Working, but if weather is good will take bike to work and pop in for a cuppa on my way home.........
Okay decided not to take the bike to work weather not great in morning but if brightens up later will shoot down there probably about 6 30 - 7 00 if anyone is going? might get down earlier if I can get out of work!
Nearly got there when it started raining so turned around and went to the station cafe and am now sat here waiting for the rain to stop
Well just got home a little damp but it's good to get out in the rain it keeps your skills up. Yep will be out tomorrow and Friday as am off work till Monday now
Will be there tomorrow riding to work will detour on way home from Wimbledon leaving no later than 4pm maybe earlier if I can get away!!!!! Weather looking good!
Maybe out to play tomorrow afternoon if I can sneak away from work for a couple of hours! The joy of working from home