2013 Scotland Tour

Discussion in 'Events, Meetings & Ride Outs' started by ColinBR, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    The Firebloke caught Jimbo trying to nick my mirror but he then made a tale up about falling on the bike ! I have spoken to top Honda uk manager and they said it is near impossible to break it this way ,unless you are ''of lets say Portly build''
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  2. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Before and after a good wash.
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  3. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Just about to leave work having got here at 14:00 and not taken a break, then got to be in for 07:00 to finish a load of things off before the users arrive.
  4. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    So thats it for my photos .The weather was not kind to us at all and even after yesterday which raines all day we took a good hammering on the way back with massive cross winds driving rain which was mixed with Hailstone not for the faint hearted on the M6 which the next blast sending you across the carrageway. Colin a very nice guy ''When we could understand him'' AL super duper dude mopping up all our bullshit all day and night .The firebloke for keeping me in check and focused on what seemed like ice covered roads and leaning me some decent lines .Gary B who has been cured of snoring by me after only 1 night .And to everyone who attended this gathering a big thanks and i would just like to say that although it was mainly raining or really cold not one person moaned and wanted to spew it (Thats how good it was) .
    • Like Like x 8
  5. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Ha, here's my 9 threads worth. Keep with me.
    Thursday 09/05/13

    The day we have all been waiting for has finally arrived. Time to load up and ship out of Lancashire for a few days.*

    Come on, put the fecking camera down and lets go.*

    Had a bit of time on my hands so I had a little bumble round to the meeting point at J33, arrived around 11.15 hrs, which was just as well, as Giv and the southern massive had left Lymm at around 11.00 hrs heading our way. It only just gave me time to don my waterproofs, rains a coming.*
    Giv did a Stirling job leading the bikes up to the second meet, negotiating 14 junctions and 50 odd straight miles, I think he should be up for a medal?

    So a quick meet and greet and thefirebloke takes the reigns, leading us to Devils Bridge.*
    When we arrived, Kevin "J36" was there to greet us.*


    A quick brew and it's off towards Hartside Cafe, a little bit of an altered route, due to a numpty in a range rover, insuring we couldn't all make the turn, so into Kendal and over the Shap via the A6 with a fuel stop at Penrith.*

    No pics outside the cafe, weather was to bad for even thinking about taking the cameras out. *Have a library photo.*
    Two very tired chaps*
    Discussing the next step
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  6. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Suitably fed and watered were now heading for our first nights accommodation in Hawick.*
    Bikes secured and it's time to spend some time getting to know the rest of the group a little bit better.*


    Friday 10/05/13
    Up bright and early, *"sorry Thefirebloke" after breakfast it's time to head to Galashiels to meet up with Colin and the Scottish contingent.*

    Top man Bruce Smart TeapotOne - 100,000 miles around the world for charity

    More bikes.

    Colin and Graham in Da house.*

    Young Craig arrives, and disappears up Jason's Bum.*

    Jimbo admires teapotones fine beast.*

    A quick lube and it's away we go, we are now officially on tour.*
    • Like Like x 5
  7. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    After a brief spell and a hold up we arrive at the Cove for some unconditional picture whoring.*

    No explanation needed.*

    Dave V backing it in
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  8. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Right, next stop Knock Hill circuit for a couple of parade laps, this was kindly organised by HRCTREV, all round top bloke to boot too.*
    After a little confusion, come on lads, ain't the signs big enough? We all arrived at Knock Hill at 11.29hrs. We're bang on time.*

    A quick mill around the car park*


    Put that camera away.*

    Then it's time to sign our lives away.*

    If you like yellow, then you'll like this.*

    After a quick brief we mount the bikes and head for the circuit.*
    Can't believe we had a dry at Knock Hill, infact no one could.*
    *The three laps were amazing. We had an escort in front and one bringing up the rear, the rules were simple, piss about? And your off.*
    We was there a whole 32 minutes. Well organised in and out job done kind of thing, top effort guys!

    Off for our next meeting point.*
    Had to do a diversion as the road we intended to do was closed. *

    Tbh it all kind of went tits up for me from then on in.*
    I missed the turning off the A9 how? F##k knows but all the same.
    By the times I got myself sorted the group was long gone, a slight illegal Uturn only saw me 5 minutes off but the pace was way to quick to make any head way?
    Or was it?
    I saw a flash of yellow in the distance, distinctively looking like Trevs waterproof cover for his ruck sack, right, of I went in to a town in a 30mph zone and a lot of cars I found the source of the yellow I was so hard trying to catch.*
    I shit you not, it was the bloody crossing attendant at the local school.*

    Unperturbed I again went in search, I'm not ashamed to admit I did a rather shit myself up kind of a thing, I went in well hot to an unfamiliar left hand bend, panicked "as only I would" and ended exiting the bend on the opposite side of the road, with an oncoming car for company.*
    Crash averted, only by what ever force, I decided to call it off, I pulled in had a puff or 20 on the electronic and sent the guys a txt to say I would see them at the hotel.*
    The CraigLynn Hotel.*
    I arrived 1st, only by 15 minutes or so, and the word on the street was I didn't miss much, as the road was quite crappy?
    The boys roll into town.*

