Fancy a fag anybody?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by sinewave, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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  2. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    My Mother in law had COPD caused by years of smoking, her lungs where crap like that, in the last years of her life she had a real bad time breathing, glad I don't smoke
    My sister in law smoke still :( it must cost her £2500 a year in fags (20 a day), I have better things to spend my money on :D
    costs loads and f**ks your body up, with all the stuff we now know about smoking, I am amazed that anyone smokes these days?

    still its their money and body i guess ;)
    #2 SimonRR, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  3. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    My mum also died of a smoking related disease .Although she didn't smoke much she used to work in the smokey pubs and clubs in the sixties and seventies . The air must have been non existent in some of these places and she ended up on a home based oxygen machine plugged in and had a thin clear plastic tube around the nose area .This is not the way I want to end up and I am lucky in the fact I have never smoked and being around guys in the building trade all my life I am amazed that I didn't fall into the trap .I was behind a women in the Spar the other day and she pipes up 2 packets of Lambutt and butler and a newspaper yup that will be £ 14 .35 says the cashier .WTF I nearly collapsed with shock .Anyhow its a mugs game so GIVE IT UP .
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  4. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    indeed, both my sister and brother in law smoke, they have 40 a day between them £5200 a year, TIS MAD I tell ya :eek: that;s a new SP every 3 years, or f**ked up lungs, I know which I would rather have ;)
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  5. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I hear every word you are saying. I smoke; I am reasonably intelligent enough to know what it’s doing to me, I am under no illusions, it will see me to the afterlife if my other addiction…riding motorcycles doesn’t do it first. But, and it’s a big but. It’s a massive addiction.

    I am not proud of it but it is what it is. I gave up very easily when my ex-wife informed me she was pregnant with my first son. I was easy because I had something to give up for. I didn’t smoke again until I was going through my divorce and had a cigar at an industry dinner, just the one mind. Then I went to the far east on business and was offered a cigarette, again just the one won’t hurt I thought, but that’s when the helter skelter starts and you find yourself buying a packet. I am not a massive smoker, maybe 10 a day rising to 15 plus when I am drinking.

    I have work related blood pressure problems and other health issues so I know I won’t make old bones and as such will be retiring at 60 at the latest and am parking money as fast as I can for my kids and Ling.

    It’s a stupid habit…………….not much more I can add.
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  6. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    One of my mates has moved over to Electric fags, still get the Nico rush without the tar screwing your lungs, have you tried those David?
    still cost you money, but at least your body will be ok, well unless that 200bhp Panigale spits you of course ;)
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  7. MrB

    MrB God Like

    Mar 17, 2012
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    I gave up just over 2 years ago after a really bad chest infection and finding doing simple things would leave me feeling breathless. Wish I had given up sooner, well wish I had never started.
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  8. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Hi Simon, my two lads brought me one of those electric wanabe cigarettes and they are horrible, gave me a terrible cough.

    I will stick with with my Gauloises reds…….my money is on my now winter fettled and tricked Panigale aptly named Mary after my ex-wife. Both being southern European would at the slightest chance love to see me dead.
    #8 Freedom of choice, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
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  9. raphael

    raphael Elite Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    if i had'nt given up that would make me! just the look of it!
  10. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    I quit two years ago. Best thing i ever did.. apart from my bike test ofcourse!!
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  11. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I quit on March the 6th last year. I tried so hard to quit on several occasions and failed. Then I read Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking and just stopped. No fuss. No drama. I remain to this day a happy ex smoker. I wouldn't have one now if you paid me £100 to do so. If you're still struggling with the demon weed buy yourself a copy and read it. It only costs £6 or something and it may well save your life.
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  12. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Freedom I hold you in high esteem ..But I can't believe what I have just read ! Are you drunk! Retiring at 60 absolutely F##*## strapped to an oxygen machine with a pocketful of money? You might get another 25 years of crack and biking if the cards stack in your favour.Theres no need to roll over dude your not ill .
  13. AshBlade

    AshBlade Riding Goddess

    Mar 14, 2012
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    10 months without a fag and over a grand better off.. and feeling epic.Without doubt the best thing i've done for a long time.. Health benefits too numerous to mention.. :D
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  14. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    The E-cigs (ones that try to look like cigarettes) are terrible, pointless things...... but, have you tried "vaping" (short for "vapourising")?

    I tried e-cigs, and they didnt touch the sides... nor did they taste particularly great. I now use a variable-voltage vapouriser. I buy bottles of the vaping fluid at £2.50 a go, and get to choose from a MASSIVE array of mixes, nicotine strengths, and flavours. Plus I can easily tune my vapouriser to further refine the smoke.

    I cannot recommend them enough... almost all the smokers at work have now converted over to vaping.

    I feel fitter, less breathless, I dont smell of fags anymore.

    I still enjoy a rolly when I'm out drinking with the lads, but at all other times I'm perfectly happy on the vapouriser...... you should give it a go, I can help you get set up.
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  15. MrB

    MrB God Like

    Mar 17, 2012
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    Same way me and the misses did it. Could not see how reading a book would work, but it did and it was easy.
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  16. colly

    colly Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    I gave up booze for Jan, and smokes too as an afterthought, will try to stay off for the most part, bar the odd one ;)
  17. Skippy79

    Skippy79 Active Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I stopped smoking on my last day as a 33yr old ;-) 3 months and going strong, haven't needed anything to help me, but do have Carrs book here just i case. My GF smokes and am trying to get her to read the book, but she can't be ar$ed.. I told her she ain't moving over to OZ with me in 2 yrs if she's still smoking, her choice ;)
  18. Andy

    Andy Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    How about your health this time ?
    You have done it before so I'm hopeful you would be able to do it again

    I know it's a nightmare I'm a ex-smoker myself 12 years now, i went cold turkey and have never looked back, but like any addiction you have to want to give it up first

    I hope you find the strength to beat it someday
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  19. bradt

    bradt Elite Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Shocking bit of film, but as we all know smoking has a very strong addiction.

    I smoked as a teenager, as did most of my friends, but I eventually decided to quit and stopped for over 20 years.

    A few years ago, I went through a very stressful period in my life, and one day I went into a newsagent and bought a pack of reds, why I don't know, do I regret it, yes I do

    I am still smoking but limit myself to a pack a week (so hardly excessive- 2/3 a day) I do enjoy stopping for 'smoke break' when out on the bike, and still have a few friends that smoke..

    Its the cost that's making me think 'I should stop again' and at over £8 a pack (even buying a pack a week) thats a lot of petrol money !

    If you have quit, well done. Dont be tempted to have that odd 1 from time to time, cause you will get hooked again.
    #19 bradt, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  20. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Gave up smoking in 1999 after starting smoking aged about 9 in 1974. Some days could quite happily start again, I don't do it but if the Docs ever told me I hold a terminal condition or something like Alzheimers I probably would.
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