Great day off.....Not.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Si., Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Started last night, stubbed my foot on the wood kitchen cabinet.,... Throbbing all last night, couldn't sleep. woke up this morning to this:

    dsd (1 of 1).jpg


    Then got a phone call from deputy head at Harrys school, saying he got smacked by some lad 2 yrs older than him... Harry is a very quiet lad, always up for a laugh, a bit of a pratical joker and very sensitive. He has had a few problems in Secondary School since he went (he's 12) and has had a few problems with bullying. He has started to dislike going, and is often late, avoiding dick heads that cause him grief.

    Anyway. i told the head of his year i was coming down, and as i wasn't in the best of moods, i let rip big style. (anyone who knows me, will agree i can't abide this sort of thing, and hates a bully, but loves them too, pricks) Harry was sitting next to me, and poured his heart out. He hates going to School, he hates the taunts and name calling, and will not hit back (he's been doing Judo for 6 years, and i've taught him to box, and he's very strong) but i told the head that i've sanctioned him to do whatever necessary in future, and twat the biggest one, and if the head has any problems with that, then tough. I'm sick of it. I also told him i will back Harry up on what i've told him to do and any problems in future i will race down to the school, wether i'm in work or not and sort it.
    I know a teacher there ( he's a riding mate) and no doubt he will back me up on what is said, and that i certainly don't stand any messing.

    I hate bullying, verbal or mental, and to pick my lad up 2 hrs early because he's been the victim for quite a while, and see how upset he was, i was furious.

    Maybe i'm old school, but to see my lad get worked up over knob ends simply aint cricket for me.

    And me toe is fekking killing me.

    Rant over.
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  2. rougharse

    rougharse Active Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Sorry to hear of your lads bullying. I hate this sort of thing too. The best way to stop the bullies is to find where they live and knock on the door. Tell the dad in front of the bully that every time he even speaks to your son, you will go round and twat the his dad. You will find his dad does the rest.
  3. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Did that last time mate, Emma went nuts but could see where i was coming from.
  4. Tom68

    Tom68 Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Not a good day mate, some mindless little tw@s about Si, who dont realise what damage this sort of behaviour can do. :mad:
  5. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Instinct kicks in Si, and we protect our own dude.
    Never been a violent person myself, on odd occasion though fire has had to fight fire.
    For the sake of Emma try and go down the political route "or at least make it look that way"
    And for Harry Consider home schooling. It's not removing the problem, but it will give Him a safe stable environment which he can Continue his studies.

    There's no excuse for some of the little shits roaming our streets today, for me the core of this problem is the parents &
    Rougharse gets my vote.
    Never apologise for caring and wanting to protect our own. Si
    If this is our future? Then We're seriously Fcuked.

    Hope all sorts soon.
    Need any help with political bollox on the home schooling? If I can't help, I know a man that can.

    Oh, and Re your toe, man up ;)
  6. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Gary, totally agree. I told the teacher that these days, their hands are tied to the point where students can do and get away with what they like, due to the namby society we live in. Also, the parents aren't any better,. and need a good slap.... i agree most of comes from parenting, and the lack of. These days, it seems the parents have a go at the teachers for chastising, in my day, if i was out of order. i would get a letter sent home from school, a board rubber thrown at me from the teacher, and another slap from my parents on receipt of the letter. sheesh.

    There's a lot to be said of "old school" ways, bring them back as far as i'm concerned... Sadly, it will never happen. Half of these fekkers should be sent to borstal. Em has not long been in, and started giving me grief for losing it, although Harry has said he feels a lot better and in his words said "Dad has sorted it, and i don't think it will continue"

    Harry can take a punch or a smack, but it's the mental bullying he can't cope with. To hear your son say "why do they(sic) say things like that?" is more hurtful for me, and 1,000 times more hurtful for him. Like Tom said, it's the damage these people can do that mostly goes un-noticed.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. cbr1

    cbr1 Active Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    si sorry about the school knobs. but what goes around hopefully will come back to bite them. o and put that foot down it stincks:eek:
  8. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Sounds like he has been having a tough time Si. We took our 8 year old daughter out of school this year and are now home educating her. The primary reason was bullying which had been going on for over 4 years. The alternative local schools are under performing, so we decided to try home ed., and see how it goes. It is also easier to fit around our lives as my partner has a long term illness and I run my own small business.

