes |Electric Cigarettes | UK

    With the kit shown you get two batteries a charging unit a USB plug and an adaptor,
    Each cartomizer lasts for the equivalent or 15-20 cigs.
    My advice if you do order from here?
    Only get the 18mg, do not get sucked into the flavoured ones they are Shite! Go for tobacco flavour!
    The batteries life is approx 3 months, the charger unit (if fully charged) will keep you going if your without a power supply for a couple of days.
    The battery it's self should last the duration of a cartomizer.
    You will know when it needs changing, it's like smoking a butt. (Bleh) as a rule of thumb, I always change the battery with a new cartomizer. When you try them you will know what I mean the hit is beautiful.
    Around 4-7 inhales is the equivalent to one cig, again if you over do it? Just imagine smoking constantly, there's your taste again (Bleh)

    Hope that helps Dan?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Yeah cheers mate , ill give them a go
  4. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I use the VIP or the E-Lite.
    Still having the odd real fag, but they work well mate.
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  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I've tried the one's from costco and they are not bad. called Vapersticks

    Still trying to cut down and not doing a bad job, don't smoke in front of the wife or kids ever or at home. more of a social thing
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  6. crin

    crin Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Best kit to start on for me was the riva la riva kit from ukecigstore. I got the 650mah version as I wanted something small enough to take to the pub.

    Absolutely love it!

    The next step up is a vamo which has variable voltage and variable watts. Nice toy!

    Get yourself onto aaec forum for a wealth of info and a warm welcome
    • Like Like x 1
  7. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    They might not be nearly as bad as real cigarettes but I wouldn't kid yourselves e-cigarettes are totally harmless to your health.
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  8. crin

    crin Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    The lesser of two evils they may be but the health benefits are huge. People who could barely breathe are suddenly fine. They can smell and taste, run without coughing up a lung and dont STINK anymore. At the end of the day a smoker will smoke something so im more than happy vaping.

    & Vanilla custard kicks gv's ass any day of the week.
  9. crin

    crin Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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  10. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I've been smoking for a long time. Since around 16 years old, and I am 37 now.

    Had good results with the patch but ended up frustrated with one that would not stay put so i just binned it and stopped smoking for around 10 months or so??

    Tried one of those e-cigs a while back, but I didn't get on with it at all... The USB charge up ones...

    So this time I bought the mouth spray thingy... Used it once last week... Yeah I wanted to use it more, but let's be real, I don't want to swap one habit for another. I want to cut it out altogether.

    So it has only been since the 2nd January, but I have not smoked since then. I was ill yesterday though... Cold sweats, felt like fever but no temperature... Stomach griping... Back ache...

    But I think I am over the worst of it. Granted I won't be outside the pub while mates are smoking, but at least I can breathe alot better.

    Whatever your method, whatever your way, it's better than smoking real ciggies, so keep it up, all of you, I would just suggest to try to get rid of the vape as well... Use it to wean yourself off, don't just swap the habit.

    My wife even gave me a nutritional plan so I don't eat my dog... First 3 days I ate 3 times more than I usually do, and I eat ALOT for my size!!!

    So it is Fruit for breakfast, handful of nuts and dried fruit for snack, Meat and Veg for lunch, snack of meat in afternoon, then i can have a nice dinner with carbs in it, LOTS of water throughout the day to fill the void in the stomach...

    Keep up the good work guys!!! Makes no sense going back to smoking now!!!! Cuz you gonna end up trying to stop again soon enough. Make this time quitting your last time quitting!!!

    You can do it!!!
  11. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    I totally agree. It's just lines like 'its not bad for your health' that I would take issue with.
  12. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    This post has piqued my curiosity, so I've ordered a £30 e-cig "starter pack"... might as well see if its any good. Its got to be a damn sight better than inhaling benzene, hydrogen cyanide, and dimethylnitrosamine (which is known to cause cancer).
    #12 GappySmeg, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
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  13. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I give all you guys a like for posting in here.

    As said by a few above, anything's better than continuing to smoke real ciggies.
  14. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Looks to me like no one wants to give up here and all you are doing is swopping one lethal hazzard for another (but the problem here is its not been tested) Give it up now, and no i am not on a soap box, its just that these gimmicks will be made in China in some dodgy hole and you dont know what you have in your mouth (except it taste like real Mcdonalds crispy chicken) Come on Man up and deal with the situation before you all get mouth cancer .
  15. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    *AHEM* (buried at the end of page 1...)
  16. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    What's this one like?

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  17. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Tastes quite Akrid...

    and alot of carbon residue...

    Better without the baffle on...
  18. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    My personal view is inhaling anything other than fresh clean air can't be healthy for us, my reason for choosing the E Cig was not for any other reason than getting my nicotine hit whislt cutting down to quit, i Agree with Giv, if your quiting? then man the fcuk up and quit, however,
    I am not a man!
    So i shall continue to enjoy my nicotine without smelling like an ashtray and wheezing like an old church organ , and denying our wonderful government approx £6 a day in VAT whilst killing myself off earlier? thus saving them having to pay me a pittance of a pension which inturn they can use the money to pay for my morphine when my expirey date is up.

    Or, we could all just get run over by a bus in the morning!
  19. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    But on a slightly more upbeat note...

    ...all the bunny rabbits in the meadow opposite are drowned.
  20. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    That's a bit tight ken.

    on another note, my missus smokes the old fella....full of protein.

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