Cheers Simon, It was a bit of a p**s take to throw that one at you quite so late, but never mind. I opted for bacon rolls in their own cafe and they were very nice too. Odd thing, leaning on the railing looking down at all those identical brand new R1's wondering why on earth they needed to have so many in stock. Fell in love too, with the Knox Android gloves, how geeky can a glove get. Couldn't quite work out how to undo it, but there you go. How to word it to Mrs Ken that they are absolutely necessary for my continued well being.....
Bugger! I had the RROD and bought a new one, then a mate told me that Microsoft had extended the warranty's by two years so sent the first one back to be fixed. Makes it great playing co op from the front of the house to the back. Then the second one got the RROD, so got that one fixed. Then the new slimline with built in WIFI came out and I wished they were out of warranty. LOL. Still, lot's of Ken type games due for release so here's to a long hard winter.
My XBox 360 keeps me going over winter when it's too 'orrible to be biking! Currently looking forward to Gears of War 3, which should be out next week
Currently addicted to Deus Ex Human Revolution. Need to finish it soon, as I'm dying to play Driver San Fransisco.
For me Call of Duty, Call of Duty, Call of Duty... what a game, you can play it in so many different ways. I prefer MW2 for stealth reasons, looking forward to MW3. Guitar Hero is my other, been playing that on expert and highest speed setting for ages now, what a rush. My favorite bike game is MotoGp 08, the 125cc's give some great races. Anyone got SBK 11?
Yep it's pretty good, much improved on the 2010 one, got the legend mode as well so srad gixers, sp2, zx7r and many more are all included and asda/tesco are knocking it out around £15 mark !
I'm sure there was a PS2 game called Driver, based in San Francisco, that I had years ago. Carlo does have a point by repeating COD over and over. It needs to be done. And also for MOH. The problem is because I recieve my telecommunications through a bit of string and a cocoa tin all of the epic multiplayer games are a closed door to me and single player lasts me about a week to the after credits easter egg. I'm going to buy the remastered Halo 1, just to complete the set (then sit for a year for 4. Ditto for Bioshock 3, apparently). Arkham City is coming out on my birthday. there's Karma. Love a well done Batman game and I'm strangely looking forward to playing as Catwoman......Odd that. My current addiction though is Bookworm on the DS. It will be vital now that Strictly Come Dancing has started.
Got Driver SF but loving BF2 and can't wait till battlefield 3 is out soon. Knockedremal on the 360 and remla on the PS3. the PS3 only gets used mostly for blu ray's
Not touched my Xbox since early spring. Getting itchy now that GOW 3 is coming out. Been a fan since the start, but only multiplayer for me. Shall be buying it Tuesday and seeign if the old fingers and thumbs can hack it! Dazza doom is my tag if anyone fancys a game.
There have been a few Driver's out which have got progressively worse over the years, but we're talking about the new one, which I'm liking so far.
Because of my son hijacking my PS3 i now only play the Lego games which I'm actually enjoying . Don't get Pirates of the Caribbean thou. It took me and my 5yr old 2 days to complete all 4 films lol BastMan on the other hand is solid lol
My copy of Gears of War 3 arrived in the post this morning. I've promised a mate that I won't play it though, as we're going to play through it together when he gets his pre-order as well.
The lego Star Wars were a real guilty pleasure of mine, great little gags in it, and the Batman one. I bought Raiders but it had lost the 'thing' and I never finished it.
Ditto mate, I loved them as well. My favourite scene has to be the one from Empire Strikes Back where Luke finds out that Darth is his father - absolutely inspired!
Yeah, I loved ejecting stormtroopers through the airlock in the shower room, sans clothes but still with their helmets on. LMAO.