For those who staring out it pays to keep it simple, understand Aperture, shutter and sensitivity (ISO). The photographic triangle. Av (aperture value) size of hole in lense, big number = small hole! big number/small hole is more of background in focus, big hole more light smaller f number less of background in focus. Tv (time value) easy, time shutter is open, film/sensor needs light to expose an image so trade off with Av and moving subject etc. ISO (used to be ASA with film) camera sensitivity, more sensitivity less time shutter need to be open to expose an image, trade off with above. That's my poor explanation lol Haha, that you Ken...
Raw and JPEG is okay. I do it myself. If I get what I want, I'll use the JPEG. If I don't, I can go back to the raw. As Arthur said earlier, make use of your exposure compensation control. The effect can be quite noticeable with digital. I always shot transparency film slightly underexposed to saturate the colours and I tend to shoot digital the same. In your scene above, the flat light and colours very similar in tone have conspired to make your meter average everything out and under exposed. Your exposure compensation dial lets you over ride that without changing your settings.
Works for me bud, but that's cheating 'cos we teach this stuff. This site is brilliant and I've stolen from......sorry, quoted from it on many occasions. Great tutorials, clear, graphical explanations. Camera Exposure: Aperture, ISO & Shutter Speed
Try shooting to the right a bit, (upto 1 stop +ec) but don't blow the highlights ( if you do, you'll never recover the detail, ever). If you shoot to the right, you can then knock the exposure back a third of a stop in post, which result in cleaner, more dynamic images, and you will recover the details in the shadows and dark areas without a noise penalty. I always shoot RAW, and covert to Tiff for print, JPEG for web or email. Canons tend to under expose by a third of a stop to stop blowing highlights, but you may get a noisier image when manipulated in post. Shooting to the right recovers a lot of detail and has a cleaner image. A lot of white in the image may require +2 ec ( maybe more) a lot of black may require -2 ec., again..maybe more.
Yes that's the place , Have you been before? There's about 4 feeding stations around here all within a hours drive , But I picked that one .
You want a good shot of red kites feeding, tie a rabbit to your GoPro, fix it to your helmet and ride down the M40.
First time I drove from London to Oxford was before the success of the kites in Wales was big news. The sky all along the M40 was thick with them. It blew me away to see birds considered to be rare in such a public and incongruous location.
Bloody hell really ? Of the 4 feeding stations I know of Around 1200 kites turn up for there feed, Coming from over ten miles away , There seems too be a lot around now I think mostly down too these feeding stations .
Well they're predators. They know that any risk they take in catching food can be catastrophic, so some farmer shovelling already dead chickens out of a digger bucket is considered a result. On the motorway, it's road kill, with the added risk of a juggernaut up the jacksie. But, of course, not many of them managed to go home to tell everyone not to risk it a second time.
No, we don't have any around here. We're buzzard central here, buzzards and a lot of hawks, particularly one that loves to turn my garden into an abbatoir (poor old Bert gets most of the blame for that). I live on an RSPB sanctuary so it's like a sushimi bar for raptors.
Been a few times now as it's a good day out for us as you can have a walk around aswell Get there with plenty of time as once he comes with his tractor they go bonkers When the first lot seem to have finished hang around for a bit as there seemed to Be a round 2 the last couple of times we went Cost about 5 or 6 quid to get in and you have a choice of hides aswell Enjoy your day there fella
Haha that's just up the road from me! Stokenchurch is the best place along there There's a cafe just before the motorway that feeds them aswell