OK Jimbo could you please add me to the list, ive booked into the fast group as they only had places left in that group but Jay (Sinewave) has kindly agreed to swap me for the inters. Not sure what im going to do about staying the night before but again if need be Jay has agreed to let be share his double room, i will pay half the cost.... My only concern with this is leaving my bike over night in the car park, Steve say's he may have room in his van if Gary doesn't use that room.. Failing that i may consider riding up in the morning...... Jimbo have you and Dave made arrangements for accommodation???
Will add to the list mate. Nice one. Yup we will be kipping in the van, prob set up at track beforehand if possible so if so leave bike there? Oh and good effort jay in giving up your spot nice gesture....
We spoke to no-limits and they say theres no way they will let us into Silverstone until Monday morning
Pub carpark it is then! Mate I'm sure your bike isn't the only one being ridden down, so sure we can sort something out.
Jimbo, should we all swap mobile numbers. I could do with knowing which garage to head for. I'll be heading down in the morning and don't even know where to sign on
The majority of us are there Sunday but pm me yours nearer time and ill let you know where we all are. Think garage has been reserved anyway so should know number beforehand
Your starting to sound like alblade I am sure you will find us we will be the noisy feckers acting like children
I might speak to Andy or someone from this area to see if they can take my race leathers and a change of clothing, save me having to squeeze it all into a tiny ruck sake.....
Ok dude, will do I'm travelling down early doors. Fancy a convoy Although, if i had the chance of using a 2 bike trailer then i'd take the Blade as backup too.
That would be fantastic Jase, i would drop it off a couple of days before if thats ok and pick it up again sometime after we get back if thats ok....
Yeah can do. I get on the M1 at J21a. Are you really bringing the barbie, jimbo? I'll bring some meat down if you are.
It never leaves the van! We stock pile coal (we learnt that of your northerners) and we have a fridge on board.... Be rude not too