Sorry for the downtime/errors recently. Beefed up the server a bit - now on a Quad Core Processor and 4GB RAM and double the Hard drive. Should be a bit quicker
Knowing fek all about what it takes to run an online forum I'm quite impressed 4gb of Ram is sufficient. My Desktop has 16gb and I didn't think that was overly excessive at the time of purchase 3 years ago.
From 23:08 last night i couldn't log on, kept getting "Database Error", ive managed to log on now but things aren't right, looks like im in the Matrix
Anyone else having problems uploading photos? Have tried a couple of times today from my mobile (samsung) and my tablet (iPad) but comes up with just txt and no photo
Where is this site hosted? Is it someone here self hosting or is it through a web hosting company? Just interested as I used to run my own forums a few years ago...
Just noticed that you can't edit your post either. It doesn't come up with the post you have just written, so that you can edit it.
Starting to get a bit pissed off with the double posts myself now, I'm not normaly used to having to repeat my self. I said...
What u saying Gary? Quite a few issues that need to be resolved but I'm sure they will get sorted in due time, but the double post thing is really annoying and surely it must be taking up more room on the database!
Right, should all be back to normal now! The reason is we upgraded PHP to 5.4 - this forum software is getting old. I'm going to completely change the software to Xenforo soon (same as Ducati Forum uses) as it's too clunky and there is a lack of support/updates to vBulletin these days.
Rob, Not sure if everyone is gettin this but when I click on notifications there's a warning message comin up at the top of the screen.