Looking like next year for me now, need to sort a van and waiting to hear from Robinsons on when my track fairings and bits will be fitted. I had angry words with them yesterday, some guy called Alan from Kawasaki UK phoned and told me that i had been very abusive to a salesman, i told him that if he had been in the same room i'd of rung his neck So for now i don't think I'm their best customer....
Ha bloddy hell Matt.. You sound an angry man! I don't blame you tho mate. I can understand how dissapointed you must be but hang in there son and it will come. You can look forward to year . If you fancy doing one tbo let me know. I can come to yours and pick you up with your gear. Ny van was a bargain! 550 for a swb 51 plate lol. Got it off my mate and didn't miss a beat on a 300 mile round trip to Anglessay
So you had a pop at a dealer and they ran off and cried to Kawasaki? If that had been me I would have told Mr Kawasaki to go stick something large and spikey between his glutomus maximus. FFS what right does he have to try and bollock you like a little school kid because you told a few home truths to a dealer. Too many people these days think you have to be nice to everyone when they are being knobs. If you act like a c@@t, expect me to treat you like a c@@t is my motto in such matters.
fraid niot,have a fun day,croft is belting track as long as you don't mind roughing it a bit,and have fun at the evening shenanigans
Great track .. Really enjoyed it . Struggled in the morning a little but got a good fee sessions in behind nige then I came on in the afternoon...I'll be going back. The groups weren't so big so no traffic .. Evening was great mate..are you getting a littke fitter Jamie?
Cheers scooby.. I was really enjoying it towards the end. I didn't want to push anymore for fearing going beyond the limit lol.. New blade yesterday as I've sold thd swan one to a member on here. The new ones a great spec but if I'm honest it wasn't handling aswell as the other. We did a bit of messing with the suspension and improved it but I'm at the end of the adjustment range do may need stiffer springs in the 30mm Ohlins kit. Looking like I'm going to be at Malory on Friday
oh and croft is all about big bollox,especially from tower to sunny,just need to hope the bike stays on the tarmac,although some of the run off is smoother
I'm on a new blade now scooby ha.. Picked it up last Sunday. top spec endurance bike with all the toys Defo big balls out. I was rolling off quite a bit in the morning through the left , right and right kinks before sunny in but pretty much flat through them on the afternoon . 4th gear then touching 5th before sunny in. Quite an easy track to learn i thougt. Pretty bumpy which added to the fun I felt .. Bike will better when fully set up..nige was real smooth on his Gixxer . Made a big difference to my day following him for a few sessions .. Roll on the next one Think I saw a virgin r1 going round when we were watching the inters on the out wall. Would that be him Steve?