    I was appalled at our schools attitude. Two older boys had punched her. She reported it to the dinner lady who allegedly told the boys off, who then went and found our daughter and punched her harder. The school said it is hard to stop bullying. I explained they have a duty of care and did not send her to school to be assaulted. They said that it was not assault, I agreed and told them it was actually ABH and asked if they would find it acceptable if someone committed the same acts against them when they came into school.

    It was a big decision and we are having to make sure she gets contact with children outside of school but she is much happier. Not suggesting it is the answer in your case, just an option. There is no legal requirement to send a child to school, just to ensure they have an education.I know kids need to learn how to survive in the big world but there seemed few other options available to us.

    BTW, the toe is a nice colour purple.
  9. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Just caught this thread Si and like all the boys find this very upsetting .Having met the lad on New Years Eve I can vouch for the lad being a decent well brought boy.I am afraid that I am also old school so its shit or bust time .Give him a couple of hours to refresh on the skills he either has or you have taught him and then instruct him to strike like a cobra the biggest and mouthiest and you will know from experience this should do the trick. Ps stop wining about a little ''purple toe' 'The Firebloke would kill for nails painted like that.
  10. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    As said sorry to hear this mate, hope the lad pulls through it ok and comes out the other side.... Know it's crap now but sure he will get it sorted one way or another and move on.

    Even the crap experiences can turn positive and make the young dude stronger in the long run.
  11. F1reblade

    F1reblade Active Member

    May 30, 2013
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    Si I feel for you I really do as I'd be ripping it if it happened to my son. However some of the suggestions on this thread are nothing short of stupid. Don't go getting yourself a criminal record on top of what is happening to your son, it won't do you, your son or your family any favors.
  12. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Sorry to hear this Si, had a very similar expeiance with my lad when he started secondary school. First 2.5 years were just so upsetting.

    He used to be over weight, constantly got a ribbing for it. Didn't seem to have any friends and was within himself. I was seriously worried about him. He then got seriously beaten up by a kid a few years older and the school excused it as the lad had some home life issues. I recall having a chat with the head, explained one day my lad would loose he's temper and someone would be on the receiving end.

    George is a 1st Dan and although it used to frustrate me so much he refused to use marital arts as he always said he was taught not to use what he'd learnt in anger.

    One day I get a call explaining my boy had been suspended for battering another kid, the school had to call an ambulance. Some kid had called him a fat Cnut twice, each time George asked him not to say that. He told the teacher who dismissed it as an issue. The third time George finally lost his temper.

    The school made matters worse as a teacher thought it appropriate to tell him how dissappointed his mum and I would be In him!

    2 years on the worlds changed for my lad- he has loads of friends and seems generally happy at school.

    Long story, but point I'm trying to make is hopefully your lads time will come. Whilst violence isn't the answer, sometimes it can help others ask the question if their time would be better spent fucking with someone else.

    Btw that toe's just a flesh wound, man up ;)
    #12 Dave V, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Si, unfotunately it is part of their learning curve.My two kids went through it too, my lad because of being new where we moved and wore glasses. For two years it never stopped until one day his temper came out and set about the two giving him grief.One was a girl who's family are nasty people and the other a big asian kid.Both parents came to see me at my shop and both parents were shocked that the school did nothing about the assaults.Then I gave them two sets of parents a log of the past two years of the misery they caused him.In that log were meetings with the school too.Both of them kids got good hidings when they got home.

    Lewis looks back now and can see where he went wrong not dealing with these bullys earlier.
    If yours cannot deal with it at present cos it can be difficult for them,then log everything and that log is your ammunition for the school when he does retaliate.Hope this helps cos it is a horrible scenario to go through with seeing your kids not happy going to school.Good luck mate.

    Oh and the toe I hate smacking my toes.That one looks worse than any of mine bloody hurts don't it.
    #13 SIDEWAYS, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  14. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Si. sorry to hear about your son. There seems to be a lot of it about.

    We had the same with my oldest when he first went to secondary school. The School wanted to play the whole thing down so despite what Mary said I went round to see the two main instigators parents, whilst they listened to what I said I got the impression that they didn’t give a stuff, if anything one of the dads seemed proud off his little bastards actions. The problem continued, if anything it got worse, until one day it was witnessed by Daniels best mates older brother and a couple of his pals……its was game over, they had a taste of their own medicine.

    The ensuing fall out meant the little bastard’s parents, Dan’s mates parents plus Mary and I got called to a meeting with the head. In my opinion the meeting was a waste of time, the school had no power or method of solving the problem. One of the bullies dads even suggested we all went to the pub and sorted it out over a drink!

