Would you buy a new bike from a dealer you don't like

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Remal, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Hate giving money to companies that do not look after customers..... BUT, in the case of a new bike I would buy from the cheapest (after all it takes time to earn it) and then use the garage of my choice for it's maintenance and parts etc. Besides, it is nice to screw the ones you don't like to a low profit.

    I think I only ever purchased once from a local dealer and that was because he was the cheapest.
  2. Cbrjay

    Cbrjay Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
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    I bought from a dealer I never like and regret it, shite customer service but better deal
  3. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Whenever I require a new car or bike and have to make the trip to the dealers, I find the whole process a miserable experience that ranks somewhere between a visit from the tax inspector and a colonoscopy!
    A simple cashier service would suffice I don't need any more "friends", freebies or gimmicks just a simple hassle free transaction.
  4. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Simple answer is no.

    I called into Chiswick Honda a few weeks ago to have a look at both the new CB1100EX and the VFR1200 as I am looking for something passenger friendly to the little lady happy.

    They had a VFR in the showroom but not a 1100EX. I stood around for while waiting for someone to come and talk to me but all I got was the odd glance and then totally ignored. Eventually one of the half wit salesmen wandered over, the one that watched me park my car by the window. I told him what I was interested in and why.

    The first things he asked me was if I was buying new and if I needed finance and I said New and I would be paying cash.

    He then lead me away from the VRF and over to a VFR800 and "told me" this was the motorcycle I wanted.

    I asked about the 1100EX and was told "we don't have any", he then apologised and said he needed to take a phone call.

    I watched him walk back to his desk and instead of talking a phone call he had a couple of bites out of his lunch !! Can you believe it.

    At which point I turned tail and started to leave, he came back over chewing his sandwich and asked me if I wanted to take some information about the finance deals on offer.

    I looked him the eyes and said whilst I can see he had two ears he should really start and use them and as for his mouth, if he cant wait five minutes to stuff it then I would go somewhere else and spend my money.

    Flagship Honda dealer my arse.
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  5. TheRamJam

    TheRamJam Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2013
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    I personally wouldn't buy from a dealer i don't like.

    Back in 2009 I just passed my test and having decided my first bike was going to be a Suzuki SV650S i went to my local dealer.

    I had £1500 pound in my back pocket ready to put down on one. I was really excited so when I got to the shop I saw the bike I wanted with a for sale sticker on it of £4700, I immediately Sat on the bike to try it out for size. The sales lady promptly told me off for sitting on the bike and I was asked to get off before i did any damage to it.

    I walked out the shop and bought the same bike from a dealer in Ayr for £200 less, a years free Tax, and a full tank of gas. Even to this day I will never buy anything there.
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  6. Kevin1

    Kevin1 Elite Member

    May 30, 2012
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    That reminds me of when I went to my local bike shop back in the 80's. I went to buy a GS1000 and I couldn't get the sales guy to take me seriously, so I bought elsewhere.
  7. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Now come on RamJam be fair! You could have torn the seat with that bulging wad in your back pocket!! :D
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  8. Julian

    Julian Active Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    Remal have you tried Branson's in Yeovil found their customer service superb
    #48 Julian, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
  9. gray

    gray Active Member

    Aug 7, 2011
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    When I was looking for a new bike last year, went to my local Honda dealer and said interested in the new sp he had, which was up on a display, I said can I sit on it , to which he promptly replied , just sit on one of the fire blades mate there exactly the same.... End of conversation

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