Blind Look!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by el-nicko, May 19, 2014.

  1. el-nicko

    el-nicko Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Going Blind..jpg

    Now that's what I call a fitted blind. It was the only interesting thing in the room where the 'Speed Awareness Course' I've just attended was held. That's 4 hours of my life I'll never get back. :mad:
  2. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Speed Awareness lol!

    U should be banned at your doddering old age Full Stop! [​IMG]

    (valuable those 4 hours to U I spose!)
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  3. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    speed awareness course always seems a stupid name to me, I am aware of just how fast I am going ;)
    I never ride along thinking I am doing 40mph, while really doing 3x that?

    Cool blind though :D

    how much do they charge you for being there looking blinds for 4 hours, never done one? curious ;)
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  4. el-nicko

    el-nicko Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    £85.00 FFS! :mad:

    Thing was, I wasn't on me bike but in the 'works' van; 36 in a 30 zone.
    #4 el-nicko, May 20, 2014
    Last edited: May 20, 2014
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  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Better than 3 points?

    and OMG 6 MPH over. think of the children. I bet it was not past a school or hospital just in a area where it should be a 40? lots of areas like this my way. Plus lowering limits of roads from 60 to 40 [​IMG]
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  6. Mad Matt

    Mad Matt Absolutely Bonkers Mad...

    Jan 11, 2014
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    I await the notification for 3 points that should drop through the door any day now, think i was doing 60 in a 40, again in the car.... Ive already maxed out my speed awareness course...
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  7. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Nick u git. trust you to put this up, Guess what!!!

    No not me but my 81yo gran just got done for 38 in a 30. 60 plus years of driving and never a speeding fine. She just asked me what have I got to do. told her she would be daft taking the fine and points when she can have a awareness course. I told her that she will go, pay for the delight of 4 hours of being told speeding is bad. that 1 MPH over the limit kills small rabbits and children. Think of the children and just do and say what they want.

    Speeding kills my ass. in the right place there is little risk. But hay ho hoping she learns to keep her eyes open for £££ enforcement cameras over the next 60 years of driving :)
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  8. The.kickboxer

    The.kickboxer Active Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I got one of them lovely invites to a SAC (speed awareness course) a couple of years back. Got caught by a roadside van, didn't slow down fully as it was on the other side of the road and I didn't want the van behind in my car boot, well that's my excuse. Anyway I attended the course on my Blade as it was in town and easier to park, parked right outside the door. You could see the look on the "preachers" face as I pulled up, hooligan biker and probs be dead before he reaches 30. Anyway I remove my lid to reveal a greying 52 year old, must have surprised him a little. He then proceeds to say I had been leaning over a bit hadn't I? My tyres were new and had fat chicken breasts let alone chicken strips, cheeky fecker. With that I spent the next 4 hours picking holes in his sermon. Grrrr
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  9. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    You know how criminals seem to make the EU laws work for them in this country could we jump on this band wagon and say this constant targeting by the police with radar guns is an infringement on our human rights as we enjoy the machines that we have worked so hard to afford and maintain? Probably a flawed argument but tempting to look into as that would be funny and nothing better than stuffing it to the bacon....
  10. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Did one a few years ago. They did a bit where they showed a photo of a village for a second or two and then asked what people saw. Well one bloke went on for several minutes listing things like road markings, signs, driveways, in fact so much that the "instructors" were having to double check the picture on the laptop. Eventually they stopped him and asked him if he rode a motorbike. He said yes, they praised the observation skills of motorcyclists, to which he said it was f@@k all to do with riding a bike and that the picture showed his village and he lived about 100 yards away from where it was taken :D

    We all pi$$ed ourselves and the instructors looked somewhat embarrassed :D
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  11. el-nicko

    el-nicko Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The course I attended was given by two women who claimed to be IAM instructors. They took it in turns to lecture us 21 miscreants (13 of whom, I was surprised to note, were also women) on the dangers of exceeding walking pace. Though I think I was the oldest there almost all of us were 'getting on' and a few looked like a Zimmer-frame would have been a more appropriate mode of transport. Other than myself there was one other biker present. I was the only one who arrived by motorcycle and when it was over, on my way home (from Ledbury), I got blasted by an horrendous thunder-storm for my trouble.

    Whilst there, I couldn't rid my head of the notion that I was being subjected to
    an unimaginative session of 'brain-washing' by two dimzoids who had passed-out
    of the 'mind laundry' with flying colours. At one point I asked the lecturer to speak
    up as I couldn't hear her above the 'hum'. She said she couldn't hear any 'hum',
    but I could. I said, "Oh, OK, it must be my tinnitus then." but actually I knew it was the sound of George Orwell spinning in his grave. Again, when they were both present I asked:
    Did they never exceed the 'speed-limit' themselves and if so when was the last
    time. Needless to say they evaded the question. When I asked how it was that, at
    that very moment, hundreds of German motorist were whizzing along at over
    twice our legal limit (and then some) and quite within their rights to do so, We
    were told that, 'Time is short. We can't address individual issues and we must get

    A fellow 'detainee' asked what happened to the £85.00 fee we'd all paid to
    TTC Group, the course provider for offenders caught in the area policed by the
    West Mercia constabulary and, as I recall it was as follows:-
    £5.00 payment fee (In effect you get charged for paying!)
    £45.00 to the force in who's area the offense took place
    £35.00 to TTC Group. A non-profit organization.

    When you add it all up at, say, 20 'hostages' per course = £1700.00

    X 2 course a day =£3400.00

    X 5 Days per week = £17.000.00

    Bearing in mind these courses are being held at ten or more places over the entire
    country the phrase, 'A nice little earner' springs to mind.
    Worth remembering that some of us would have suffered a loss of earnings too.

    Other than being metaphorically beaten over the head with a (very thick) copy of
    'The Highway Code' for not being able to describe the outline of a 'Give Way' sign
    I, and my fellow 'crims', came away none the wiser. Now, if they'd have used our
    fees to hire (for instance) a skid pan for the day and let us loose on it we may have
    learned something useful about at least one aspect of modern motoring.

    Now, obviously, I'm not anti road safety but this was specifically a 'Speed
    Awareness' course and as a fellow poster has already pointed out, as Fireblade
    riders, speed is something I think we're already 'aware' of.

    It seems to me now, that every time I journey over a fairly familiar route, another
    speed limit has been posted or extended further along my favourite 'B' road. My
    own view is that, with the ever growing encroachment of restriction zones, I can
    see one day soon they will all coalesce into a blanket, nation-wide '40 limit' super
    zone. Then we'll all be anti-social deviants, meeting friends, old and new on SACs all over the country.

    Finally, on my way home, and before the deluge, some of my route was along the
    Leominster bypass, part of which consists of a mile(+) well surfaced straight with
    no junctions. You enter it by way of a long, sweeping 100 MPH curve so it would be
    very easy to 'Do a German' and 'max-out' a 'blade. You exit at a traffic island to
    enter the town itself. Just as I made the turn off the island I noticed, on my left,
    an un-marked BMW saloon in front of which stood an officer writing out a ticket for
    some poor bloke in a works van. He'd obviously tailed him down the by-pass
    before 'pulling' him. I thought SH*T! That could have been me. How embarrassing
    would that have been? Busted on the way home from a Speed Awareness Course.

    Live Fast; Die Old.

    #11 el-nicko, May 22, 2014
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
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