    Dan’s bullying stopped but somehow I don’t think it had anything to do with the meeting and everything to do with the fact they got a good hiding and didn’t much fancy another one.

    Daniel is not a big lad, not interested in sport and preferred to stick to his art and close friends. My youngest son on the other hand, is a big lad, has been doing weightlifting, martial arts and boxing since he was in his early teens. Plays football and rugby and has never been picked on or bullied. Which sadly says a lot about the world we live in…...

    It was a horrible experience for both the child and the parents involved and it’s something that may have left a lasting impression on Dan, he became very withdrawn throughout his teens and although he is now doing well at Uni and has a strong and tight group of friends he doesn’t mix well with people he doesn’t know and has panic attacks when forced out of his comfort zone.

    I hope you manage to stop this vile business as soon as you can Simon, and never feel you need to apologise for standing up for your children, like all parents I would kill for mine if I had to.

    Oh and diddum’s about your poor little twinkle toe boo boo
    #14 Freedom of choice, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  15. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sorry to hear about this, Si. I can't really chip in with any advice because I am to children and parenting what Stephen Hawking is to NBA Slam Dunk Contests.

    I hope that the school manages to sort it out.
  16. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cheers guys.

    Harry seems happier going in today, no doubt because i had a talk with the Deputy Head. Hopefully, this will be nipped in the bud, if not i'll be straight down there if there continues to be problems. The teacher has my number and i have his, so will be keeping in touch regularly. I ve also insisted no repercussions if Harry hits back, if there is i want to be notified ASAP.necessary

    Like Dave said, he's afraid of using his Judo etc, in fear of hurting them, but i had a talk with him last night and gave him the go ahead to just throw the fookers or use whatever necessary to stop these idiots...
    #16 Si., Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
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  17. arc76

    arc76 New Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    My eldest son is 7 he gets his brains from his mother and is getting top marks on work for 12 and 14 year olds he is not into foot ball or any sport really . He has a few friends but struggles as they dont keep up with him and often fall away . he is on a gifted register and has come home many times and told of being pushed over or hit or the name calling . I told him to fight back now this did not go down well with his mother or the school. We did the whole duty of care thing with them and got advice from my brother who is a headmaster of a primary school down in hampshire but still alfie kept getting targeted for being different , he started to complaing of tummy ache or his head hurting , sitting by a radiator to get a high temp anythig but go to school . in the end he started to insult these bullys back in latin. strange i know but he totally embarresed thes other kids and so far so good . i ll be honest his learning power and knowledge scare the shit out of me and i think one day he might try to overthrow the world , he likes the idea of building his own tardis . i hope your son soon gets help at school . jion the pta and be a massive pain . oh and toes are also evil my three year old jumped on my foot last week and i lost the nail . hobbled round like a 90 year old for a day.
  18. Silverback

    Silverback Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Interesting and sad to read this. My son is 12 and has been having similar problems at school. Quite amazing to read all your comments. The tales are almost identical.
    Robert is not big but does gymnastics and is very strong and agile. I think he gets picked on because he speaks properly !

    I have also sanctioned him to retaliate with extreme prejudice, much to the annoyance of the wife and the school head master ! Last week he was victim to a completely unprovoked attack when another boy ran up behind him and stabbed him in the arse with a very sharp pencil. He had quite a wound. This is assault, plain and simple.

    Being "old school" and the recipient of many a caning in my school days, I expect my lad to come home with the odd bruise or torn clothes but any form of bullying is awful.

    Sadly, as you say, the schools are woefully inept and powerless when it comes to dealing with it.

    The good news is that it does seem to stop once they get a bit older.
  19. Barney1take2

    Barney1take2 God Like

    Jan 7, 2014
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    #19 Barney1take2, Jan 8, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  20. Jap_STi_3

    Jap_STi_3 Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Sorry to hear about this Si. My advice is. If your getting nothing sorted with the Deputy Head or Head ask to speak to the Chair of Governors and give them the low down on whats happening. They are DUTY BOUND to sort it out ASAP!

    I was exactly like you when it happened to Ben! Ben's 12 now but had issues earlier on. School were crap so I had a chat with the culprits Dad in the end which did the the trick ;) Nuph said on that but the Chair of Governors is your "Official Friend".

    Wish Harry well from Ben & me.

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