Opps - Broke me Leg

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RepsolSam, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    You've had a run round mate! Hyperbaric may help you as I said about Brian Simpson early on. Calcium tablets are a good idea, when I broke my arm they said no bikes for six months, exercise (not easy for you) and a good diet etc plus the tablets I was back riding in 6 weeks, no hyper for me as I could not afford it at the time. Do you smoke? If you do give it up, if not then I can only hope the hyper helps you out. Good luck mate sounds like you need some.
    #101 arthurbikemad, Nov 7, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
  2. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I've been having these Calcium and Vitamin D plus Vitamin K | Healthspan for the last 3 weeks but wished now I'd taken then for the beginning.
    Know what you mean about the stomach, I'm having to take iron because of blood loss through bruising and internal bleeding but at first it was in liquid form. My god I felt sick all the time, jet black turds and couldn't stand anything sweet or tea, thankfully on stomach friendly tablets now :)
    The Best Foods for Healing Broken Bones | LIVESTRONG.COM this makes good reading too.
  3. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Professor treating me said no smoking or take anti-inflammatory tablets (Ibuprofen) either, slows down healing and the tannin in tea/coffee can also slow the ability of the body to absorb calcium from food, don't you just love water ;-)
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  4. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Dunno why any Fucker Smokes TBH!

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  5. Gilesy

    Gilesy Elite Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    gadz.... never been a smoker and never want to!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. RepsolSam

    RepsolSam Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Just a quick update - have had 2 sessions in the oxygen chamber.

    on the first session, i could feel my toes loosen up while i was in there..my toes have been really stiff for over 4 day.
    2 days later i can move my toes up and down..
    2nd day session - in the evening, my swelling has gone down on my foot a fair bit - i can now see my vein (something i have not seen since before the accident)

    Over all feel better, and have managed other things in 2 days including:

    Balancing on my 2 feel without crutches, and doing my foot exercises
    Full weight bear for 15 seconds a time with my okay leg lifted up behind me (started this last night was screaming in pain) this morning was allot easier

    So looking promising..

    Also meeting some nice people in the chamber, mainly those suffering from MS & strokes.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Gilesy

    Gilesy Elite Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    nice one.. glad I could help ;)
  8. Gregr

    Gregr Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Holy crap dude looks like you had a rubbish time of it, pleased to see your recovery is on track.
    Makes me realise how very very lucky I was when I smashed my blade into a car this year, totalled the bike but "walked" away with some real bruises and nasty "swellings" where you really don't need (see "The Final Report" in touring section)

    Get well soon, and enjoy that new motor, unless your wife hospitalises you when she finds out :D
  9. RepsolSam

    RepsolSam Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Been few days over 3 months now..

    Wife goes was it worth it...I said yes every second of it..(talking about my holiday) and not the months iv had to spend with her!

    Anyway..so nervous - have an xray tomorrow..

    Oxygen has helped, I can now walk without crutches.

    Started to rip out the seats from my e60 - in the middle of change of Sub's :)

    Bought a new toy..think I'm going crazy at home!!

    Ritch, how you getting on?

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  10. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Good luck with the xray today I've another week to go before my next encounter with a xray machine.
    2.2 miles done the other day walking the dogs and not too sore on returning home, also managing stair ok now so fingers crossed for next week and the removal of my metalwork.
    Loving the gun, I opted for Lego Technic models with the last one taking 11 hours to build. Have also been to watch a few track days at Oulton Park and Anglesey Circuit plus some of the forum boys off here came down and took me out for the Wales Rally, so getting out the home now is stopping me going stir crazy, been 23 weeks now and fed up of the whole thing a bit like you good self Sam.
    Anyhow hope it went well today for you mate,
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  11. RepsolSam

    RepsolSam Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Well the Doc said it will be the other side of Christmas the from comes off..last month he said 2-3 months..

    I have been looking closely and I can see light white stuff..does not show up well on the xray..its bone!! :)

    Have like a ball of bone on the inside of my leg - he said this is good..as this will shift as u walk and blood starts flowing..

    Been called in 2 weeks for a CT Scan - as he said this will give a better picture

    One picture is from last month (the one with more bone there)

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  12. Gilesy

    Gilesy Elite Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    keep your chin up.. looks like some progress albeit seems small in your eyes.. you'll be able to laugh about it in a couple of years :)
  13. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Glad to see things are healing for you and your xray looks like my 18 week one with the white bones stuff forming. I've got my next appointment Wednesday so my fingers are crossed and I'm now managing 2 and a bit miles of dog walking so here's hoping!
  14. RepsolSam

    RepsolSam Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Well an update..

    i really thought he would have taken it off on my last appointment - i am now walking without my stick, have managed to wash my car afew times too... :D its cold!


    Last month, after the Xray - he said 2-3 months more (recovery is slow)
    20 Days of oxygen and the pills - lots of walking with a stick to get things moving..
    Xray one month later, thing looking good - CT Scan ordered to make sure all is ok..

    CTScan: looks good..only problem is Christmas is approaching..so he said its best to wait till after in case i fall or something and he will not be around to help.

    Next appointment 7th Jan - he will remove the struts and see if i can walk, if yes i can either take Gas and he will remove the frame..or do it at the private hospital as i am covered if i get admitted (so stupid buppa are arguing over a £230 payment i had when not admitted, yet they are ok to pay £1000's if i get admitted!

    He will put me to sleep and remove it... :cool:

    Will have to wear a space boot for a while when i go out, will be able to full load bear..

    So 3 weeks to go..
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  15. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Good news then Sam, I'm back to work tomorrow on light duties only for 4 months but after speaking to consultant today it'll be 2 years before bones is back to the way/structure it should be :-(
    Going to put separate post up with x-rays and stuff on.
  16. Gilesy

    Gilesy Elite Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    you boys are still going through the mill eh! at least there is the sight of the light approaching from that tunnel now... :)
  17. RepsolSam

    RepsolSam Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Yea...so close...can't wait till the 7th...tick tok...tick tok..

    I would say I'm am 85% mobile at the moment.

    Wife is insisting on going hospital with me..ha like that's going to happen...have had very little help, if any from her in last few months!

    She says its self inflected...to some point I agree..but I don't really care...just want this off!
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  18. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Fingers crossed for you Sam, hope it all goes well on the 7th for you.
    My misses was the same, "Told you not to go out, now look what's happened". Maybe there related like distant cousins or sometime :)
  19. RepsolSam

    RepsolSam Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Still looks very broken...4 months on...

    Frame still coming off next Friday...

    My buppa covers me if I am admitted..so going back to the private hospital...and will be put to sleep when removed... :cool:

    Am able at walk around... And do things...

    Will be a long week for me..



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  20. Gilesy

    Gilesy Elite Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    keep your chin up if you can..

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