How did you get into biking ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Givover, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Should be a good topic .
    Me although I was a relative late starter I always wanted a bike from being young but due to mortgage kids ect I had to get me fix on tv with Foggy Haga ect doing the entertaining.
    Once the kids had gone I did my test and treated myself to a zx6 .
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  2. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    When I was 16, bought a scooter to get to work. FREEDOM!

    passed car test at 17, but still hired bikes on holidays and borrowed mates. Had a good 18 yr break, and passed my test in 2008 and bought a Daytona 650 in 2007 to make sure I did my test.
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  3. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Always wanted one and parents always said "not while under my roof" so at 16 rented a room and got a DT 50 :D
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  4. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Had a bike when I was a kid, some kind of scooter thing, nearly had a kwak thou when I was 17, but my mate who owned it at the time wouldn't sell it to me as he said I would probably kill myself on it...he was probably right TBH..never passed my test back then
    Then settled down with woman a kids..had a Suzuki TS50 for work commute, which was woefully underpowered, thankfully someone pinched it when it broke down and I left it at the train station...
    They couldn't get it going so pushed it off a cliff..
    Wasn't allowed a big bike in all the years I was with her...
    Then got divorced....freedom...did my DA got a 600 for a year which I still have, then the blade and a trials bike too which happens to be resident in the living room...also got 2 Transits and 5 dogs and yes I'm single hahahahahahaha

    Living the dream...
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  5. 1000rr73

    1000rr73 Active Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    My parents always said not under their roof, and then my girlfriend said the same...... As I hit my mid 30's I started to live life a bit more and didn't want to have any regrets. At the same time my office moved and there was no parking so I got myself a little scooter to get back in and out and save myself a tenner a day parking. The firm moved again a year later 10 miles away so that opened the door to bike test and a cbr600. 2 blades later and here were are.
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  6. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Some of my mates bought bikes at 16/17 but I wasn't interested in the slightest. Then when I was 24 we went camping in Woolacombe and one guy rode his trail bike down. Round the camp fire one night (very drunk) he badgered me into taking it for a spin around a field. I was off like a shot, took to it like a duck to water, and loved it.

    6 months later my car got nicked so I used the payout to buy a Yamaha xt125 and do my cbt... 4 months later bought a cbr400f and did the full test. That got nicked 6 weeks later so I had an enforced break for a few years until I bought my first fireblade.
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  7. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Moped at 16 brand new RD125LC at 17 passed test at 18 moved on to a 350 LC just a typical hooligan! Couple of Gixers then 18 years passed with and with a bit of spare cash got back into it with a another Gixer 600 then the Blade and now another Gixer 1000
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  8. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Was skint at 16. All my mates had AP50s. The coolest ped out there (sorry FS1E lovers, it's true), but I was late 16 when they were early 16, which meant I was soon 17...

    20 quid got me an ancient Suzuki K10. 80 cc's of moped eater. Stripped it down completely, re sprayed it from red and cream, yeuch!, to dark blue and black.

    It was the only transport I could afford for work and I rode it until I got fed up of the plug cap shorting out in the rain and tasering my knee. Went into debt for a green CB200, which I took my test on. It got nicked from outside my house one night. bastards!

    Went into debt again and bought my CB550f. Slow, bad handling, I loved it. I still love it. It's in the back of my garage under a blanket.

    Cars, marriage, mortgage, car, car, car, paid off, Ducati750, Blade.
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  9. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Always wanted one but was always either too skint or too scared to get one.

    6 years ago I finally found that I had more money coming in than going out and decided that it was time to grow a pair and go for it.

    Bought myself a Ducati Monster 750 before I'd passed my test and sailed right through all the tests and jumped on.
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  10. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I can't remember, :p

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  11. rich918

    rich918 New Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    my dad had bikes so I just followed on started at 16 and been riding for over 40 years ;)
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  12. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Got a moped as soon as I turned 16 that got me into two wheels, bought a 200cc Yamaha as soon as I turned 17 and the passed my test on that, passed my car test shortly after :)
    The rest is history ;)
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  13. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Spent my younger years as a boy racer in cars doing track days (Astra GTE's, Escort RS Turbo etc) and a mate said "don't ever buy a bike you'll kill yourself". Then 4 years ago the missus said why don't you take your bike test and I bought a ZX6R. The Blade is only my second bike.
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  14. And7rp2

    And7rp2 Elite Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    My bro in-law took me on the back of his GT 250 to watch the transatlantic series at oulton park 1976 I was 11 and I was hooked.
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  15. Marion

    Marion Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Lived in the middle of nowhere so when I wasn't riding horses I was riding bikes down the lanes. Mum and Dad hated them and I can remember one school summer holidays I spent most of my time grounded for riding bikes. People in the village nearly broke their neck to grass me up to Mum. Think I was 14. Only dated blokes with bikes, then the usual marriage kids no money etc. finally passed my test in 2001 and the rest is history :cool:
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  16. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Divorced the first wife and bought a new 600 RR7. Second wife bought me a new Fireblade last year,will keep her:D
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  17. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    Posters of yammagammas and RDs used to smother my bedroom wall, always wanted a bike.
    When my Dad was out working his socks off I used to 'borrow!' his C90 and take it through the woods (poor bike).
    Got a summer job at 15 to save money for a ratty old TS50, had it in my mum and dads garden ready for the day I was 16 (drove up and down the garden path soooo many times).

    After 3 months had a major accident on it and injured myself permanently. BUT when people say 'maybe you'll get a car now?' Well it makes you want to do bikes more.
    couple more rat bag bikes before I got myself into a stream of bikes and finance.... to this very day!

    I love it!:D
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  18. rocket

    rocket Active Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Having 2 older brothers they got me a bike to hack around on when I was 11.. Now 32 years and some 50 odd bikes later I,m still going. Having a young family keeps me from getting much use but i,ll never be without one. It's in the blood lol
  19. Stevie_d

    Stevie_d Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    First bike , Suzuki gp100 1985


    2nd bike , first rd 125Lc


    2nd rd125 lc , first one written off into back of a tr7


    Then test passed


    25 year gap, then this baby


    Next came the ultimate and fastest of all the blade colours

    #19 Stevie_d, Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
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  20. fireblade_ro

    fireblade_ro New Member

    May 25, 2014
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    My uncle sat me on his Ninja when I was about 10... then while on holiday in Cyprus he handed me the keys to his rented (fake) Harley thing and let me take it for a spin. I was 13... and wearing a bikini. LOVED IT.

    Parents said not under their roof. Tears.

    For my 21st they changed their minds and bought me the DAS lessons and tests :D :D :D

    First bike, Kawasaki GPX600 1989... crashed it when it cut out cornering and the front brake was binding = high side on Wokingham Road! Tried to rebuild it... failed... sold it for parts :(
    2nd bike, Kawasaki ER6N 2006... crashed it when a woman pulled out from a junction on me.
    3rd bike, Kawasaki ER6N 2012... got bored of it.
    4th bike, Blade :D 2003 - LOVE.
    Kermit.jpg Kermit after my rage.jpg 2nd bike.jpg Buzz lightyear 2013.jpg Blade 3.jpg
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