New drivers on Radio 1

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Yorkshire Tyke, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Lots of discussion today about new drivers getting too many points and losing their license. Most common offence is no insurance... the cheeky tw*ts are complaining its too expensive!! WHAT!??

    If you can't afford insurance then DON'T DRIVE. Get the feckin bus instead. Seriously winds me up this, how would they feel if an uninsured driver drove into their heap of **** car?? More importantly how would we all feel if they hit on of us.

    Insurance certainly isn't cheap nowadays but I've always gone on the principle if you can't afford insurance get a slower car or suffer without. It's not fair on honest members of the public who pay for and insure their cars!

    Rant over.
  2. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    While we're on the subject of new is that young drivers these days (or at least the ones I know) all seem to be running around in nearly-new cars???

    Nobody young seems to have bangers anymore. My first 5 or 6 cars were low-cost borderline sheds.
  3. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Because their parents or the Tv say it's easy to have a loan and get a new car. and pay loads back over the next 5 years. My kids won't be getting a new car. until they can buy one outright

    To many people spending money they don't have. I have a CC but use it and pay it off every month. If I don't have the £££ i don't use the CC as I don't want to be paying someone 20% back each month extra

    re insurance quite right. if you can pay for a car then you need insurance.
  4. andy levitt

    andy levitt Active Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    The problem is.... it is too expensive. Why should all young drivers suffer and pay stupid amounts of money (£4500 for a 1.2 l car for 1 year). When they aint given a chance.

    It should be more to begin with but its getting crazy and needs to be stoped. If young drivers cause the accident then it should increase but... not from day 1.

    Lucky for me i stuck to bikes untill i was a suitable age to actually be able to afford car insurance.

    Drivers stoped without insurance though need toughier punishments.
  5. rich918

    rich918 New Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    from the people with young drivers ive spoken too thy insurance them on there insurance ,as it costs more then the car worth
  6. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Hence my recent Q about insuring my soon to be 16 year old Daughter for a Ped for a year so she's then gota 1 year NCB to transfer to a Car Policy at 17+ when she passes her Car Test.

    (She aint avin a Bike, NO CHANCE!) :D
  7. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Kids pay an astronomical amount for car insurance. They never used to load new drivers anywhere near as much years ago. Trouble is the Insurance companies can charge what they want. As insurance is a legal requirement I do feel it is time for the government to step in and address the situation, either through legislation, a deal with the companies similar to flood insurance, or a possibly cartel investigation.
  8. rodders4legs

    rodders4legs New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    You can't use bike ncb on a car ? Or if you can it's an exeptional case,

    I'm only 20 and have got a 61' blade and a 13' fiesta, there both on finance and that's because it's the only way possible to get a car now days (bike I put most of it on a down payment)

    Insurance is cheap on new cars as there 'safer' that's why I've always had new cars and it's not because mum and dad told me too it's because it's what I want but in 18 months there both going to be mine


    2013 fiesta £13000 fully comp £670

    02 fiesta £1500 third party £1400

    Don't understand how insurance company's work it out but it's how it happens :/
  9. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    it's risk. newer car safer than older car. I have a few young mates paying £££ on cars worth 1k or less and they wonder why they are paying more for insurance than the car. having to tell them it's not the price of the car but the risk if they hit people or other cars that makes the insurance more than the cars worth.
    car insurance was high when I started driving 20 years ago but nothing like it is today

    I have said to a few people get a classic mini or kit car. the insurance is very low even for a young driver.

    Re roggers above. i had to put up with a crappy old car let alone a new fiesta and blade at 20. envious !

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