would you loan out your bike?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by phantom, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    so a few things are happening this year with me, one is a change of job and a about a hundred pounds
    a week worse off means I am skint most of the time now :(
    and next was a good friend from weston super mare is having is stag night on the 16th of may (nw200 weekend).
    this will be the first time I will miss this race but its for a good friend I have known on blade forums a while so I dont
    mind.but now here is the main bit, my bike will have to spend a few weeks off the road as I havent got the spare
    cash for a new back tyre but my sister has now phoned me asking can she loan the bike for the nw200 and she
    will fit a new tyre.my worries are racers stay with them every year and one might take my bike for a good session
    or maybe after a few beers someone decides to see who has the loudest bike(not the first time).she promised that
    none of that will happen but if you were in my shoes what would you do??
  2. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    If it were my brother or sister (well not actually my brothers as they don't ride) or a close friend that you trust I'd lend them it no bother.

    Bend it you mend it.

    On the other hand, lending it to a pal who isn't that great a rider, likes too many beers, and is always skint themselves (I.e not flush to mend it if bent it) then I'd swerve it.

    All about the individual I guess!?
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  3. Jamiestrada

    Jamiestrada JamieMultiTraitor

    May 12, 2011
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    Can I borrow the R1 Please Jimbo ;)

    I am the same a jimbo, a friend who I trust and would take care of it YES but if you have any doubts as to there ability or judgement NO

    I have leant my bike (CBR400) to a mate before for 3 months when I went to Iraq, I got back and it was immaculate as i expected, but I was a little worried everytime I thought about it lol
    #3 Jamiestrada, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  4. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    No problem dude. I'll swap it with you for the duke before you chop it in!? Ha ha

    On a serious note some one like Jamie would take more care of my bike than me lol... Wouldn't have an issue. However I'm not sure I'd borrow anyone else's? Ive swapped bikes on ride outs before of course, but over a period of time I'd be reluctant, not because I'd miss use it (although some of my pals would never believe that) I'd treat it with total respect, however I'd always be worried that something - mechanically or accident wise that you just can't avoid might happen.

    And then I'd def be accused of abusing someone's bike lol

    Swapping and using in front of your pal - least they see what happened - is a little safer incase anything goes wrong!
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  5. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Close friend or family yes on a understanding that its fully insured up and photos will be took any damage just gets paid for no arguments
  6. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    As said, really depends on the individual and their ability to repair or even worst case replace it.

    Insurance is obviously key, but in my book that's simply around being legal on the road. If anything happend I'd expect the persons using the bike to pay out of their own pocket, no questions. Sounds a bit harsh, but they would be my rules.
  7. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Sounds mean I know, but I would not loan my bike to anyone, especially not my brother who is a real speed freak lol.

    While I know there are people who could be trusted to look after it, accidents/events can happen outside of the norm. If they damaged it or someone else damaged it while it was in their care, they would feel terrible about it. As much as I would try to be understanding,I would not be able to contain my upset.

    Would I lend my missus out, no, so I definitely wouldn't lend my bike out lol

    Good question to ask and the responses are much more generous than mine, you are all so much nicer, I feel mean now.
  8. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Don't think so at all... You shouldn't have your insurance affected cos your pal has spangled your bike! It's up to them to sort it IMO.

    For instance, if you trashed the r1, I'd have the 10 as a courtesy bike until sorted ;) and visa versa lol
  9. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    My brother and I don't see eye to eye so I have difficulty lending him an ear most of the time, but, if push came to shove I would give him a kidney if he needed it. Would I lend him my bike, I don’t think so as he hasnt ridden for years, but it would really depend on the situation and why he needed it.

    Would I lend it to a mate, interesting dilemma I had not given much thought to. Darek, Yes because I know he would treat it with respect and could afford to fork out if the worst happened.

