Double standards

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Yorkshire Tyke, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Good points YT and exfire
    I will try to get the vid but my friends were out for a ride
    In Wales and had cameras fitted.they all got stopped
    At a police check point and in front of their covert cam
    When questioned about why the cars were not getting
    Stopped the officer replied they had Instructions to stop
    Bikes only. If thats not double standard's I don't know
    What is. The vid was all over the mcn when they sent
    Them a copy.
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  2. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Woah there... firstly no tone intended... in fact if you re-read my post you should see that its quite a dry statement of my opinion (which ive even apologised for, in case it rubs the wrong way)

    Secondly, arent all our opinions based on our personal experiences? And therefore its completely acceptable to have wildly differing opinions on a subject without believing we're being confronted?
  3. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    I think it really does vary depending on which area you live and we shouldn't make stereotypical sweeping statements should we... after all the coppers round you end gappy are probably too busy drinking cider and speaking in hobbit to one another..

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  4. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    You may have something there.

    But you must understand that from my viewpoint and experiences the whole persecution mentality appears delusional. But obviously, I dont dispute that the reality in your area may be very different.

    Something profound about judging and walking a hundred miles in another's shoes would fit perfectly... if only I could remember the proverb.
  5. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes. WIN
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  6. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I think if you state people who believe they are picked on are' immature and have an age of 13' or are 'over sensitive types', or 'I am always being picked on types' within just two replies to people who believe they are being picked on then it is likely to get a response such as I gave to you.

    Yes of course you are entitled to your opinion, I am a great believer in that, but I do not think it is necessary to try and deride people who have different experiences or opinions to your own. I feel you did that in your first response to YT and then to mine.

    We are a mixed bunch here and will have varying experiences and different knowledge bases. I base my opinions on a variety of things, personal experience just being one.

    There is a wealth of documented evidence which shows that there are a number of occasions when motorcyclists are clearly targeted. The Police themselves actually often publish they will be targeting bikers.

    I got stopped 4 times last year on my bike and covered 10 times more miles in my car yet did not get stopped at all. Most of the mileage all in the same County.

    Stopping and searching people because of their ethnic background caused mayhem at the time, in some ways this has similarities, one part of the road using community being stopped while other parts are left alone.

    I like to be part of this forum because it has a nice attitude, just would like to see it stay that way, if your comments came across differently to what you intended then that is fine. Being understood or misunderstood on forums can be tricky because we are typing rather than talking.
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  7. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It's easy money, it's an easy pull. Simple.

    Most bikers break the law, whether speeding slightly during an overtake (safe imo) , tinted visors (again, safety due to low or glaring sun) , small plates (aesthetics) , loud cans (safety, as cars and other muppets can hear you) , etc… None of these is asking for a pull…far from it. (IMO)

    Traffic will pull you irrespective of these so called offences, and lecture you on why the pull was initiated ( every time I've had the safety bullshit) And it's all because it's an easy pull, and easy money. Simple.

    Most bikers (and everyone i know who ride bikes) look after their bike, so much so, it's bordering on the OCD. They are immaculate, never want for anything, and the owners keep up on the servicing and brakes, tyres, lights, leathers, lids etc a lot more often than is really needed. So it's bullshit. I bet a lot more cars/trucks/buses on the road are far less safe and less roadworthy… you've only got to look at the pond life on mobile phones or supping costa take out coffee! And the twats don't use their mirrors in most situations.

    They should be pursuing the scallies on scooters with bald tyres, jeans and trainers, incorrectly fitting lids and poorly looked after scooters and 125's that nail it in built up areas.

    We are an easy target, so we are used to being pulled or lectured. Fuck knows why on most occasions, and it's one reason i can't abide traffic cops.
    #27 Si., Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2013
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  8. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    This is what I was alluding to earlier with the db readers and number plate templates. I've been stopped before and have always been very polite and respectful, although every time the officer has been very patronizing and told me off like I was his 4 year old!! I know I'm young but geeeez!! There's just no need. Oh and that map Si- spot on mate! Nice crisp throttle response and really smoothed her out. The idle hunting has improved too.

