I started a tread last week when my carbon hugger came from powerbronze, I was to be posting pics today only to find half the components missing preventing me from fitting it. Have any of you guys fitted one of these carbon huggers. I have to say it looks thin flimsy and amateurish when offered up, it may be better and stronger when fully fitted but im not impressed thus far, I took a good look at powerbronze's quality at the nec show and they looked fine but they had no abs blade examples to enable me to appriciate their afterthought that appears to be the ABS version. The carbon has the odd imperfection and is very very thin, which i assume is a charectoristic of carbon but once again it feels like it would not stand up to normal riding conditions. Once I get the missing fittings ill mount the hugger and see what we have, so far I'm very disappointed in my choice of hugger.
Most powerbronze stuff I have had has been very good, but a hugger I brought (non abs) was totally rubbish. It was made incorrectly and one side rubbed on the wheel. I sent it back and was given a replacement without any fuss and the replacement one was fine.
I have just emailed them about the missing components and asked if the thin and flimsy nature of the carbon is correct. It's so thin I would have to polish it with a very light hand. Lets see how we get on? I don't need this to be honest!
I bought a carbon exhaust cover, and when I unpacked it, found a fault in the lacquer like someone had stuck their thumb nail in it...!! Returned it, and was replaced, but that one also had grainy imperfections in it...!! Fecked off by then, I fitted it, but fitting isn't perfect, kinda rubbing exit pipes. Should've just bought a slip on, in hindsight...
Power bronze was the only 1 that made one for mine except the Honda one which is too big I will exchange it as I'm not too keen fitting was ok but can't get it to sit straight
Thanks for the pics wedgie, I know even without the requisite components that its not going to fit properly but can't be sure until they send me the bits. For £100 if it doesn't fit properly it will go back. Is it as flimsy when fitted?
Yeah it's almost see through looking closely I got mine 78 delivered which aint bad but it will be changed when I find a nicer one , I only got it as the original is about as much use as a handbrake on a canoe
Have you tried zero limits, got all my carbon from them, not sure if they do an abs version tho, they are based in Bourne so not too far away from you
I can't really understand this as I have had a Carbon Hugger from Powerbronze and I think I may have even commented. On the quality which was spot on very good thickness great perfect finish and even the packaging was quality .i seem to remember that I had to wait about a month for, it .So if this is what's going on I think Powerbronze should write to you with an explanation and all I can think is that they have subbed. This work out to others without any quality checks .I can't be certain but mine may have been about £135.00 about 5 years ago.
I had one fitted to my 09 and and had it for probably 3 years. The quality of the weave wasnt great but wasnt totally shit either. It certainly wasnt flimsy though. I found it to be pretty good value compared to the genuine Honda 1 which I have now on my 12 .
They seem to be a forum sponsor or something and have their own section > Powerbronze Maybe you could post there and see if they respond.
I never generally complain, things are not always perfect but its how one responds that will be the measure of the man, or in this case company. I'll get my missing bits, fit it post pics and write a report on this and other forums. I'm still waiting for the missing bits, I emailed them to this regard today, they did not send them out Monday as promised, they sent them Tuesday!! That will be today then, wednesday?
I have received the missing bits and fitted the hugger, what do you think? That's right it's twisted, it matters not how much adjustment you use it will not sit straight, that's because it is not straight. I've taken it off popped it back in the box awaiting their reply to the email I'm about to send! Perhaps it's a second that they have sent me, the general quality is poor. I'm pretty fed up with powerbronze!
Carl I can appreciate you have had a bad experience with powerbronze but so far in my riding life I have had nothing but good service from them. Screen for SV650 and then SV1000S. Carbon hugger again for SV1000s. Carbon seat cowl for 600rr, carbon hugger for 600rr. All with high quality, considering what I paid, and decent fitment. Recently I purchased another carbon seat cowl for the 600rr (Previous one got nicked, chavs..) and then I bought the fireblade, shortly after I'd got rid of the 600rr the cowl arrived in the post, I contacted powerbronze and the very helpful lad I was speaking to agreed a straight swap for the 1000rr cowl. I spoke to Brett Fellows and his customer service was excellent, maybe he is worth a try. Again sorry for your bad experience but I really was suprised!!
In my work environment service providers get it wrong, as do I, and to my mind it will happen, however it's how you deal with the problem that is the measure of a company's customer service? Thanks for the contact name ill head up my email to them tomorrow morning and see how we get on.