1jac V Constands review

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by martinowen, May 28, 2014.

  1. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    My name is Nigel Vause. NV I have been open and honest in the previous thread and although I have no obligation to, I have personally taken care of every envy customer. We only sold a very small number of my invention. The investors locked me out and tried to sell my idea to others. They even tried to sell it to their Italian friends. Its not them you are slating though is it, Its me. The original designer of the single post side Jack. First invented by me almost 26 years ago.
    There is no phoenix rising and binning its debts, I understand thats what you might think, but actually there is just me being a totally honest Yorkshireman who has worked very hard against the odds to bring my design to bikers over the world.
    To Peter H and Repsol Rob I say this. Please send your lifts to Whitehouse Street Leeds and I will do a complete re-vamp as previously stated. To anyone who wishes to assume and judge me then I respectfully take your criticism. My naivity in going into business on trust has hurt me a lot. My second mortgage hurts me every month and the shit I hear affects me too but my dear old mum (rest her soul) left me with this..... Only those who never give in succeed.....and true honesty starts in your heart.
    Thanks again to all who have stuck by me.
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  2. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    So Nigel never cost more than 295........
  3. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    Sorry I can only account for the orders and not the advertised sales prices. I do not have any orders on my system for more than 295. I stand corrected that the sales price was higher. I dont tell lies, but again can relate to Martins frustration. When I said free lift Martin I meant I had no obligation to send you one but did not intend for it to sound as if I was doing you a favour. Indeed if you are not happy with the lift then please return it. If you can find your credit card receipt from a bank statement or your order number or the postcode for the delivery address I will be more than happy to re-imburse you for all your out of pocket expense.
    Maybe it was a mistake to ask you to do a review considering your extremely bad experience. Again I will do whatever I can to resolve it.

  4. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    It was years ago I don't keep papers that long,
    as stated several times I have not given your product a bad review only said it doesn't seem to do the job any better than a cheaper alternative, I have however said that it is a nicer looking lift.
    You seem very put out that I have not said it is loads better than the constands lift, I promised a fair review and that is what I gave. I'm sorry but your lift does the job it's meant to do but so does the constands at less costs they both lift the bike in the way they are supposed to equally.

    Now I don't know what you are trying to make me out to be here??

    I would quite happily send my lift back for a full refund and not because its not a good lift because I have one that does the same job and it has worked for 2 years so far
  5. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    There's obviously a case for both sides here..... maybe if we were in Martins boots we would feel the same......but Nigel has come forward and put himself up for criticism..... and not many....in fact probably no one I could think of would be prepared to open up and admit defeat with one company while defending the new.....with Envy it obviously was disastrous....but lets give the man some credit (Sorry Martin) for carrying on with his dream...... I cant argue for the case with Warrior and Constands or any other make claiming to be unique......
    These forums are for free speech....personally I don't like it getting into spats when one person comes under fire...... lets call time
    as I've always said your either with or without these stands ...... to have a UK product successful will always mean a bit or a lot dearer its a fact a shame yes but a fact.......in most cases the bike its lifting will be worth thousands..... (we all want cheap in a ideal world) buts that's not always possible.
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  6. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
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    May 24, 2013
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    Sorry but the devious and underhand way Chris and yourself nigel have tried to manipulate reviews on this forum has left more than one member feeling that you can't be trusted.

    I have seen both stands in person and haven't been left out of pocket by anyone but as an engineer I would at least use a set square when welding the legs so that the castor when put on all sit flat, you are very quick to mock cheap Chinese copies as you so put them but all they do is backward engineer the original version perhaps the original stand wasn't that good either? but they also haven't come on this forum and tried to manipulate reviews in their favour as you have.

    As I said in a previous thread that good products sell themselves and shouldn't need the likes of Chris trying to deceive people with fake reviews.

    I do like to buy British but I won't be wasting my money on this.
    #46 sps170373, May 30, 2014
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  7. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Just one thing to all......there would nt be many people out there who would be prepared to either replace or revamp ay their cost old style equipment associated with a now no longer trading company, especially when he doesn't have to......
    So whether the new style lifts are better or worse (well lets be honest Nigel) it wont be worse im sure !! ;)....I for one applaud you for attempting to keep faith.

