ABS vs non-ABS

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by sauluk, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. sauluk

    sauluk New Member

    May 24, 2014
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    Am sure this has been done to death somewhere but I've read a lot of negative press on the C-ABS systems being faulty and am looking at a 2012 (facelift) blade which doesn't have ABS and am unsure whether to go with it?

    1. Is the system any good? I ride in all weathers but in 8yrs of riding have never locked up the front (although I did go over the handlebars on my 600rr!)
    2. Do people tend to only look for ABS equipped bikes second hand (thinking resale here)

  2. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    If you get one that works AND have confidence in it working then all is good. If you don't then you will probably chop it in quite quickly
  3. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I have a ABS 2011 blade and not had a single issue using the bike in anger on track or road. the ABS saved me once after I hit the throttle on grass and saved me dropping it.IE stopped well rather than locked so worth it for me
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  4. Dif950

    Dif950 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I have ABS and never had any issues with it,it even saved me from an off once so it works very well.
    However, I don't want to upgrade the lines or do a bleed on it with all the nightmare stories I've heard, so it's a double edged sword for me.
    I know it should have been bled twice by now as per manufacturers recommendations, but I have the attitude of if it ain't broke don't fix it which I know will give me problems in the future.
    My position is that I have a bike that works perfectly but I have a thought at the back of my mind of what if?
    Do I then chop it for a newer one without ABS and hope I don't lock up anytime and slide down the road, or an ABS version that may give me problems?
    My attention is being drawn to the BMW....
  5. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    NON ABS!!!... It's less to go wrong! I've had my Blade 4yrs now and never needed it and I don't ride like a nun and today tyres are so good I've never locked up!
    Non abs pros: weighs less, piss easy to bleed,better handling (more consistent braking and bike doesn't flatten off under braking and loads the front up to help feedback and turning) and no braking issues at all also you know your physical doing the stopping and not some computer assistant servos ;)

    No disrespect guys but everyone that has abs say that it has saved them from an off that makes me think that is either very intrusive and you would have had the same result on a non abs! I still reckon abs cause my mate to go off the road as he miss judged a corner, braked, the bike flatten off and run straight on into a grass banking! Braking is collar bone and wrist and a few £k damage to the Blade!
    #5 HRCTrev09, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  6. Andy

    Andy Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Also have abs version, never had an issue with it
    But sometimes it can feel a little like the bikes more in control of the brakes than I am

    It's a weird feeling when you stamp on the rear brake and the front end dips as it applies the front brake for you
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  7. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    If yove never had ABS, your not going to miss it.
    It will ask make servicing a little easier.
    If you get a bike with it all working nicely, its a great system.
    As for resale for every rider looking for a ABS they'll be another looking for one without...trust me!
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  8. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    As above matey... I have suffered the pain of an ABS Blade that was faulty, multiple brake failures from speed without warning. Like yourself the bike is used 12 months a year 5 days a week, so the miles rack up and the cost to maintain the poorly designed and packaged system rack up. Brake fluid changes are an absolute necessity with this system...factor at a dealer minimum 5 hours labour if they get it working first time.

    But the issue is simply, if you get a faulty one and then Honda wash their hands and walk away from you and you end up hating the bike.

    Now back on a non ABS Blade, never been happier and do not miss ABS one second, and that says a lot when piling 15K a year on a bike in all conditions. I am now in control of the bike, and not some Jap designers weekend garage project that went wrong.
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  9. sauluk

    sauluk New Member

    May 24, 2014
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    Thanks all, I've got a multistrada at the moment, it has ABS but I've never had it engage. Don't think I'd miss it as a result. Guess it's worthless 99% of the time but the 1% is the brown trouser moment where you could bin it! Gradually convincing myself to go for it!
  10. Slick

    Slick Elite Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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    I asked the very same question before I got a CBR ABS (09) on this forum and from the responses decided to get an ABS.

    The ABS even failed on my test ride but still bought it!!. Didn't have any issues for the first 6 months or so then the problems started, lever back to bar when feathering, flat batteries and really scary pant ruining sh1t when the ABS just couldn't slow down for a chicane from a 165mph+ straight on a track day!!!(can post a link if you want!!). Dealer did a load of warranty jobs and bled the system and serviced the calipers but the problems still returned.

