The Worst road users

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mike07, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Mike07

    Mike07 Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Undoubtedly the worst road users are 'everyone else but me'. But what group of road users, do people think are the ones that abuse the rules of the road most, and treat other road users with contempt. examples would help.
  2. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Seems like a fun thread!
    I find that women, and men, are the worst group of road users.
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  3. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Ahhh keeping it sensible JM.

    I find you get dicks in, cars, bikes, cycles, Lorrys, scooters, Buses, van's etc..

    My personal hate at the moment is Buses and Cycles.
    Buses as they will pull out right after indication not matter if your half way past them before they indicate.

    Cycles as most of the Biggest's idiots are the fully Hi viz'ed up, Lycra wearing cycles. All got their lights on yes ride through Reds, On paths to get around cars.
    Yet if you hit one coming through a red and your all fine to pass said lights. I can bet your going to be asked more questions by the BIB and breath tested than the arse going through the red

    No I have no experience of hitting a cyclist going through a red YET!
  4. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I cycle, fortunately not in cities at the moment, drive a car and ride a bike. The ones I hate are the ones who do the unexpected, and more often than not it is taxi drivers, both hackney and private hire.

    They are normally the most likely to swing a sudden u-turn or last second turn up a side road etc. I know anyone can do that but it's normally taxi drivers in my experience.
  5. Mike07

    Mike07 Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Not the worst, I'll save them up. But getting there are Farmers and site traffic. Farmers seem to be quite happy to deposit the entire field they have been working on, onto the blind part of a bend. Site traffic deposit a lovely sloppy slippery sludge down long lengths of road. All great fun till you fall.
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  6. Mike07

    Mike07 Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Hermaphrodites are your favourite then.
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  7. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Anyone who uses a mobile phone in the hand behind the wheel of a vehicle..
    IMO the punishment should be
    when caught...instant 1 year driving ban, I mean in get out of the car hand over the keys, find some public transport !!, minimum £1k fine + expenses for the recovery and storage of the vehicle and compulsory full driving test when the driving ban has ended.
    Of course should the use of the phone be an attribute to a RTA, then the sentence only gets worse.

    I'd advertise these rules regarding mobile use on all social media for a month before it came into force so that anyone caught after this time had no excuse to say they didn't know

    It really boils my piss seeing arrogant people from all walks of life driving and using a phone thinking the law doesn't apply to them and if they get caught it's only a fine and a few points.
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  8. 1000rr73

    1000rr73 Active Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Not everyone uses social media btw, but I pretty much agree with everything else. If those in charge were genuinely interested in reducing road deaths and casualties this should be a no brainer.... And not focus their energies on the miles and miles of average speed cameras they are installing which are just a pre cursor to road charging.

    M3NTALIST New Member

    Mar 20, 2014
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    I get very frustrated with elderly who do 25mph in a 50mph limit, I see it a lot on my daily "pick the wife up run" which takes me through a national speed limit country road. I don't expect them to do 50mph all the way as that would be too fast for this particular road, but it would be nice if they could manage a sensible speed throughout, which would stop me being the plank trying to pass them.

    Andy B
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  10. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Taxi drivers - who make their own rules up and everybody else is in the wrong.
    Bus drivers - who seem to pull out on everyone, especially from bus stops.
    Lorry drivers - who wait for cars about to cross their path on roundabouts before pulling out, although they are more aware of bikers.
    Old people - who drive slowly and seem not to be able to use their mirrors.
    VW drivers - who think they are in a Ferrarri.
    Reps (yes I am one) - who think lane 3 is theirs ;)
    School run mums - Who can't park for sh!t and never let anyone out at junctions.
    Boy racers (even though we were all one once) - Experts at tailgating as they are drive the fastest cars on the road and everybody else is in their way.
    Learners (plus above) - Who are just too slow and I don't care that we were all one once :p
    Cyclists - who think it's ok to run 2 or more abreast doing much less than the speed limit.

    And finally:-
    Motorcyclists - because we appear out of nowhere and disappear into the distance just as quickly.

    Have I missed anyone :D
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  11. AshBlade

    AshBlade Riding Goddess

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Farmers,Pheasants,Deers and likkle old Ladies and Gents.. they scare the Bejesus out of me.. And every thing Muffking said.. :D
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  12. Mad Matt

    Mad Matt Absolutely Bonkers Mad...

    Jan 11, 2014
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    My other half once said she wanted to drive a car, but once i had pointed out that she just wouldn't have time what with ironing, cooking and cleaning she was grateful for my superior knowledge ....
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  13. raphael

    raphael Elite Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    I don't like the twat in the van with the paper on the steering wheel
    The muppet in the Audi with the ipad on the wheel
    The young girl going her make up
    And the div texting in the merc all on my commute every morning! All of which have hit me at some point then called me a wanker for being next to them as they drift across the road
  14. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Middle lane hoggers on the motorway and outside lane hoggers on duel carriageways! They're generally the same people and boil my piss.

