Hi Everyone, Have just placed a deposit on a 2012 blade & being 50+ with 10 yrs+ no claims bonus on my cars I am used to fairly cheap insurance. But after a 20 year gap on a bike, I bought a Street Triple earlier this year but still have no yrs no claim for the bike. So was staggered at the quotes for a blade. The cheapest being over £900. I have no points on my licence (although three incidents/claims on my cars), live in a village & will only do no more than 2000 miles a year on a bike. Seems excessive. I have used Go Compare & MCN Compare (their cheapest being over £2000). HELP! Any other web sites/companies worth trying?
I'm with MCE only pay £200 odd Fully comp with zero excess. But I do have 7 y NCB. Make sure you put your experience with +1000CC bikes as this reduces the price a bit. Not saying its the correct thing to do but experiment by putting the date of purchase as few months back and see how this affects the premium.
Thxs Guy's. Believe it or not the £900 quote was MCE & that's with £1000 total excess. i guess it's because I haven't ridden for 20+ yrs & don't have any yrs no claims
H&R Insurance in Aberdeen (?) were half the price I was quoted by Swinton back in March. Still £600 though with max NCD etc etc. Good luck !
I know exactly where you're coming from mate, had the same performance my self. 45 Years old, Clean Advanced Driving Licence, No accidents or convictions, nice Cheshire Postcode, Bike Garged and 'Almaxed' Chain & Anchor. The best quote I got was using the link on the Bike Trader section of Autotrader. Best quote I got was £890 Fully Comp £750 excess 4000 mile a year and no Pillion cover. Bike Insurance | Compare Bike Insurance quotes, Cheap Motorbike Insurance at Bike Trader
Just got a quote from Motorcycle Direct via Money Super market.com - £497 with £800 total excess which is more like it
It has to be the lack of Bike time, as that still seems high. I used Bikedevil.net (MCE in disguise btw) and got a good quote but by feck the excess is high. but with Bike devil you can insure against the excess....woop woop
Glad you got the quote to under 500, but realistically even 900 is good for someone with a 20 year gap in riding, and no NCB who then wants to jump on the biking equivalent of a rarified supercar in terms of performance........no wonder the underwriter gets a little twitchy on his quote sheet.
That's not too bad with no NCD. I just paid £330-ish (350 excess) with declared mods (PC, Exhaust etc), 47, 4 years NCD, Big claim just 4 and a bit years ago, Protected NCD, 2999 miles. Would have paid £120 without the mods and protected NCD. If you're like me then you will get a big price drop with 1 years NCD. Mind some of the apparent cheap deals. Had some which looked ok until I saw things like no payment if stolen within 500 yards of house and not in garage, no payout if stolen from garage and not locked to an approved ground anchor. Have you tried seeing what your current insurer will do? You may pay more but it will get your 1 year NCD up quicker.
£500 is a bargain - if I was the underwriter I would either not quote or want higher premium and excess of at least £1000 No experience with riding for 20 years and jump on a 180mph bike does not look good.
True. I guess they don't know I had a GSXR750 all those years & had a few years no claims. But even so I am a high risk
They must think I'm passed it - £163.00 with leathers/helmet cover, roadside assistance, personal accident & legal cover with MCE. 4 years riding and NCD but over 60??
OMG indeed OP. I had an original quote of ~£670 and after getting some comparison quotes, got £200 lobbed off. Play them against one another, especially if you are a good risk in terms of riding history.
Please don't do this... you only have to do a quick search on here, and a bit og google work to see how bad, deceptive and fraudelant this company is. Try H&R
5yr no claims, mce wanted over a grand. got them down to 880 but only if i reduced my mileage from 10k to 3, which is stupid. bikesure price 317 with 10k declared mileage not being funny but are you really sure you want a new blade after a st? might i suggest a cheapo option, ride a firestorm for a year with insurance about the same as your st.... then you have a years exp on 1000cc.
Got back on a bike earlier this year after a 20 year gap (Street TripleR) & got the hang of this biking malarky again. If I were the sensible type I would keep the Street Triple for a year to get at least one years no claims. But heh - I'am not. I got a quote of under £500 for the blade which I'am happy to pay.