I'm doing the ron haslam school on wed which looks like heavy rain I don't ride in the rain and am starting to crap myself a bit! What can and can't you do in the wet? Any hints or tips please guys, i have enough titainium in me already and don't fancy a top up
With proper Wets on you can get ya knee down easy in the pissing rain! Don't know whether these Track Day Schools use wets or whether they just use Bogo Road Tyres all year through.
they will give you all the tips+advice you'll need if it's a training day,but the most important thing is to be smooth on the throttle and a bit more gradual on the brakes. I'd be very surprised if they don't run their training bikes with wets on if needed.
As far as I know the tyres are road tyres to be used on dry and wet conditions. Either way the instructors are great and will teach you how to ride fast in the wet. They do this all year round so they teach you to ride in the conditions on the day. Some people say they learn a lot more on track when being trained in the pissing rain- you'll have fun no matter what. Enjoy and don't panic!
Don't worry Martin I've phoned ahead and they have a selection of bikes tailored for you as you gain confidence during the day
Martin, the instructors only go as fast as is safe.. so ifs its wet, they will ride within their limits and you will be following copying their lines etc.. you'll love it
,if it's pissing down and they only have road tyres on,whats the point in having a track training day? surely they should have wet tyres so you can actually enjoy the experience and have confidence on the bike?