Hi this may sound a little basic but i am easing myself back into riding after 10+ years ... a friend of mine laughed after claiming that i had an inch to go before reaching the tyres edge after admitting that i am no Rossi he explained that by not going "all the way over" the tyre would become squared and dangerous is there any truth to this??? i go round bends quite well but surely not every one goes to the edge or do they????
1" Chicken strips won't cause you any problems. Squaring off is more normally caused by prolonged trips on roads like motorways and dual carriageways. Squared off tyres I don't believe would be dangerous in their own right, however it will make the bike feel like it is falling as you tip over the edge.
Thanks it may sound amateurish but i made an effort to fold what i thought was quite low around a big round about, however when i checked the tyres later, i still seem to be about half an inch away from the edge is it common to go to the edge without going on a track
half inch is found on many bikes and much in the manner of normal safe road riding you ll either have em or square em...... but no excuses if you do a track day !!
Sorry to tell you this mate, but your pals a dick lol... And doesn't know what he's talking about. As said not using all tyre won't make your tyre square off, certain riding like motorway commutes do.... Totally normal to have some strips, and they prob will ease away. Seen loads get knee down and still not off edge of tyres Squared off isn't dangerous, just feels like riding on a 50 pence piece lol
your right i should do a track day......I havent done one yet....it will help me explore my limited abilities....... do you think a blade will be good enough for me lol lol
yeah he is that alright but he rides an R1 and gets his knee down in town while thrashing the grandma out oh his machine he can ride very confident so i tend not go there if you know what i mean....
Fecking r1 riders Mate just take your time and find ya mojo... Ignore what ya pals doing. A track day is a great way to explore the bike IMO. Go for it.
Do everything in you own time Andrew don't feel pressured into something your not comfortable with! So learn at your own pace mate just relax and enjoy! your confidence will build and your strips will go as you do
Thanks i was a late rider started at 30, first bike a yam thundercat, heavy but stable, then an R6 to light and flighty, i could keep up and thrash with the best of them but felt a little intimidated turning tight turns.....then got back into bikes at 43 with a ducati diavel locks good i now hate Vtwins worse to turn but very fast... bike got nicked and a local dealer put me out on a KTM RC8 loved it really loved it even though it was vtwin that was until the front brake locked on demo and would release for 40 feet down hill skid ....controlled didnt drop it but now ......now the Blade what a machine i never new how good a bike could be although KTM is more comfortable however i only ride ABS hence the blade which i have fallen in love with
LOL love the picture but you cant be serious the Combined ABS on the blade makes it probably the best braking sports bike in the world with back and front brake by wire..you cant feel it you dont know whens its applying but it never fails how can you say a can of worms na your joking right
Yeah great tyre. Better out there these days but they were the dogs as an all round tyre a few years back.... Few lads have had probs with their abs dude but loads that haven't.... It's great when it works but for some that isn't always the case
to be honest you can't go wrong which Michelins. Michelin pilot power 3s 2ct are the best fast road/track tyres in my opinion The Michelin pilot road 4s act are up there amongst the best all round tyres and I run power ones on my track bike