I picked up a Yoshi infill panel for my blade on eBay I have a no name carbon exhaust on my bike and wanted the panel to finish it off. Unfortunately I need to mount it somehow and it didn't come with any bits to do that. There's no obvious place to attach it to on the exhaust, I understand the Yoshi exhaust has the mounting points already on it Can anyone provide any options/ideas on how to fit it? The mount to attach to the bolt on the belly pan is there but the other two bolt holes are just that, empty holes! Trying to work out what people who have this panel have done when fitting to a different brand exhaust
You need two pieces of metal to fix the front part of the panel. (Forget the back screw) The top screw used a straight bracket that bolts to the top fairing on the bike. The lower screw bolts from the long down pipe bolt. These brackets are easy to shape from a piece of aluminium. Google the brackets and copy them. The two front bolts are all you need, the 3rd bolt screws into the S pipe so you can't really fix that one, but I've secured my panel with two bolts before and it's been fine. I used a dummy bolt to put in the hole so it didn't look odd.
The top one is clear, the lower one not - would you mind explaining in more detail? I can't find any pics to help!
Where the link pipe slides onto the original exhaust. Well on that original exhaust near where it ends, there is a long 12mm bolt going through that bracket where it fixes. Take the bolt out and the bracket goes through that, then the length of the bracket goes up between the link and up where the infill bolts. It's a long bracket bent over at around 90 degrees each end
There is a little picture of the brackets in this thread http://1000rr.co.uk/parts-accessories-clothing/16114.htm
Thanks for all your help on this I had a go at trying to fit it and turns out it won't fit without quite a bit of modifying. I'm in two minds - leave the infill panel off and think about a different exhaust - mod the infill panel with the result being that I won't be able to use it again if I change the exhaust Option 1 is a bit extreme so might end up doing option 2. Will think about it
They are a slightly different shape mate but are like rocking horse shit to get hold of, i got mine from a company in the US but it was their last one....