    and before anyone asks......I don't work for Nigel either....! :D
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  8. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    I am not put out Martin. Not at all.
    Its possible to buy a 10mm spanner from china that will undo a 10mm nut and do it well for a while. But when you work as a mechanic you would probably be much happier buying a snap on with a lifetime guarantee because the time when the china one slips off and wraps your knuckles it hurts. £1 for the china spanner but £30 for the snap on.
    In just the same way I designed my lift to lock the bike on using memory steel and tool steels and 6mm profile stainless parts. A bit of skin from your knuckles hurts but so does seeing your 15k baby laid on the floor.
    I have never dropped a bike in 26 years and the evolved lock system speaks for itself. As does the test certs for the British Steels we use. We still mill the finest steels in the world and Im proud to be British.
    Im not put out by your review Martin, I respectfully appreciate your comments and apologise for any misunderstandings along the way. We are now advertising on this forum and I welcome everyone. Its right that there will always be a place for the china copies just as much as the snap on. I would point any prospective buyers to look at why we can offer a lifetime warranty.
    Thanks again for your review and food for thought.
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  9. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Martin did a review and he gave his honest opinion. Couldn't ask for fairer than that.

    If a more technical review is needed then by Martin's own admission he is not the man for the job. He did the review as a user of a similar product and compared it to his existing stand, so in my opinion it is a valid review.

    It doesn't mean the ijac is a bad product, or that Nigel isn't doing the right thing by previous customers, it just means Martin couldn't justify the price differential to himself.
    #49 Barstewardsquad, May 30, 2014
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
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  10. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    Nigel can I just ask you one question - you say you haven't ever seen/used the constands lift so firstly are you sure it's Chinese? And how are you so sure it's such bad quality?

    I'm not asking this in a bitchy way at all its a genuine question, surely if constands were to be slagging your product off you wouldn't like it especially if they had never even seen it
  11. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    Dear SPS170373. I have had absolutely not attempted to manipulate anything on this forum whatsoever. I really like the forum. I think your comments regarding the early Envy lift have some validity but I was the creator and not necessarily the producer. That seemed to be overtaken by the wishes of others to make a fast buck. Since that time I have personally re-vamped almost 40 lifts for customers and can report that all customers have been more than satisfied with the work I have carried out. I dont stand here in front of you with an attitude to deceive, in fact quite the opposite. Yes Chris did try and help when some bad reviews were on the forum but I think we have been open and honest about it in explaining the reasons and emotions that lead to the whole hollywood episode.
    With regards to trust, I have some experience with this as I grow ever older and hopefully wiser so I will accept your criticism. I believe that I have gone beyond any reasonable steps to ensure that any customer of Envy be personally taken care of although it would have been so easy to start a new company after being ripped off myself. Why would I make the Logo look the same? Why would I advertise at our first show to any of the old Envy customers, that they could come and discuss with me if they had any issues? Why didnt I just walk away as the guys who controlled the business did.
    I will tell you why SPS170373 whoever you are.... Because Im proud to be an honest Yorkshireman and my Mum would be proud that I stood by those customers, not because of some financial benefit I might gain but because of something much more precious to me. The gift of happiness my friend.
    Thank you though. You help make my path clearer. I accept your view.
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  12. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    Martin, Constands, Bursig, Warrior, spider etc,,,,, take a look at Sumo moto on alibaba in hangzhou province in china. They are all the same lift. Now just to be correct, anyone of them could start making their own now should they wish but they still order kits from me for the new models. Ask Steve Webster my chief Engineer and bottle washer. We design and build every kit ourselves. Amazing how remarkedly similar they are to my design. Small difference with grades of steel. Im not slagging off when I say cheap chinese copies either. We have worked very hard at getting our price under 300 as we are aware of the market but there is a point where you must decide that the engineering specification must not be downgraded.
    If you look at your constands are the gussets made from flat bar? This is a load point and although there is much strength in the vertical support, if the bike is moved on the jack then more load is applied horizontally to these gussets which would be a concern for a metal fabricator/engineer.
    #52 Nigel, May 30, 2014
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
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  13. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    Ok thanks for clearing that up for me
  14. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    It's just this is the only thread you have commented on since joining which I thought odd thought you maybe yorkshiretykes friend who was mates with the MD as everyone else popped up around the same time lol
    My apologies
    #54 martinowen, May 30, 2014
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
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  15. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Your mum must be easily pleased then! As for "SPS170373 whoever you are" I am the buying public which without me you are nothing!
  16. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Please dont associate me with anyone who you feel has given you a bad service im just an ordinary biker!!! Hope you guys all get sorted out :)
  17. Stevie_d

    Stevie_d Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    1jac were at squires , sherburn this Sunday . Never looked at the stands tho . Anybody used burzig stand or bike tower , both German companies I know , but would like to hear from anybody with one . On thoughts of how easy to use and the quality . Fairly pricey but maybe worth spending the extra

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