Biker jailed.... Wots your opinions...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by just_me _and _me _bike, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Island Rider

    Island Rider New Member

    Sep 15, 2013
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    mines 7 soon, so another 10 years to plan on how to stop him from riding....will ask my mom as she stopped me until i was 31 to get my license...but honestly it scares me thinking about him riding, the same way it must feel for my mum thinking about me....never easy being a parent is it :(
  2. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Trouble is you see soo much of it and when the rider is asked about it he goes off on one as though u insulted his mother!!!

    Surely you value ur childs life over the " its my choice n ill let me child wear wotever "
  3. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Ive not gor kids, however if you do geniunely believe your kids would want to ride bikes as they grow up, you could always start them off on mini motos or the like and teach them roadcraft from a young age, even when ur driving down the road, explain the dangers as ur driving, what you are looking at as your driving, how you anticipate th cars waiting at junctions to pull out.

    Its surprising how kids pick up on these things, u just gorra look at the motogp stars alot of the, starting riding round at very young ages
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  4. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    My mum never wanted me to get one, always saying I would have a horrific accident so I moved out at 16 got my first bike and decided too prove her wrong!
    At 21 had a horrific accident lol thanks mum!
    Then she deg didn't want me getting another bike, I managed to some how hide my blade from her for about 2.5 years despite it living in my lounge :D
    But then I bumped into her in a petrol station oops!
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  5. flynn07

    flynn07 New Member

    Oct 6, 2013
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    My daughter (16) loves to go out with me,she has full leathers ,boots,gloves etc. I just slow things down, roll off earlier, brake more gently I do ride with extra caution but its still enjoyable we dont go too far tbh,its just nice to spend time with my teenage girl( its the only time im cool enough to be around )

    My middle daughter has no interest in bikes whatsoever,but my 6 yr old boy is bike mad he got a mini moto at 4:eek:
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  6. RedMacGregor

    RedMacGregor Active Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I live 5mins from the crash scene what you can see is there is a massive down hill run to the end of the dual carriageway then the speed limit goes from 70mph to 40mph. People often panic to drop speed because there is a regular speed trap just in the first 100m of 40mph single carriageway. If you didn't know about the speed trap you might be caught out by someone slowing up when you might expect them to roll into the 40 zone at a higher speed than 40mph. Tragic accident could happen to anyone.
  7. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Martin how did you manage to hide a Blade in your lounge for 2 an half years!! my mum used to spot a smear on windows from 30 ft
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  8. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    I wish i cud keep mine in the lounge :(
  9. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Getting back onto the original subject! I'm surprised the car driver hasn't attracted some of the blame in this unfortunate situation as in the statement she slowed down with no indication to other road users!

    I have always been told by my driving instructors having done category C and C+E that any reduction in speed should be indicated to other road users by using the brakes, I was even told this when doing my motorcycle training many years ago.
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  10. Island Rider

    Island Rider New Member

    Sep 15, 2013
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    I was told the same...going from 60 to 40mph you should use the brakes to show your intention etc....depends though if someone is behind you...have to use common sense in most situation
  11. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Disagree there sps.

    There is nothing wrong with rolling off the throttle and using engine braking to slow at what at max can only be a smooth slow deceleration.

    Reading the road ahead and using the minimum acceleration and braking needed to make good progress is what's taught to all IAM and Police Drivers.

    If the nob behind can't see this and react then they are in the wrong.

    Fair enough if she'd braked hard and her brake lights weren't working then there is a good argument but otherwise it's an [​IMG]
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  12. BladeJogger

    BladeJogger Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Fatal crashes come about mostly by two things,speed and/or bad luck.As previously mentioned you can come off a bike at hardly any speed and die or fast and walk away without a scratch,had her luck been a lot better the pillion could have survived,it wasn't,and as a consequence a price has to be paid.I feel sorry for everyone involved,including the car driver who was not at fault,never will be if you are hit from behind.Fate can be cruel.
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  13. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Yep me to, even a quick tap on the brakes just to illuminate the brake light is more than enuf to let the person behind know ur gonna be slowing down.

    And then let the engine do the braking like this young lady did
  14. RedMacGregor

    RedMacGregor Active Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    One of the first things my motorcycle instructor (IAM and ROSPA trained) showed me when I took my DAS was how to indicate to someone behind that I was slowing using engine braking by just showing a brake light. Both my mates who I ride with regularly are IAM members they always flick the front brake lever to show a brake light when slowing into a lower speed limit zone using engine braking. It's a pity this car driver didn't have the same training.
  15. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    I think someone has mentioned they live nr the site of the accident n it goes from a 70 mph dual carriageway to a single lane 40 mph

    Surely the rider wud have seen the big 40 mph signs n realised the car infront is gonna slow down from 70 - 40 in a short distance, or realise the speed drops anyway regardless due to it not being a dual carriageway anymore, so to back off himself??

    Seems to me he had no intention of slowing down n if the car wasnt there he wud have carried on riding at a ridiculous speed!! And once again its the innocent victim that gets killed not the idiot who has been driving / riding like a numpty!!!
  16. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    When I did my advanced driver training I was taught to use my brake light to control the traffic behind me to stop it rolling up on me. People react to things they see not judgements of whether a vehicle is slowing or not. The brake light prepares the traffic behind you to respond.

    It's a shame and we wouldn't even be discussing it if she hadn't have died so I'm not sure I agree with the sentence and ruling entirely...
  17. Dee

    Dee New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Agree, slow speed accidents are so dangerous !
    I dropped my biekes in past 2 about 70 mph and nothing happend apart from scratches. Second one was my missjudgment about 50 mph .. dislocated shoulder ;p
    But november last year, late night just leaving my friend house. Small road, no lights
    and car from stationary position pull out with no lights, no indicators.
    I was doing about 10 mph when he hit me.
    Broken hand and smashed up wrist. Wrist was in such a bad state that they had to cut my hand open to try to fix it. It was like puzzles ;p Few screws, few rods and plates...
    When I woke up after op one of first things what doc told me it was that it is really unlucky broke and I might have to say bye bye to motorbikes. I was gutted.
    Well had cast till February and started physiotherapy. They said that it will take at least 9 months to have movemend back in hand... Well tell u that by the end of march I was back on bike :p
    Hand didn't healed 100% and it never will.. It still hurts, and it will...
    But who gives fu*k as far as I still can ride ? xd
  18. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Mine was right outside the BRI in rush hour, they closed the road for hours. There was alot of pissed of comuters that day lol

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