RIP David Haines

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dave d, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Anyone that may be offended need to look into themselves and see it for what it is! ;) All this PC shit really gets on my tits :mad: It's only offensive if it's not one of their own making the jokes! We all have to watch what we say and do incase we offend we're also all told how to feel! I say BOLLOCKS!!!
    We are all civilised and know the score we don't need told!
    You are how you are and you feel what you feel and nobody has the right to try'n change that!!

    This world is really fcuked up where humanity seems to be non-existent in places and I can't my head round how a person brought up in this country can preform such terrible acts toward another human being still history shows its nothing new!

    Oh this isn't a dig at anyone on here I'm just on me soapbox guys ;)
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  2. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I'm sorry but I'm kinda disappointed to read some of the stuff I've read on this thread.

    This whole situation is extremely complicated and the people causing this problem really are a minority. News media makes its money by showing sensational stuff and we're only seeing what they choose to point their cameras at.

    In my experience the sort of people who try organise everyone into convenient pigeon holes or those who try to find broad-stroke approaches to complicated problems, ie anyone who would suggest that we "kill 'em all", tend to be people whose brains can't be arsed to think through the reasons behind the situation we're in or to try to find a solution. Basically their response is.......just make it go away.

    Killing is what's got us here. Us killing them. Them killing us. Simply piling more bodies up isn't going to make this go away. It's going to make it worse.

    Also.....who's going to do the killing?? Anyone who's suggested it on here??? I don't think so. They'll just sit behind their monitor and let someone else do it. Perhaps assuaging their guilt by telling themselves that they're a taxpayer so they're doing their bit by funding it??

    Perhaps stop to think for a second about what could cause IS and other fundamentals to behave like this?

    Can YOU ever imagine being so angry that you'd get onto a plane full of people and fly it into the side of a building? No of course not. We're all too busy worrying about what tyres to buy or the quality of various rearsets to really care. We'd not sacrifice ourselves to do something like that? Why???

    Are Muslims just mentally unstable??

    No. What they are is powerless. They can't stand and fight against NATO because they don't have the manpower. The money. The weapons. The training. You're talking about people dressed in light clothing facing the might of the most powerful nations on earth.

    We have Apache helicopters, advanced Main Battle Tanks, Nuclear Powered Submarines, Aircraft Carriers, Spy Planes, Satellites and hundreds of thousands of extremely well-trained personnel.

    They have Russian-made rifles, a few missiles and terror. That's why they cut people's heads off and upload it to the net. Because they're frightened and rightly so. They're using the only weapons they have.'s disgusting but is it any better than this?

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  3. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Free speech on forums (unless aimed directly at one forum individual)l is only when it becomes offensive I say........

    I guess we live in a society that is far too lenient towards dealing with crime and punishment especially in this when this type of crime is broadcast to such levels of atrocity and yes I agree to set fear into all of us watching its hardly surprising we want to see justice done in what ever it takes.......
    whatever it might take to wipe these swines out......there will be others being bred to take over......
  4. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Sorry Rich you are living in fantasy island .These pricks are preprogrammed to take over anywhere they can by any means .
    If they are so scared why are they rounding up there own kind 100s at a time marching them through villages and shooting each and every one of them in the head .
    I saw a clip yesterday of the very same thing but with the added treat of kicking them into a lake .
    This is what the world finds disgusting .ps if you want me to send you a clip currently on Facebook of a chanting crowd of brave men kicking a women whilst she is on the floor at the same time as filming it on the super posh iPhones I will !but please be warned it ends with these same scared men dropping a large concrete block on her head in which they seem to delight over .
    Get a grip dude it's a real world out there.
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  5. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I'm well aware of what's going on, Giv. I've seen the clips too. Nobody's arguing with the fact that it's disgusting and I'm not questioning the fact that this bunch of fundamentals are completely off the rails.

    As I've said you're seeing relatively isolated incidences that you're only aware of because someone's taken video of it and posted it on the net and then the news media shove it in your face to make sure you get good and angry.

    Also I'm not suggesting that these guys who are committing these atrocities are scared of the unarmed women and powerless folk around them but you can guarantee that they're scared of NATO.

    I'm not living in fantasy land. These pricks may want to take over anywhere they can. Doesn't mean that they'll manage it.

    I just think we need to be careful not to start generalising about Muslims and anytime I start seeing pictures of Enoch Powell I know what's coming next.
  6. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I know where your coming from Rich good call ;) image.jpg
  7. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State or whatever name you would like to call them are now big enough to be a target, in the same way that the Taliban became big enough to be taken on with conventional forces. Hopefully this time the leaders won't take their eye off the ball like Bush did with the Taliban.

    As to whether or not a video of a Chopper taking out a bunch of combatants is the same as the beheading of a journalist/aid worker, well in my eyes yes there is a huge difference. The armed forces taking on people like this are governed not only by the Geneva Convention, but also by Military, Civil and International Law. The people they are fighting are either combatants who wear identifiable uniform/insignia, or they are agents/saboteurs who are not identifiable and the moment they pick up arms can be killed. Even then most Rules of Engagement mean that they are not fired on until they become "active." My info is a bit dated but I'm sure others on here with more recent experience can correct/update if necessary

    A lack or armour, artillery or other weapons does not make them any less dangerous, and believe you me they are dangerous. ISIS have armour etc which they have captured in Syria, but they are not daft enough to place it in front of Western forces. They have seen enough footage over the recent years to know what chance a T55/62/72 stands against us or the Americans.