    Also truckers who decide to overtake just because they are going 0.1mph quicker than the one in front.

    Also people who drink drive - I don't understand why you'd even think about dong it.
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  15. Pete H

    Pete H Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Unqualified, drunk, dvd porn watching, and generally uncooperative Eastern European LGV drivers.

    Xenophobic? Nope, backed by numbers and extensive personal experience of these f**kwits racing for the Hull, Killingholme, Immingham ferries along the M62 / M18 / M180

    Research indicates accidents involving left hand drive HGVs mainly occur on the main arterial routes (motorways, A roads and trunk roads) and most involve the HGV overtaking or changing lanes. Left-hand drive HGVs are 3.4 times more likely to be involved in these types of crashes than right-hand drive HGVs. One third of HGVs involved in sideswipe collisions are foreign registered left-hand drive HGVs, even though these vehicles only account for 2% of HGV journeys in Britain. The drivers of left-hand drive HGVs are more likely to be at least partially at fault for the accidents in which they are involved, most commonly because they 'failed to look properly'.

    Annually in the UK, 18 people killed, 47 seriously injured and 720 slightly injured in road accidents involving foreign registered left hand drive HGVs.

    We have no mechanism to enforce the requirement for licences and training because we as a country aren't signed up to a cross European driving licence database, because the govt worried that it would lead to UK citizens being pestered for speeding on their holidays abroad.
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  16. GaryS

    GaryS Active Member

    May 25, 2013
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    Worst Drivers- it's just opinion.

    Addison Lee people carrier drivers in London ( do these twats have to fail a test, either eye sight or full driving to get a job?) and er..... No I can't resist it .....
    As my old skool 'friend' Dave Cuff who incidentally pulled out on my Z650 in his mums VW Golf half pissed one Sunday afternoon,once said with no hint of irony;
    'Only idiots generalise'.

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  17. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    BMW drivers for me,I drive in excess of 30k miles a year and my observation of BMW drivers in their "ultimate driving machine" :rolleyes: is they truly believe the hype that they are somehow superior to everybody else on the road.
    Cutting people up, tailgating,not bothering to indicate etc...there is the odd exception but generally in my opinion/ experience they are complete knobs.:eek:
  18. RepsolPaul

    RepsolPaul Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Where do I start, getting angry thinking about them.

    Bus drivers !!! I thought mirror, signal, manuvore applied to all road users !! They think their except because of a rule that we have to let them go, not letting just stopping before you hit them.
    Then giving hand gestures, but melt and won't get out bus.

    Cyclists!!!! You pull out, jump lights and dice with death with me, I beep or shout to try and educate you and I'm the Pr#ck !!!

    Slip roads, On and off !!!! People who think it's ok to go to the very end of it as we sit in traffic, swerving around people trying to join sensibly and moan when I tell them where to go or others that drive along the dual carriageway/ motorway and expect to be let in as I/we have queued for ages, Pi$$takers, have to let them in or the chances are someone will hit them and cannon them in to me after !!!

    It's been a long day, trying to soak in the bath and now F angry, roll on tomorrow's van trip I to the City of London !!!

    Smile and the world will smile with you ?? Will they F €#K
    #18 RepsolPaul, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
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  19. red~griffin

    red~griffin Active Member

    Apr 13, 2014
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    There's no particular breed that I have a problem with. Although post men and bus are narking me a bit lately. I always have let buses out where possible. Although as they religiously don't let me out whether I'm on my bike in my van or driving at work in a wagon or unimog. They now do not qualify for being flashed out. My peeves and this seems to go for Joe public car drivers mostly, not indicating correctly; wrong lane round roundabouts then looking at you like your the tit; not using mirrors. An ambulance actually went right round a roundabout in the outside lane to turn right, didn't use mirrors didn't indicate and wondered why she had a unimog nearly on her bonnet the other day( they weren't on a call I might add). I guess we all have off days though. And you only see someone's off driving of 30 seconds out of a possible full day driving. First impressions eh
  20. red~griffin

    red~griffin Active Member

    Apr 13, 2014
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    A mate was late for work one day I phoned him to see where he was it went like this
    Adam: alright I'm stuck in traffic on the m62, blah blah.. Hang on noooo she f*#king is.
    Me: what?
    Adam: you know when you see fellas sometimes using electric shavers on the way to work
    Me: yea
    Adam: well this bird in the 207 next to me is shaving her arm pits
    Me: piss off

    He took a photo it was a wet Razer too.:eek:

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