It's all there, bud. That's the most important thing of all. A little bit of fettling will bring out detail you think you may have lost. Remember, whatever the camera it can't process imagery the same way our eye and brain does. With an optical viewfinder you'll see things your camera won't necessarily display when it averages out it's jpeg for display. This is why most pros will shoot RAW. It lets them make these decisions after the event. Many people don't get the point of post processing but the truth is we never just printed the 'default' image even in the darkroom. It's too easy to give up on an image just because it's a bit disappointing on the playback screen. Don't be afraid to reprocess.
None needed mate. It's all in the picture already. All I did was adjust the highlights and shadows independently. It's all still Barstewardsquad's image. You don't need to sell your soul to Adobe or Corel, you can download GIMP for free which is almost as, if not more powerful than Photoshop once you get your head around it.
Cheers bud. However, if I'm going to be the recipient of dumb luck, I'd prefer it to be six numbers, frankly.
I've been dragged out of retirement for a 'duty' wedding. It's at a hugely picturesque spot just on the ridge above the city. However, because it is so pretty and so close it has been snapped and reshot over and over and over again to the point where trying to find some angle to grab it with any originality is long gone. But, I'll give it a punt. I intend to keep going up there until the fateful day and assemble a string of images as we move from early spring into summer. The place is magnificent though, as you can see from Haytor on one horizon and all of Exeter and on to Crediton on the opposite one.
Some from the Lakes last week (taken with phone): Will have some more from the SLR once I've processed 'em