Here's hoping, but if the weathers owt like last year then................................. General Bike Track Day - Friday 7 Feb 2014
You can tell we are all bored Steve booking a trackday 7 weeks before I don't book them that early in the summer. My prediction will be snow chains needed .
Yup, very slim chance of decent weather.... But is a chance Am bored big time, but weird really as the r1 needs new tyres, but can't be arsed to get it sorted, I'm not missing the road riding at all this winter.... Not good
I`ve just booked the 26th with No Limits for the bargain price of £55 and if it`s Icy the bike can stay in the van and I`ll go home! Can`t do the 7th as I`m in Whistler skiing!
Only 4 weeks to go still need loads of stuff to many hobbies reckon I'll be cold ? At least I have my guy Martin bobble hat Sorry to go off topic back to it boys