    Was ready to bin the blade but persevered. Learnt how to bleed the lines with my eyes shut(with load help from other forum members), changed the MC to a Brembo RCS, stuck on Braided lines and changed the ECU to the latest unit and finally upgraded the forks to K-tech internals for my weight and riding style.
    Religiously service the calipers and discs once a month. The result is a bike that will give you concussion even in the wet if you brake too hard! I ride 18k ish a year in all weathers, sun, rain ,ice ,snow and a few track days(when the wife permits!) and the only other bike i'd have is the SP ABS!;)

    My blade required a lot of time and beer tokens to get to this, some are awesome out of the box, but unfortunately I have to concede that buying an ABS is a bit of lottery
    #10 Slick, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
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  11. Slick

    Slick Elite Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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    This is the difference - Honda C-ABS is aways active, the ECU decides how much pressure is applied at the calipers, from lock up scenarios down to feathering, essentially it's fly by wire braking
  12. Rukka

    Rukka New Member

    Apr 14, 2014
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    It's fully brake by wire above 6mph. Only ever had an "issue" with my 2011 ABS model when filtering below 10mph. Brake lever comes back about 1cm more than usual. Also if you turn on the ignition with the brake applied, does same thing. These "quirks" are referred to in the owners manual. (Who reads manuals eh peeps?) and are normal.

    Ridden it in anger now for 1500 miles inc a track day and had no issues. TBH felt great on track as I could brake later with confidence.

    All my other non Honda bikes have been non ABS. This is my first blade and first ABS.

    I take all the points about not needing it etc. and I don't think I need it either. But if you do.......it's there.

    Down to personal choice in the end. Plenty have had issues. Plenty haven't.

    Bleeding is a pain or expensive if done at dealers. Can be done yourself if your 5 stars with the spanners (enough info on here)

    You pays your money..........
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  13. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    There's always going to be winners & loosers in every camp.
    Had my ABS blade now three years in October. And never had a 'real Live' issue with the braking System.
    I'm neither in the mood to start an Argument or debate, But I can and will say this from a personal view only!
    The flattening of the battery issue was highlighted a couple of years ago by Bats, something was wrong with the brain of the older ABS ECU's and when you had pressed with the ignition off either the front or rear brake the ABS system had a fit and tried to re pressurise or what ever it does to the system.
    Bats did his homework and provided everyone on here who cared to look serial numbers of ECU's that could potentially throw up this problem.
    Having experienced a flat battery on no less than three occasions in a short period of time I took my case to Blackpool Honda who without any quibble changed the ECU.
    The problem stopped over night.

    As for the fading of the brake lever, under normal riding I have never had this problem.
    By normal I mean.
    Braking in one application of the brake lever before releasing it and tipping the fcucker in.

    But if I go to my garage even now and repeatedly dab my front brake lever it will after half a dozen taps pull back to the bar. 'but it won't flatten the battery'

    After I do this for you I can then go to the drive way, jump in my Nissan X-Trail and dab the brake pedal half a dozen times in quick succession and the brake pedal will with a little bit of juddering go to the floor too.
    'everyone now tries this in their ABS equipped cars' like the blades, some will, and some won't.

    So yes I do see the floors of the ABS System, and I do see the for and against arguments.
    But for me, unless I ask it to fuck up. It won't.

    So far ;)
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  14. andrew blake

    andrew blake New Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    i feel the need to add here ..... i would go ABS every time (and Kent i know your smiling at my post all be it that i know you disagree) now i am not the new kid lol
  15. Rukka

    Rukka New Member

    Apr 14, 2014
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    That's got to be the best quote of the day :D
  16. jude

    jude New Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    very true, i was one of the ones who sought a non ABS, id heard some of the stories(plus the extra cash for servicing etc) and decided as I've never had a bike with ABS before, i wouldn't miss it...........
  17. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Perhaps I should have used the word hasn't :D
  18. andrew blake

    andrew blake New Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    would never ride fast without with out ari or shoe would never ride fast without abs.......my blade is so fast that when i need to go from 130mph to 30mph i like to know its going to happen without worry... no panic no risk no lock no skid ..... anyone says otherwise is over confident period ! unless they know the road surface inch by inch, the humidity in the air and the meaning of life !
  19. andrew blake

    andrew blake New Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    anyone think they can out brake a computer on a wet road is frankly absent of mind
  20. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    No way!? Fuuuuuck that....

    Pull lever, squeeze fluid, brakes work, bike stops.

    Good enough for me.

    Personally wouldn't have on road or track as i just think its more to go wrong. Computers fail - fact.... Lever and fluid doesn't unless something quite obvious is broken....
    #20 Jimbo Vills, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
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