Looks like im gonna have to back heel this,work cant guarantee my lieu days due to the Commonwealth Games starting on the 23rd as some drivers from our depot will be going up that weekend......F@CK!
Thats a shame mate. However, if you've booked, see if anyone else wants your room. we shall have a meal and a toast to your absence mate.
Come on DaveD you have rolled over way too easy A sick day must be in order Was really looking forward to Ken translating so we could understand what you are on about.
Im supposed to be sharing with Andy from Teekes I have messaged him regarding room. Am not a happy bunny regarding work I worked Good Friday and Mayday Monday to get these 2 days as I knew it was my weekend to work and now there saying they cant cover job with drivers going to Glasgow.
Yup it sounds like your really cheesed Dave and perhaps out of the blue is there a chance you could swop shifts with a mate who is off on Holiday ?
Bummer Dave, But seriously you gave your time for them and they In turn give you a Lieu day to take at Your convinience as a carrot for you to putting yourself out for them! As far as I see it, you gave good notice when you requested to use your day, which you put in what weeks ago? And nothing was mentioned that you would not be able to do so? Sorry mate, Lieu days are yours to use when you want, staffing problems within a company are not the concern of the employee, take it to the top dude, get into HR's ribs ASAP.
Two points Giv. Funny picture but Andy doesn't wear fishnets as they don't suit him. And second, I could translate for Dave d cos I'm from his neck o woods. Think that's a bag o chips you owe me x
And yet we have known him longer ? He was spotted in them very tights on the way to Oban. Translate Ha! I have been working up there and its pure third world dude you don't talk like that ! You talk posh like you have a plum in your mouth pps ! Nearly said plums .... Cheap snigger but needed.
Marion may need you to translate for me. Working in Rotherham for 2.5 months and after 6 weeks I still can't tell if the buggers are saying hello or give me beads and blankets and I will give you skin of cat Daft sods don't say "8 while 6" if they are doing the 8 til 6 shift.
Wait 'til you get here mate. The accent and dialect around these parts is pretty incomprehensible. Unless you already speak polish, of course...
as royal guest of honour you are still going to attend this get together I hope ken,just because you've had a sex change op wont matter we are an equal opertunities forum im sure jen will lend you some clothes
Have a great trip , I have a double room booked if anyone wants it transferred over to them ( with breakfast ) If not it will be cancelled on the 18/7/14 .
Reminder - I have a twin room to cancel. I will give the hotel as much notice as I can as only fair they have the chance to re-sell it. If I have nobody wanting it by Friday 4th July I will cancel it