Plenty on here to contribute opinion or just plain bollox to, you'll get your count up quick once you star joining in.
just learnt something from a quick read. the blade I am after is the 2011 HRC white red and blue mmmmmm
no probs with ABS. welcome to the forum and have a look about. as Ken said lots going on you can contribute to so your posts add up quickly
That's a massive statement Remal ! But of course its just your experience . Best not turn this lads thread into yet another ABS saga and suggest that he visits all the previous information on here and to make his mind up.
Don't listen to him ^^^^ he rides a gixer! I would research first before making your decition though as I have read good and bad
and plenty who have not. mines been on track a few times, 2k in 6 days on a euro tour. And plenty of fast weekend riding. No problems and would recommend to anyone. but thats for another thread.
Totally agree mate / both sides to the story.... But the sheer amount of issues some have had would mean that I'd steer clear. Not to mention the cost of it and maintaining it. I'm happy with the old pull lever bike stops method - each to their own. But stating yours is fine is a bit of a statement and suggest there isn't issues - which you know there is with the system for some.
Slick had issues with his then sorted them out then had issues an sorted again and was happy with it but then his ECU just gave out which had to be replaced! So although it might be workin fine for now and you have not had any issues it's still something else that can go wrong! Oh an Colin never had any issues with his abs until we had to bleed the system then it just had a brain fart n wouldn't work as it should! The issue would have reared it's head if we were just bleeding the brakes as part of the routine maintenance schedule and had absolutely nothin to do with the Brembo upgrade!
welcome to 1000RR groutmaster. I've just gone from gsxr to 1000rr and I'm far from disappointed, I wouldn't be so rude as to say its better than its opposite suzuki but it is fu**in fantastic. Andy B