    Parking up at the rear and Giv going for the casual look.*


    A cracking meal was consumed, all thanks to Al diverting a potential cock up, as I hadn't mentioned "or at least that's the word" that we could have a four course for £15 his smooth talking soon got me out the shite.*
    • Like Like x 4
  9. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Saturday 11/05/13
    *After a hearty breakfast it's time to head on.*
    A little split in the group today, Bruce "TeapotOne" had to go to John o Groats for some photos, along with him went Jimbo, Dave V, lee, Andy and Gary, HRCTrev also went, well, for a mile then Al fetched him back lol.*
    Heading towards tAppleCross today saw us aiming for Inverness, a little confusion appeared over the routes, and a quick look at the map was needed to get us all back into place.*
    No dramas we headed off with some wicked roads ahead of us, I felt a little cheated and that I'd let Giv down, because along the way we had two cars flash their lights and give us the thumbs down, so I perhaps stayed at the recommended limit for a little longer than needed. I may add, everyone else decided not to.*
    On the next road I was a different t story. We had some 23 miles of long sweeping bends with a view that even I could take as the given.*
    We met up with Colin, them onto take a few pictures along the way.*
    Al makes use of the found reception.*

    Young Craig. Top wee lad.*

    Givs HRC*

    Your truly trying to hide the fact I'm wearing waterproofs when it not raining.*
    • Like Like x 3
  10. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    2.10 mins actually. Inc a horrendous hail storm... Just having coffee before we all say good bye and split...
  11. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Time to get some fuel before the apple-cross Road.*

    A big thumbs up from Al?

    Rain coming down the loch, perhaps a good call on the waterproofs?

    Into Applecross, a little shitty for a while, roads wet/stones etc but a good ride over, Colin had a little bit of target fixation at one point, Ha! And I followed him. A bit bumpy we we cut some new road that morning ;)

    Looking out over the inner sound towards?
    The king of the Muff, AKA Gary

    We decided to head back the same way, taking around 20miles off our intended route.*
    We stopped here for coffee.*
    A castle where the filmed Highlander or it's correct title Eilean Donan Castle.*
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  12. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Moving on and a couple more stops before we get to our 3rd nights digs.*

    LochGarry. Rude not to stop.*

    AL's always been my idol. Shame not to put him on a plinth.*

    Our last stop.*
    The commando memorial at Spean Bridge.*
    Our very own Jason.*

    Onto the hotel, park up for the night. *
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  13. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Sunday 12/05/13
    *Heading west this morning, we went to FortWilliam for fuel, whilst there we voted against doing the Scottsburgring due to poor visibility and wet conditions.*
    Jimbo Vills. With a hangover from hell.*

    Ha, you'll need to wave more than that to being the sheep in.*

    Moved off along the A82 and went to the GreenWelly shop for a brew.*
    Cold and wet we soon got on with the job in hand and headed to Oban for dinner.*
    Crabs anyone?

    Piss wet through.*

    Loving the wet.*
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  14. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Page 9

    Ha! Four days of Garyb and it looks like IOM going to make the harbour wall.*

    After around an hour for lunch, and sampling the female waitress go fuck your self attitude we headed out for Moffat.*
    Our final night
    We rode through the Cairngorms back to the A82 and headed for the Erskine Bridge and the M8, we're all piss wet and just want to get some warmth into us.*
    Colin arranged for us all to have a meal at a little Bistro. At this point he turned scab and went home bringing his BW Sciroco and the lovely Stacy for an evening.*
    Fantastic food and great company
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  15. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Monday 13/05/13
    So that it. Time to say our good byes.*
    A great time, I got a lot out of it, most we met as strangers, I hope we left as friends.*
    It takes a lot for a group of strangers to pull something off like this, what ever the recipe? We have Fcukin buckets of it.*
    I'll leave you with this*
    What happened in Scotland, stays in Scotland.*

    Quick stop for coffee at Devils Bridge.*
    Ha, it's like a sign. Flash of lightening and pissed with hail stone.*
    White out.*
    Last pic at devils.*

    Bye Bye, love to do it all again. If you'll have me. :)
    • Like Like x 21
  16. steve b

    steve b Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    wow sounds like you guys had a great time i"m majorly jealous hope i can get on a trip like this one day soon,shame about the weather but it doesnt seem to have dampened
    youre enthusiasm for the trip.

    thanks for all the pics and updates
  17. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Great write-up Gary, as always.

    thank you.
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  18. ColinBR

    ColinBR God Like

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Awesome write up Gary, and thank you for all the great pics.
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  19. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Oi Gary - this was working to check the lads covering for me (which enabled me to make the trip) were getting on OK!

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  20. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    Excellent excellent excellent , enjoyed reading that . A star for you .

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