They will have set up a CCA (Continuous Charge Authority). Speak to your bank and tell them to cancel it. Pretty sure the rules have changed and the banks have to cancel them now. I always stayed away from CCAs in the past as the banks could (would) only cancel them if the other party cancelled it.
A cancelled or expired card is also no help against this form of theft... I had a card (CC with Egg) up for renewal, and cancelled the account. Paid it in full... About 4 months later a shitty letter arrived saying I hadn't paid my bill from 'last month'. Turns out the arseholes had accepted a charge from an insurance company for pet insurance that I'd also notified I didn't want renewed... It took a lot of phone calls to get my money back. And even they the insurance company wanted to charge me an admin fee.. H
I got a suprise... Mines gone down over £100 "Thanks for visiting to search for your bike insurance. We hope you found the right policy for you. Below are the five best prices your search returned today. If you would like to view any of these policies, please click on the ‘view quotes’ button. Your best price is: £97.84**
£97! I just called you a bad name.. I hope you feel ashamed... Pure jealousy I'm afraid... I'm not sure I'd manage that by telling bald faced lies... H
Ok, so went to insure with Bennetts yesterday on their quote of £161, I asked to rerun through the policy, the operator got to bike model, then bluntly said 'that's not what you said before, you said it was a CB1000R', so after deducing she was not the person who gave me the quote, and she finally accepting she had no idea what I might have said to one of her colleagues, and admitting that they cannot search bike model by registration number like every other insurer, and that I must have told them the wrong bike that I own, the quote now rises to £395....bunch of tools. So insured via the IAM at £225, fully comp, protected NCB, business, 20K miles a year. So not too bad really.