    If ISIS are not stopped they will continue to expand in an effort to spread their rule and grow their sphere of influence, and before long they will start encroaching into Turkey, a country who is a member of NATO. Under NATO Article 5, which states that member states are to come to the aid of any member state subject to an armed attack, we will be obliged to get involved and so it is merely a matter of time before we are involved in the conflict. As I have previously said, hopefully it will be alongside other Arab states, but if it becomes a NATO issue it will happen without them.
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  8. Mad Matt

    Mad Matt Absolutely Bonkers Mad...

    Jan 11, 2014
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    You really think they want to take over anywhere they can?? You mean like march into countries and kill the locals, take the land as their own??

    Oh boy i really do hope this isn't right, i mean its like the British Empire starting all over again.....;)
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  9. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    They are a virus, and it's a global epidemic.
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  10. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Barstewardsquad, there is a huge difference in YOUR eyes because you're on the side that's holding the big stick. Geneva convention? Rules? Put yourself in an IS fighter's shoes. Are you going to fight by the rules that the Western powers want you to fight by? No of course not because you'd get wiped out in a week.

    Remember..... rightness entirely depends on your point of view. Let's not forget that at the end of WW2, when Germany was pretty much on its knees, the RAF and USAF firebombed Dresden and Hamburg. Many think that it was tactically unnecessary and was basically a war crime but as an Englishman do I feel bad about it? No of course not. They started the war. You reap what you sow.

    A lack of armour etc doesn't make them less dangerous? Uhh.... Yes it does. We're the ones with the ability to fly over other country's territories with impunity and bomb the crap out of it. We're the ones whose military rolled the largest standing army out of the way in a few weeks during the opening weeks of the Iraq war. We're the truly dangerous ones and they know it.
  11. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    BoroRich. I did start to reply to each point but then decided that you are entitled to your opinion and that anything I wrote would probably not sway you. So I decided not to post it all and instead respect your right to have your own opinion. Sadly ISIS and their ilk would not do so.
  12. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Where the fcuk are The Expendables when you really need'um Ehh! ;)
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  13. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    That's cool. Just so long as we agree that my opinion is the right one :D
  14. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Bloody hell, are you my wife!

  15. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I'm probably not tall enough :(
  16. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    She's 5'3" tall when calm, about 6'7" when pi$$ed off :eek:
  17. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Mine's the opposite. Quite tall when calm. Short and shrew-like when aggravated.

    Hope she doesn't read this :eek:
  18. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Coward, I showed this to the missus just after posting.

    Having first made sure she was in a good mood;)
  19. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I’ve got a time on my hands today as our global network and emails are down.

    Having read through the posts of the whole thread I have gone through a whole range of emotions, smiled at some, disappointed by others and laughed at Nick’s list of evidence.

    Luckily we live in a country of free speech so all the comments are valid, which ones I agree with and which I don’t is irrelevant. But the most intelligent comment I read was this point made by Rich “I just think we need to be careful not to start generalising about Muslims”

    It’s not the Muslim religion that’s at fault it’s the evil people that prey on the weak minded convincing them of their version of what that that religion means. Manipulation of mainly good meaning but badly written ancient writings that were probably relevant at the time they were written but are now open to interpretation, good or bad but in this case bad. Radicalisation being the modern word for it.

    I read quite a lot, mostly fact and very seldom fiction. If you really want to get an understanding of the above read ‘Agent Storm-My life inside Al Qaeda’ the true story of Mortan Storm. It’s quite an eye opener.

    How this has personally affected us in my household is that every week day L travels on the Piccadilly Line between Kings Cross and Central London, the same as she did on the 7th July 2005 when she was traveling on the train 1 minute behind the one that got blown up. She along with everyone else on that train had to walk back to Kings Cross through the tunnel in the dark. She would have been on the actual train that got blown but it was so packed she couldn’t get on. It might be a long time ago but trust me the memory is far from in the past, she copes with it by just doing what she has always done. Carry on but and try not to think about the next time it happens.

    Fordy99 that used by on the forum copes in his own way. He drives into the City everyday as he can’t bring himself to go back on the tube, having said that he was also in one of the twin towers when they got hit. He thinking is twice is enough, and who can blame him.

    You only have to look back through history to see it all before, and those of us that are Christians are far from guilty.

    The West is also to blame in modern times. Whilst without doubt the likes of Saddam Hussain and Muammar Gaddafi were evil tyrants, what they had achieved was quelling the simmering hatred between the Sunni and Shia factions. By removing them we opened a can of worms, and some of those worms are turning on us. Did the West really care about the Kuwait people; no it was the price of oil.

    Anyway back on thread… I feel desperately sorry David Haines and his family and everyone else affected, Muslim or non muslim, by this horrible situation.
    #39 Freedom of choice, Sep 17, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
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  20. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Who's generalising about Muslims? BoroRich if you're gonna quote someone get it in the right context. I thought this thread was regarding the IS terrorists who are committing atrocities in the Middle East. With so many countries over there prepared to do something about them,I think 'kill them all' is on most peoples minds. You can't educate a cockroach,you exterminate them. Like it or not we live in a multi faith culture and they are as disgusted by this as we are,and would be quite happy to see this IS problem 'disappear'.

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