I would love to disagree as I am the proud owner of a datatool on my new blade... ...but I have been lucky with the alarms reliability so far (peeps here have a poor opinion of datatools) But due to an incident at work (dont ask im still angry) I proceeded in pushing my bike to the multi storey...oops i forgot the alram arms itself. So I pushed my bike with alarm blaring through Bishops Stortford (on pavements, road & car park) and not one bastard/member of the public asked if... 1. I was alright 2. If I was knicking it 3. or even a suspicious glance I have decided that the alarm is only any good if I can hear it, so I will spend my large wad on a feck off lock next time.
I've got a Honda Averto, shipmate. It behaves itself and works. I need to turn up its volume if poss. I like having it for when the bike's at home. That way if the bike's moved I can nip down for a chat.
Just removed my Datatool S4 from the 1098, kept on discharging the battery in a day or two. Now its gone I havent had any issues Also had a Meta on the R6 which left stuck in the middle of nowhere So in my opinion dont bother, they cost a bomb, they dont stop it getting nicked and 9 time out of ten make no differance to your insurance premium, buy a good lock
Buy one of these instead OP. I bought the 2m one at £284 including ground anchor and top notch Paddy! Almax Immobiliser Series IV + Squire SS65CS Lock + Defiant Ground Anchor --- Almax Security Chains Ltd
need to get one of these when I move next week as no garage where Im going a touch concerned to be honest
Get a Shed at least Zippy! A 8 or 10' x 6' Shed aint a lot of dollars and whilst it doesn't offer much mechanical security it gets your Blade out of sight which at the end of the day is what counts. If the Twats don't see it or know it's there then it won't get robbed. I know two mates of mine who have Sheds due to no garages and have constructed a nice raised concrete base with a small ramp for the shed to go on. This way you have sumat to sink a ground anchor in to. A Concrete base and reasonable double door shed can be put together for less than £500 http://www.shedstore.co.uk/garden-s...hed-plus-overlap-workshop-garden-shed-10-by-8 I'd probably go for a Metal Shed like this one, BARGAIN! £150 for a concrete base and ya laughin! http://www.shedstore.co.uk/garden-s...yardmaster-green-1013geyz-metal-shed-13-by-10
looking at this as a stop gap, unless it goes too high on the cash front of course. any of you tried them at all? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130873595091?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619
Never seen one of those TBH! My only concern is that if it's placed on view it smacks of "eye eye, what's someone hiding under there?" Every Feckers got a Shed so looks inconspicuous to passing Scumbags
thats a good point, was only lookin to avoid any planning permission problems with a shed...will have to do my homework. Although my gorgeous wife just uttered the woods 'keep it in the kitchen' I wish I recorded it as I reckon she might regret that one lol
Sheds don't need planning permission whether wood or metal, they're all classed as 'Temporary Buildings' ...............obviously if you were to try and erect a Farm Type Shed 40' tall that would be a different matter!
Usually shed's are OK as they come under temporary structure. Course that could just be in Scotland. Can't say for anywhere else. Edit: Beaten to it by Sinewave!
Depends on where you live... It'll be documented by your local authority. Usually a detached shed doesn't require permission as long as it's at the side or back of your property. Doesn't matter if temporary or brick and mortar. Front of property or attached, you need planning permission (At least in my LA). My LA does pamphlets on their website explaining what you can or can't do. YMMV... Of course, if you live in a conservation area, the rules change again... Then it needs to be in character with the area and existing buildings... Listed building... probably forget about it... H
I'd save the £100 or so for the folding one, Zip. A basic shed will be £200 or so and streets ahead in terms of security and invisibility. Chap I know was pointing out that if you put a Bump Stop in then you can buy a narrower (therefore cheaper) shed than you might buy if you were planning to leave it on the side stand. But kitchen...she's worth her weight in gold. Top girl!
what about using a gamekeepers mate???? usually 14 quid and so loud.... Alarm Mine [H4990] - £13.50 : Henry Krank, Everything for shooters and collectors just remember to move the wire yourself. word of warning these can only be described as F%%k load..... if anyone set one of they will shat themselfs
I still swear by my Averto, proper Honda fittings and a mount under the pillion seat. Have a look on ebay for the CBR1000RR Averto for your year.