A bikers charity worthy of support

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by T.C, May 29, 2013.

  1. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    It is a fact of life that many of us will at some stage be involved in a crash whilst out on the bike, hopefully for the majority it will be nothing more than bit of damage or a bruised ego.

    However, for a few it will be catastrophic or worse and certainly life changing.

    A new registered charity has been set up to provide support to riders and their families who have been involved in just such an incident called the British Biker Relief Foundation. Their aims and objectives can be read at their website -

    Home - British Biker Relief Foundation

    I have been working with them for a few months now, and I have to say that the service and support they provide to riders and their families is second to none, and it is not just about the financial support, but also the help they provide both physically and mentally.

    If you are looking for a worthwhile charity to support, then you could do a lot worse than support the BBRF, and the £6.50 a year membership fee goes a long way to supporting fellow riders and their families in their hour of need.

    It is run by volunteers all over the country for the benefit of riders and their families, and they give up a lot of their spare time, sometimes doing nothing more than sitting in a Hospital providing assistance and an ear to the families especially when the crash has occurred outside the riders normal area or is some distance from home.

    A charity well worth considering.
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  2. bubba

    bubba Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    after reading through and looking at the foundation what great charity and will be putting my 6.50 in, and good on you and others for giving up there spare time to be at the hospitals very good of you!
  3. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    I should point out that when I said working with them, I am not a volunteer, but on my recommendation my firm is the charities main sponsor, so I work with them to help promote them where ever and when ever I can.

    Did not mean to mislead anyone in that respect, but I agree with your sentiment in respect of those that do willingly give up their time which is why we were happy to provide the support and sponsorship.

    I hope that does not prevent you from joining and paying your £6.50.

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