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  9. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Mate, last time i got a pull…. it was icy, cold and wet in places. I went for a bimble on my own to clear my thoughts, and i was a NSL road ( the markers said 50 though due to roadworks). I was doing 40 ,if that, due to road conditions and was just enjoying it, taking in the smells ( does anyone else do this ?? LOL) and scenery. A traffic on a bike pulled out of a garage and followed me. seconds later, his blues went on, overtook me and signalled to me to pull in with his hand, and he was pointing erratically. I pulled in, and sat on my bike and turned it off. He came upto me and told me to get off the bike so he could have a word.
    I said to him whats the problem, and he said it was my dark visor and the conditions didn't allow for it, neither did the law. I pointed out, it was cold, wet, icy in places and the sun was low in the sky, and that i wear glasses. If i wear my glasses with a clear visor , the glare is unbelievable, and told him the dark visor is safer. He was having non of it, and started to lecture me on my wrong doing. Wanker. I took off my lid, and straight away, he backed off. He obviously knew i wasn't some spotty oik fresh out of my DAS, he was younger than me and then he started to try and get all friendly. I was having none of it, and dismissed him and his questions about "nice bike" "bet that cost a bit, had it long?" etc…

    He then notched i hadn't got my tax disc on display. I opened the rear cowl, took out my wallet and showed it to him, explaining i had 2 previous tax discs STOLEN and it had cost me on each occasion for a duplicate from the DVLA, so in future, wether he likes it or not, i was keeping the original on my person, as APNR detects if you have tax, insurance etc...

    Another "friendly" lecture this time, but i didn't reply to him, i just said yeah, ok.

    Then he said he was going for a brew to warm up, and did i want to join him?.

    I thanked him and said " no, better not, better get back home as riding with a dark visor and not displaying a tax disc is clearly very dangerous, and aiding and abetting a law breaker to a coffee shop with these crimes is more than your jobs worth, and if i got really friendly with you, then we could become mates, then i introduce you my daughter, you may fall in love, and get married. But, i could not possibly let my daughter marry someone who one minute pulls me for a crime, next minute asked me to join him for coffee… It's a trust issue you see".

    He didn't know where to look, and bid me good day.

    True story.
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  10. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    That's where I've been going wrong!! I'm a spotty oik fresh out of DAS (well 4 years). I should perhaps instead buy a stick on beard and glasses... Ah, maybe that's not a good idea... :)
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  11. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I should rephrase that, spotty oik with jeans and trainees and a t-shirt. Usually found riding a gixxah.
  12. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Lol I often get glared at in busy places turning up on a nice shiny fireblade, first they have a look of disgust at the noise, then once I've rolled to a stop it's more a look of admiration and awe followed by a look of shear shock when I take off my lid. How can a young tyke own such a bike? They feel a whole mix of emotions they do... and i love it. :D
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  13. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Sorry to play the old git, but I started riding in the 70s and bikers were targetted then, they had been before and are today and will continue to be until the sun stops rising in the east.

    I have been stopped fairly and IMO unfairly over the years, I agree with all the comments re the visors, small plates, cans etc. but our main problem is that we move quicker than any other vehicles out there, are quite visible (except to car drivers at junctions!), often in groups, and generally piss off most of the non biking population mainly becuase we appear to be enjoying ourselves.

    The annual police initiatives come along just about the same time as the first swallow arrives back in Blighty, its never gonna stop, so as much as we get pissed by it, we just have to smile and get on with it I guess.
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  14. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    I think its like ash says they like to flex their muscles at the start of every bike season. Just dunno how they can ride with us undercover all day and then go home with a clear conscience, after all they must of applied to ride for the police because the enjoy riding right.. But I'd be amazed if they went out on their fireblades, or zx10s or r1s on a day off and stuck to all the speed limits!! Obviously they don't so they clearly make a mockery of the law in their spare time, I therefore sumise that they are stopping and lecturing us because they find it funny that they can get away with it!! In all fairness if you wanna ride whatever speed you like and never pay for any costs such as tyres, fuel or a wrecked bike- join the Po po. I just can't force myself to turn to the darkside..
  15. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    @YT , when I get off my Blade and take my lid off there is a look of shock and horror, sort of ' look at that old baldy on that lovely bike, wonder how he gets on and off without help' lol.

    @Kentblade, me too, had my first bike in 73 (in Maidstone) , it was the same then, particularly the Bank Holiday jaunts to Margate. Nothing changes much, it will always be the same.
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  16. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Out of interest how often do you get stopped in your car
    Compared to the bike.
    I have never been pulled over in the car, even when I
    Had my boy racer lookalike focus.but getting stopped
    On the bike, lost count the amount of times.even remember
    My first day on the open road I got pulled.went over my
    Smokey nsr with a fine comb and then told me I could go.
    I asked why they pulled me and they said to see if the bike
    Was stolen.
  17. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Respect to the pair of you for being an older rider and manning a blade!! I'm getting all my sportsbike owning in while im young, my dad is trying to convert me to a tourer- NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    My dad was the one that suggested me getting another blade.
    He has an R1 but wants a blade next......he was born in 38 :D
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  19. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Top man! not bad going that,would love to see a cops face when he takes his helmet off.
  20. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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