    Oh, and Carl you can have it anytime you like mate as long as you promise not to take it anywhere near your jinks’t garage and give it one of your little wash and polish’s afterwards.
    #9 Freedom of choice, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  10. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    It's an odd one to get your head around in one go as there is always an initial reaction to the request, then after a bit you will begin to second guess the decision, then you start reasoning with the pros and cons, but most of all, you don't want to upset the person who asked.

    One of my riding buddies has got a thing about swapping bikes, usually for the run home after a ride out and I've never been comfortable with it. I always rationalised it with jumping on an unfamiliar bike, a long way from home and having to learn the feel for it on somebody else's time frame and agenda, even though I acknowledge that he is a better rider than I am, but he bought a 954 and then I bought an identical one save the steering damper and can. Sure enough, he wanted to swap bikes one night and I still felt uneasy about it even though there should have been no discernible difference between the two (despite me thinking the steering damper made his bike feel like the front tyre was flat and him thinking my front end was too light under acceleration).

    I think it comes down to relinquishing control and the anguish it causes us. My mechanic of the last 30 years, who I trust implicitly and spent 5 years navigating for in our rallying days, insists on test driving my cars with me sat beside him, so he can teach me the 'feel' for what's wrong with it or how it's improved from his fettling and to this day I always feel a bit uneasy with him ragging my P&Js.

    I am very precious about my books. I've spent a long time and more money than I'd care to admit collecting them and used to hate it if people asked to borrow one. In the end I just mad it an unremitting rule that nobody gets to borrow one and over the years people have accepted it as one of Ken's idiosyncracies and joke about but never question it. It makes me feel a lot better when they start drooling over my collection, knowing the question will never come up.
  11. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Only one other person has ever riden mine and that was Arthur, I'm very protective over my bike but I could prob just about deal with riding his repsol home if he smashed mine up :D
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  12. KRL

    KRL Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I have loaned mine often to my brother and on occassion to friends with the rule 'you bend it you buy it' and that they are insured. Mind you my brother always gives me one of his in return, last time I had his brand new BMW s1000 RR to play with.
  13. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Not aprob, as long as they can afford to fix it if they drop it. I offered Craig my bike for the last session at rockingham, as his broke. He refused, but was welcome to use it.
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  14. Swiss T

    Swiss T Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I would be more cautious as it will be going out of my sight for a while. I guess it depends on what you agree should a mishap occur.
    #14 Swiss T, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013

    BLAGGERS Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I lent my R6 to a mate cos his car was broke and his bike was in bits ( i was doing the work on it for him). Anyway, he went to wakefield on it and came home on the train. He works for the NHS, parked it in an underground barrier controlled car park, security guard there and cctv. Was left for 7 minutes.....gone. Not an inside job then! Cost him £6,500. As others have said, only lend to someone who you know can afford should the worst happen.
  16. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    thanks for the input.

    if it was just her taking it and that was guaranteed I dont think I would
    have a problem but its the worry that her husband or her racing friends
    take it for a run(mind you I think the racers would respect it more).
    she said she would get fully comp so insurance hasnt crossed my mind,
    I just worry about the other eejit taking it for a wheelie session round the
    town or bouncing it off the limiter one too many times like he does with his
    own bike.
  17. derick

    derick Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    I dont think I could. I've swapped bikes on a run a couple of times but, as has been said, under the caveat of you break it you buy it. It's not something I'd do lightly. I'd sooner lend them my car.
  18. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Cars are far easier to lend out and feel safe about.

    There's too much costly damage caused by dropping a Bike than a small bump on a Car.

    The stress it would cause me is too much compared with any offence it may cause, plus anyone who did take proper offence is not a proper mate IMHO
  19. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Swap bikes loads, had a shot on a gixer 750 so mate could have proper test on r1, the rode a Womble aka cb1000r

    But...I make sure test pilots could raise cash to replace bike
  20. paul-b

    paul-b Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Tell whoever that wants to borrow it that you will saw off his manhood with a rusty blunt knife if it doesn't come back as you would expect.... Let's see if there still serious !?

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