Childcare and work phone calls the legal/ethic side

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by coupe312, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. coupe312

    coupe312 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Just been out of mobile contact all day, now i have phone contact. my missus has run me to ask if nursery had got hold of me.

    it turn out this morning my little lad ( he is two and half) has fallen over and bust his nose and split it across the ridge.
    nursery has done the correct thing and called my better half, emergency contact number.

    My better half works at a call center so cant have her mobile on whilst a work and so any emergency must go though a work emergency number.
    As instructed the nursery called the number only to be told they wouldn't pass this information and hung up.

    Nursery call 3 time to see if they could get any " more appropriate response" no avail and was to want important enough on the final call.

    the nursery did then next best thing then a call my mother who had been on a night shift but went to get my little lad to comfort him, whilst taking him hospital.

    now in no way do i blame the nursery he's a little boy doing what little boys do and he cant defy gravity.

    however i do think the call center is well out of order

    Now i don't want to go in all guns blazing however is there any legal responsibility for a company to pass these messages on? it certainly seam they should have a ethic judgment to make here.

    or am i just pissed off for no reason....... any input would be welcome

    hulk smash moment coming on here
    #1 coupe312, Oct 31, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
  2. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    I am not from HR , but I would ask your Mrs to ask for the name and contact details of the HR manager of the company.

    Advise a serious incident has taken place which you wish to discuss in private with them as you feel the company has acted in an un-ethical and unreasonable way which has caused considerable personal issues. Ask for the name of the employee who refused to pass message on, and also for a recording of the call the nursery made.

    Point out that you followed the correct procedures the company had put in place but in this case there was clearly a breakdown in the process which needs to be addressed - I would also point out that as an employer they should be supporting their employees in their work life balance and in particular those with young children, where additional flexibility is required at times.

    When the green tinge has subsided you may feel it is more appropriate to write this down and send it recorded delivery / by hand, just in case the Hulk should re-appear.

    Try and take the view 'one of their employees, who almost certainly does not have children needs further training and guidance' - it may get better results.
  3. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    I don't think they are allowed to refuse contact in an emergency situation and I'm sure it's also law that they have to grant time off for a dependant (unpaid) whenever it is needed
  4. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    I'm sure if the Police rang enquiring about an employee they'd have been a tage more 'helpful' ?
  5. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    That's bang out of order not passing on a message like that,someone has well overstepped the mark. I think in a situation like that there may well be something in the company policy that allows the transferring of personal calls. With regards to the law,an employee is legally allowed to take a reasonable amount of time off work for unforeseen circumstances with regards to the caring of children.
  6. coupe312

    coupe312 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    my little lad is a tuff little nut, but has a black nose, and both eyes , lucky it ant broken really.

    he shared his pain by wacking my nose with a sky remote...

    i am going to turn into a angry letter tonight, might type it green so its positive.
    then i read it again tomorrow, and again Sunday. i'm sure you have notice my grammar/spelling is terrible.

    its done nothing to help the better half hate of this job. i cant get how anyone can think a problem with a child is not important or shouldn't be passed on.

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    I couldn't have worded it any better.
  8. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Well I cannot help much more but thats not on. as said I would talk to someone in the know and find out why this happened.

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