Well took the plunge and will be swapping my lush 600rr, bought an rr7 in black finish with an aftermarket urban exhaust ( ever heard of these ? ) can on 8200 miles on clock, must be a late registration as its on an 08 plate, complete with double bubble for £6k. Could prolly have found one a little cheaper but she is in mint condition. Down the bottom end I am not expecting much difference than my 600rr, is that the case ? Top end I would expect to be smashing the 600 in anything I should know about rr7 blades ? cheers B
Never heard of that exhaust, let's see a pic! You will get a bit more shove at the bottom end what with your extra 400CCs The fact is the 1000RR walks all over the 600 at any revs in any gear. The only issue is whether you can actually use the power and torque. RR7 blades are great. That is all.
Congrats on your new purchase! You will absolutely LOVE it! re: diff from the 600RR, it's not just the top end you'll notice being different. There's a lot more torque throughout the whole range and you won't need to concentrate as much on keeping the revs up. I actually think it made me a lazier rider as you can get a lot more drive in the lower rev ranges so you don't usually need to change down for overtakes/driving out of corners, for example, even though you should.
pick her up thursday - here she is, bought a black double bubble to be fitted Untitled Document here are those weird urban exhausts Stainless steel oval 450mm
Sweet. Perhaps I should start that Black Blades group, after all? ;-) The HRC black bubbles look really good on the black RR's, btw.
Congrats mate . I had a 600RR-7 before my Blade and when i test drove the Blade and jumped back on my 600 to go home it felt like a slug lol
You'll love it mate, so much easier to ride fast than a 600, the engine is amazing compaired to any 600, get ready for warp speed mate. The 07 Model had a tank recall, something to do with the weld being dodgy, check yours has been done mate, if not contact Honda UK I'm sure they'll sort you out if it hasnt been done
There would not be a recall on 07 plates as you could have any model on an 07 plate , all it means is it was registered in 2007 . Recall is on RR7's , My mate has had his done
I had a 600 before the blade, and used to rag the nuts off it. When i got the blade, i opened it up like i did with the 600. A little bit of poo came out. Massive difference in torque and drive-ability. The 600's have no power before 6k, the blade has it way low down, and this is where you will notice the big difference. You're going to love it.
cheers - have asked the dealer about the recall and given him some details - I would assume they would have all this info anyway if their worth their salt The 600's have no power before 6k oh dear my 600 feels quick as even from start - think I'm in for a shock ! ha ha !
Vehicle recalls website:- VOSA - Vehicle Recalls 08/02/2008 RM/2007/046 HONDA MOTORCYCLES CBR1000RR-6 & CBR1000RR-7 fuel may leak JH2SC57A66M200224 JH2SC57A46M214445 25/11/2005 31/05/2006 3 08/02/2008 RM/2007/046 HONDA MOTORCYCLES CBR1000RR-6 & CBR1000RR-7 fuel may leak JH2SC57A37M304350 JH2SC57A47M309797 14/12/2006 06/07/2007 4 08/02/2008 RM/2007/046 HONDA MOTORCYCLES CBR1000RR-6 & CBR1000RR-7 fuel may leak JH2SC57A37M301271 JH2SC57A87M309740 18/09/2006 02/07/2007 5 08/02/2008 RM/2007/046 HONDA MOTORCYCLES CBR1000RR-6 & CBR1000RR-7 fuel may leak JH2SC57A47M301277 JH2SC57A57M309971 18/09/2006 16/07/2007
If he's not a Honda dealership he may not be able to help much, but he will have access to the recall information, if he's not sure if its been done ask him to contact Honda uk it'll be on their database if its been done or not
leaving shortly on the 100 mile trip to go get her lol, sun is shining down here in the south - ideal biking conditions
Good luck with it, mate, don't forget to post once you're home..... And look both ways when you cross... And don't talk to strangers....
You'll enjoy that ride home!! I own and rr7 and love the fact that you cant pin it in 1st or 2nd without the front wheel coming up!!