iPad cloud backup question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Muffking, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I share an Apple ID between my iPad & iPhone and am almost at my 5Gb iCloud limit for backups, most of it being photos on both devices.
    I also share some of my cloud photo albums with friends & family, but I want to know if I can save space on the devices and on the backups if I delete the photos from the devices themselves and store the images in the shared albums on the cloud.

    As I have already backed up both devices after updating all my photos/albums, will I lose the photos if I delete them from the devices and backup again in the future?
  2. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Got a similar duo setup here too but only use it to backup contacts to both ipad n iPhone.
    I may be wrong but I think if you delete the photos from your device they will be removed from iCloud to match everything on the device during next backup, normally done if device has a wifi connection, is in sleep mode and has charge power connected!

    I know that's what happens to contacts, if I remove or add a contact on a device the new info is uploaded to iCloud then when other device syncs to iCloud the new contact info is transferred over so both have same info on!
  3. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Cheers Craig.
    Maybe i should consider finding a way to backup both devices to a pc then and delete the cloud backups to save space for shared photo streams.
  4. Pete H

    Pete H Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    I back up all my photos to Dropbox, 18gb of free storage, also have access to 15gb of google drive storage if I need it, free again with a gmail email account.
  5. SteveBuxx

    SteveBuxx Active Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Always thought photos didn't affect the storage with iCloud?

    You could try using 'Picasa' (made by Google) just for the photos, have heard good things about it.
  6. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    If your on a Mac, your photos will back up to iPhoto when ever you connect your pad/pod etc.
    then you can delete or auto delete the pix from your device.
    If your on a PC....dont ask me lol
  7. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    The issue isn't so much having a backup of the photos as also back them up to a removable HDD, but I would like to keep them on the cloud to share with the family's iPads without taking up all the room on mine.

    Been toying with the idea of buying a Mac Air for a while, but am waiting for the new model before xmas as the current one has wifi issues, but this sounds like a good solution.
    If I were to store the ipad backup on a Mac and delete the photos from the device after creating a shared photo stream would the shared stream also be deleted?

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