ye - because according to piston heads 'anyone can get their elbow down' so shoulder down is the new knee down lol
oh come on dave we are all blade fans here your not telling me that its not good to ride with ABS ......or that you can ride beyond the limits of ABS surely Honda's R&D $50,000,000 investment in to the next generation of rider aids is a better experience or are you still driving a car without power steering in the name of pureism lol .......i only jest i am sure you ride better blind folded than i could in my best moment but indulge me ...
ok so thats what i am gona try but do you recommend leathers it might be a bit risky in shorts and t shirt ....mind you i could wear gloves and i will have a lid on
Arghhhhh! I can't take it anymore...Im holding it all in. Bite your tongue, bite your tongue, bite your tongue..... enjoy your bike andrew and if you've got the time to spare and £50 burning a whole this could be great for your confidence and skills. Kent Fire & Rescue Ride Skills Day - Monday 11 Aug 2014 Ill be there!
Was gonna keep my mouth shut on this one, but at this point, you have to be a Honda UK plant, they appear to have shut up a whole section of the motorcycle press, and scared them off, and now appear to want to justify the s*ite system they designed and implemented and allowed their loyal customer base to finish off the development and advise them where they got it wrong. Sorry matey, but in this case of evolution, they fecked up and the old system is the best Quite telling really, they even have to offer 0% finance on ABS models to try and shift them, along with only allowing dealers to reg ABS demo bikes, and they still probably have a warehouse full of them.
dont bite ya tounge i am genuinely interested in your view and opinion .... i dont understand what you and dave are holding back from saying so please .....
er hello sorry is this conspiracy theory or a Goverment kept secret or what i would welcome some info on their system especially if its not what its ment to be who knows you might save me in a situation so please give me the low down
Hi Andrew, don't let anything I or others say spoil your enjoyment on what is a stunning Bike. Im sure there are good and bad examples of the ABS, in fact there are a heap of people on here (probably more happy than unhappy). But a good few of us have had the rather alarming failure of the ABS system. The lever comes all the way back to the bar and you have to make a second grab at the lever. Have a look for the rather lengthy thread on here, it will give you a full insight into some of our experiences. If I was you I would keep your braking system in pampered condition...lots of bleeds and fluid changes. For myself I could not gamble any longer and sold my 1yr old bike (on finance) and bought a newer NON ABS model (on more finance lol). Mr Kent is another of the ABS victims which is why he and I have an affinity lol As I say don't let this screw up your biking experience, the Blade is awesome and I hope you are trouble free for ever. Hope this satisfies your curiosity.
Get yourself a nice big cup of Horlicks, and set yourself down and read up several years worth of forum posts from around the world, then you will be up to date on what hellish experiences some of us have been through on Hondas Alzheimer's Braking System.
As said don't let it put you off, there is members that have never had an issue As for your mates tyre comment, don't let it push you past your comfort zone! Who cares how far over your going if your having fun and most importantly getting home safely! It annoys me when people feel the need to point out chicken strips as some people feel presurised into pushing themselves to the point of an accident Just have fun
WOW ........ i am lost for words wind sail knocked out put that in any order you like ..... i only bought the bike because Safety is my number one reason for buying the Honda WOW ....... I ride fast ......very fast...... age has taught me when you can push the envelope and when not to but when i am coming back down from typically 130/140 sometimes i need to very quickly.... especially when other vehicles become in range (auto bans of course) Stopping is everything anyone can turn the throttle but i dont claim to be an expert braker, that i thought was my incredible blades job, but you say you have had problems, if i thought for 2 mins there could be a problem, like you i would swap and be on BMW S1000 or is that going to be the same isssue ABS or is it honda problem....