What the feck?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Si., Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Is it me, or am i going fecking crazy?

    I know loads of guys and girls who have lost their jobs, and homes because they cannot keep up mortgage payments due to loss of jobs. They are struggling to get benefits to keep themselves, and on many occasions it's taking them months and months to sort out…all the while to governmental twats are handing these over to the people who have never put anything into the system….. I'm sorry, but what the fuck is going on??? I have utter contempt for the pond life that has been running this country, whether labour, conservative or Liberals… Good old Blighty eh? So far from redemption now it's untrue. I feel so sorry for the next generation and indeed, ours. :mad:
    #1 Si., Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2013
  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Yeah but look at the smiles on their faces mate.

    Makes me look forward to pitching up at work on Monday all the more seeing that.

    I'm a bit drunk so can I have a bit of feedback on the quality and incisivness of my sarcasm as my own judgement may be impaired...
    • Like Like x 1
  3. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    You seem supprised !
  4. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I am Martin. I truly am!
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I'm not surprised, as such, but haven't quite seen such evidence of what the nutters at UKIP foam at the mouth about actually appearing in print before.
    #5 kpone, Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
  6. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    All credit to you Si for bringing this to our attention but do you really have to be either naked or semi naked when you post a pic of yourself? :eek:
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  7. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I know a couple that have never worked a day and between them they get £200 a week
    when I lost my job (first time unemployed since I left school) I got £65 a week to feed
    two kids and that wouldnt even cover my mortgage.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Sorry, but I'd email the NSA that they were an Alqueda cell.

  9. bardo 1962

    bardo 1962 Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Makes me want to work more overtime so I can get taxed more to help these poor people. See Kpone I can do sarcasm as well. lol.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Oooooooooooooooooh, impressive.....

    now that's sarcasm
  11. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    In the good old days they wouldn't need benefits...

    Chauffeur, cook and chimney brush, sorted.

    Okay, I need to get some coffee into me me before I say something contentious.

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Grrrrrrrr!!!!! Abolish the fucking lot.No benefits to those that can't/ won't work END OF.Then watch the majority of this country scurry back to where they came from.If you are able to work , you turn up at 8am at the local council yard to earn your benefit.You will work for 4days for your money.Our poll tax won't be so high cos these services would have been taken care of by the benefit people.When I got made redundant I had £600 to live on for 13 weeks.All I got was milk tokens for my 18mth old son.That pisses me off cos I paid for 15yrs into the system and got nothing.My mortgage lender was the only one that supported me in keeping a roof over my head.All the other creditors shafted me with fines etc.I would have turned up for work so long as my family didnt go hungry.Now I work for myself so it don't happen again.If it goes belly up, at least I will see it coming.
    • Like Like x 4
  13. lee711

    lee711 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2011
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    I don't do sarcasm very well but i can take one of these and start the return to the good ol' days.........................................................

  14. JD

    JD Active Member

    May 18, 2011
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    No thanks!
  15. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sideways... It'll never happen!

    Thing is, the next generation want everything for fuck all.
    we employed a girl for 2 years, a bit of a lazy twat, but in my eyes, you get what you put in... She put nothing in and consequently got fuck all fom us, no commission as she didn't earn it, no Xmas bonus or anything...
    We wanted to get rid for ages, but due to employment law, we couldn't. We had to give the shit 3 verbal warnings and 2 written... This took 12 mths all in all.
    anyway, finally, we could sack her. I had great pleasure in telling her to fuck right off, but gave her an offer. Ai asked if she wanted to be sacked or to leave of her own accord.... She wanted to leave. Again I asked her. " are you sure you want to leave, or want me to sack you..either way you don't work here anymore from this minute"
    she said she wanted to leave..
    4 weeks later we get a letter from the benefits agency, asking why she was sacked. I phoned them, and spoke to a girl, explaining she left of her own accord. She said thank you, and I thought that was that.
    another mth or so goes by, and we get a letter explaining we are getting taken to a tribunal. WTF? Apparently, she had been to the dole office to get benefits, but gt refused as she left on her own accord. So, she then says she gets sacked. They check up, and find out she left on her own accord, so they refuse benefits. Next thing, we get taken to a tribunal. She says she worked 40 hrs every week, and we where only paying her for 34. She only ever did 34 max. She was claiming 6 hrs extra a week for 18 mths.
    We couldn't prove it, and even " off the record" conversation from them said they know she's lying, but unfortunately the court will side with the employee.

    it cost us £6,350.
    She was a lazy, lying bitch in all the 2 years she was with us, but we got taken to the cleaners.. We couldn't get rid because of employment law, and had to wait ages and ages to sack the shit...

    Now, every employee that we get, we write down anything and everything, get them to double sign hours, days off, sickness, and will not pay a penny more to them, ever. The trust has gone, we have been shafted by a do gooder society that favours the lazy over the hardworking. Yhe girl that now works for us and has or the last 3 years is a diamond, but knows that because of the previous employee, a bit of trust has gone.

    anyway, the girl who worked for us told us that she couldn't get a mobile phone on contract because her mum refused her on the electoral roll, and didn't put her down as living there... Her mum was scamming housing benefit...
    2 mths after her payout from us, I informed the benefits agency, housing benefit and her mums employers... I found out recently they have lost their 3 bed semi and each are living in bedsits and I also found out her mum has been to court on fraud charges and so has herself and sister, 2 have lost their jobs.

    do I feel guilty? Do I fuck! I sleep better knowing that the £6,000 odd she stole from us gives m piece of mind knowing I blew the lot of the scum up... After all, in a roundabout way I've paid for the fuckers.
    • Like Like x 4
  16. gRRandeelion

    gRRandeelion Active Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Strange it's only tyrants and dictators who manage to have control of their people. The price of freedom is to be shit on by your own governments.

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